The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
:( not cool. Good long life lived though i hope. I lost both mine a bit back, one to sleep and the other in an operation, not fun at all but they were old, they'd chased lots of squirrels and shredded the furniture they needed to shred, so i took great solace in that.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Morning westy,,,,schmooking a little DOG this morning from one of the tops that busted off the other night. Time heals bro.

Thought Patches got out last night, when I woke up I immediately went out and checked the road and then the yard. I don't know where she slept last night but she showed up in the house a little while ago. I think she prolly just has a secret hiding spot in the house somewhere and she just crashed early last night


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your cat mate, She had a very good life with you looking after all her needs and loving her. Its better them not having to suffer. I'm dreading the day when i have to make that desicion with my dog. He's almost 9 now so hopefully he'll have another 5 years in him.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Cheers oscar mate, its never nice with older pets. Yep still tucked away and flying with jus one engine for stealth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

exodus mission

Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that westy! its never good losing part of your family.

i have some news about the ghs exodus i saw franco yesterday and he said it has not been mixed he said it would have different pheno's as it is in seed form and not a cut. Also that the big cola's that was produced was in fact the norm as it is a fresh mother instead of a mother that was cut 20 years ago the generation that most people have now has been cut thousands of times which the result now would of been different if taken directly from the mother 20 years ago so there it is! People have tryed it now and i can now say that they think its better than the buddahs cheese this is the opinion of the smokers as im no smoker i could not tell but i can say it stinks lol.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've got my first gaggling of bollocks right now, so i'm no expert, but i thought you could backcross to cancel out traits and come out with a steady pheno? Not to mention how can exodus cheese have different pheno's? Exodus cheese is not a strain, it's a phenotype is it not, so any variation on the pheno is not therefore exodus cheese?

The argument that it's different because it's a new mother, not a clone of a clone, well that's just his opinion and a biased one at that quite naturally, so i'll not pay heed to that.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah i'm not feeling that statement what so ever like ttt said its opinion based and my opinion is that it dont degenerate along with many others :)

in fact i'd place money on it....