The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hehe ok we're even! I could only listen to half as well ; !)

Need to get some food in my belly pretty soon, time to call the chinese joint down at the corner. Damn I think someone soaked my hash in lighter fluid lol


Well-Known Member
Well I had an argument with my Mrs about our dinner, which was only a fekkin baked spud with egg mayo ffs....

Oh aye, our prisons are lovely, go in clean and come out Roger Rabbit'ed oot yer head, rdt's and smack fuks everything. Prisons don't work no matter what they are like inside. Even my Uncle who's a Researcher for prisons is about to give up the ghost with his job.

Sorry lad, I am sure I'll be in a better mood for my next visit.

Peace, DST with baked spud rolling around in stomach.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn that looks good westy, i use the same frozen veg bags ;) jigs up mucker haha i went out for dinner today had proper posh nosh (roast duck confit with cherry sauce), you can tell its payday weekend lol

if you've never seen it youtube the deleted scenes from the italian job, they dance in the motors on an ice rink its mental.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
No wait a minute,,,that's what my Casey cut looks like after 53 days lol. You must have a longer finishing pheno huh

Sitting out on the porch watching the sun come up with a coffee and a bowl. Getting about time to stretch and then head off to work soon :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The Amsterdam cut should not really be in 12/12 for more than 56 days otherwise you get little nanners that grow out of the calyxes, as I have found out....but then may be that was me stressing it out. IT looks like it is finishing up soon though. How about 45 days?