The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

I tried the extended dark period last year and didnt really see much of a diffrence to be honest i think its an old stoners wifes tale bout panicing into producing more thc lol.
Ill take the whole plant wen i take it, so it is what i got instead of part of.
Johnny u liking the cheese then, its a beautifull smoke that does exactly what u want it to do. I was so tempted wen i see all the cloudy trichs on the uk cheese. I go and have a smell every day lol.


Exodus cheese.


Ghs cheese.


bb cheese

Its time to give us some more pics like this before harvest please mr west tomorrow yes? :lol:
I tried the extended dark period last year and didnt really see much of a diffrence to be honest i think its an old stoners wifes tale bout panicing into producing more thc lol.

Yeah, I've never done it. I understand the theory behind it but all these 'name brand' strains are pretty damn potent as it is, so I don't really know how much more potent you can make the shit by adding more darkness before a chop.
The way I see it is, if the plant is frosted over with resin and ready to pull, then it's going to be a prime smoke no matter when you take it.

Why is it you love the 'cheese' so much Westy? Taste? High?

I have some Barneys Blue Cheese I got up a month or so ago which I gave to my brother to grow out at his place. He turned to 12/12 this week so I look forward to having a taste of it in a couple of months time. Have you tried the Barneys?
It might not be to everyones taste but i like to get fucked up wen i smoke a joint, of the many strains ive tried over the years cheese fucks me up the best. Its smell and taste alone put ww in theshade in my opinion but ww is a close second.
Cheers welsh wizz mate for the pic bump. Now you must know that its friday thats picture day and this friday will be 8 weeks 12/12. So close i can almosty taste it
Heheheh nice Mamath.

Took a while, but now im caught up with this thread. Mr West, Those buds are looking awesome !How tall are your plants in flower ? From the pics i was estimating like 40 inches tall...

Anyway Mr. West I have to commend you for the awesome plants and your ability to not smoke some of it... Cause I would be taking little test smokes.. hehehe,,.. and as a matter of fact I will start taking "test" smokes from my plants pretty soon, as my stash is almost empty lol.

To Jester :
Why do you say that when you take a smoke test it kind of ruins the whole crop for you ?

if i take a taste test it eans im hard up which means it doest get cured propperly. then once ive decicrated ma babies ya start thinking well ive already taken a little bit fuck it that tiny bit more wont hurt... the whole tie smoking some so it makes the finalk product lose novelty for me (even if i dried and cured it that is too tho ive already smoked it and tried some) but thatsjust me... if it even makes sense lol
if i take a taste test it eans im hard up which means it doest get cured propperly. then once ive decicrated ma babies ya start thinking well ive already taken a little bit fuck it that tiny bit more wont hurt... the whole tie smoking some so it makes the finalk product lose novelty for me (even if i dried and cured it that is too tho ive already smoked it and tried some) but thatsjust me... if it even makes sense lol

Im no expert, I´m on my first grow, but yeah man...makes sense, unfortunately its hard to be strong and wait.
Its only hard if one has nothing else to smoke, if u got weed to smoke or even to a degree hash to smoke then i can forget bout stuff thats nearly finished or finished and drying.
Its only hard if one has nothing else to smoke, if u got weed to smoke or even to a degree hash to smoke then i can forget bout stuff thats nearly finished or finished and drying.

I agree.
Always make preparations for the pre-harvest suspense, anticipation.
I would rather buy and smoke some mediocre shit, just to suffice, than prematurely chew into, a prime harvest.

Preparation, it's so damn important.
easier said then done tho at this present climate regarding getina half decent smoke on the streets is like hunting a unicorn. You hear storys of weed for sale but can never actualy pinpoint the shtuff. weed will get u through times of no money much better than money will get u through the times of no weed.
I don't buy weed unless its bars and keys but there is a drive through car wash by where i live, right out the way on an industrial estate so no cars can even see it but the Indian kiddies who run it use it as a place to sell from, my friends buy from there and to be fair to the people sellin it, it really ain't that bad compared to some of the other shit my pals buy, grow ya own and never have to go to a dealer again, SWEET
easier said then done tho at this present climate regarding getina half decent smoke on the streets is like hunting a unicorn. You hear storys of weed for sale but can never actualy pinpoint the shtuff. weed will get u through times of no money much better than money will get u through the times of no weed.

Amen to that ....
yeah all well and good till u run out and are waiting for ur next crop lol.

Grow more plants, i pulled 866g's off my last cheese grow from 9 plants, i keep around 125g's of the best of it and the rest my buddies have, by the time next crop comes down i normally got around an oz left and i take another 125'g's, i had 10 month cured couple of oz of cheese not so long ago, the cheese im smoking atm is atleast 6 months old and the sssdh i chopped boxing day and she gave me 125g's, i've not run out for 7yrs and don't plan to ever, the good thing is i've been very generous with cuts and bud over the years and would like to think the favour would be returned if worst ever happens.
Grow more plants, i pulled 866g's off my last cheese grow from 9 plants, i keep around 125g's of the best of it and the rest my buddies have, by the time next crop comes down i normally got around an oz left and i take another 125'g's, i had 10 month cured couple of oz of cheese not so long ago, the cheese im smoking atm is atleast 6 months old and the sssdh i chopped boxing day and she gave me 125g's, i've not run out for 7yrs and don't plan to ever, the good thing is i've been very generous with cuts and bud over the years and would like to think the favour would be returned if worst ever happens.

I only got my tent at end of jan this year so still filling it lol. What kinda lights u burning to get 866g?:weed::weed:

Updates coming soonish...............
DAAAAAAAAMN rude bwoy the exodus looks frickin lush the others too but is it just me or does the exodus look a bit blue?

good work westie