The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
well of all the problems to have, not knowing which of ur strains is the potent one is a problem I wouldn't mind lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
sieze the day by both kahoonas then lose bout a tenners worth of balls lol>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: Amsterdam casey

mr west

Well-Known Member
your not the only Wiley one round here lol. ID love a coffee and dog nut but its way past my bed time lol. 00.15 now lol, would it be coming up to 420 cave time? ( i know its always 420 but actual 420)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Casey Amsterdam cut...kooool!! just settling down got a bowl of black sour bubble filled, Lord of the rings is on the tele....ahhh. cough cough :) Must be almost beddie time there across the pond lol. Have your stealthing all done after tomorrow?

mr west

Well-Known Member
Bright sunny Friday morning ten o'clock in the eh em. Just supping a cup of tea ands sucking on some more acj and readying ourselves for the last chop, just a wee cheese and move a casey bastard cut. Then bleach and pack up the tent, jobs a goodun.

mr west

Well-Known Member
taking the living room tent down today and it was alive with bugs of all sorts but just spayed inside and killed em all and re-homed a spider in the garden lol. jus smoking a fat one wile i wait for it to dry and then ill get on the dismantle tip lol >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:acj

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Whats the flavor of the day today westy : ?) Yeah you said you could find a silver lining in this meter switch out mess....getting everything cleaned out, good going man! My place could use that. Got all my vegging plants out on the porch with me in the sun. It's like a jungle for the cats, Pebbles is chasing a wasp around them right now. She may find out that she doesn't want to catch it lol