The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Haha way to go!! I haven't had anything super potent for a few months. That would be my Ice lol. Smoke them up Westy!!!

Talk to ya, suppose I should go shovel my steps : !)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
good tune, heard it a few times but never caught that. theres one tune on his last album "is that lemon".... "na its cheese blud" lmao ;) hehehe

edit - caught the cheese reference at 2:40 ish ;)


Well-Known Member
westy i think it has to be said, the deep pyscho male on the front row is the daddy, i would let him spluff on my ladies any day!.

edit. bump that for all the people with only ten posts per page, check out these nuts.

second edit. how long in 12/12 is he?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
What's going on Mr West! Some of your last chop must be getting a little cure to it now? Gotta love having some full jars lol. Whatcha ya tokin this evening.

Liking the potency of this C-4 bro! Just went up and sacrificed a few more buds to the cause lol snip snip. Cause highlander wants to get high!

mr west

Well-Known Member
smoking some dog kush and its hitting the button alright. Chopped my livers today lolso thatll be a new flavour to try in a few days

mr west

Well-Known Member
Yeah its a stinker alright lol, lukily its very windy outside so i keep letting some stink out and getting fresh in lol