The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

I love cheese. But I had to leave my last girlfriend because she grew some kinda of mutant cheese between her toes. She also had some kinda cheesy stuff in her underwear. I think it ended up on my flagpole, but no cheese is growin' on it. Yea did I do with my car keys? I smoked some good cheese a few minutes ago, now I can't find anything, this place looks different, wait a minute, I'm in the wrong house, no I guess it is my house, no they just have the same color paint on the walls that I have, shit I am in the wrong house! I hope I'm on the right block. Damn wheres my keys, oh wait there's my bong, wtf, I guess I am in my house. that was a little scary. Damn.
guess what? the Olympic beach volley ball is being held in my town lol

No way! That is so friggen cool westy who cares if you can go or not, you can just watch it on the tele lol. You even got a beach near you or are they trucking in sand to make the courts? Boy those were the days man, we were living the life. We would emulate those guys like karch and Kent and everyone right down to the same sunglasses, ball and I even had a pink hat like he did. Just like memerex haha
Hey godfather hope you don't mind but I couldn't really was our life for 10-12 years man. No pink hat at this tourny I guess lol


Oh yeah those colors were hot huh ahaha. I have two personas going on now....when the time calls for it I can look like a good ole boy redneck and fit right in with a lotta the peeps around town here but my natural state is big ole holes in my jeans a demin jacket and shades hehe. Ex hippie/greaser ha
Same here hah ha! I was a skater/hood back in the 80's but I grew up in a small rural farming community, never really fit in back home. Best not to stand out though lol you have to learn to assimilate lol resistance is futile
I had a skateboard with neon blue and neon green grip tape. Neon pink nose guard, yellow rail guards, and a bright blue tail gaurd. Pink and yellow trucks, and green and yellow wheels. I had a bright pink hat, the kind with the short bill that you would flip up. And sometimes I would wear a jean jacket unbuttoned with nothing beneath. Oh, and neon yellow shades.
Noyce jig! lol
I even was into break dancing when that was popular, ha hahahahah parachute pants and carrying a boombox around. oh man! lol
maybe shouldn't have admitted that one ;)
Now that is some funny shit. I was into breakdancing later on, in the early 90's. Different style, but still laughable. We had giant baggy pants that we would cut off and fray out the ends so there was like 3" of string all around. Fat laces on the addidas of filas. And tagger shirts. We all had cardboard boxes on the sides of our house we would use to get down on. I was such a fasion/ scene whore. After the breaking I started dressing like a punk rocker, now that was more funnyness. Even got into painting my nails.

I gotta hand it to us though... we sure did have fun!!! (even if we looked like tools)
Not sure if he's been getting into the stash or not... but one of my cat's has gone rasta. Thought you'd get a giggle westie.



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Not sure if he's been getting into the stash or not... but one of my cat's has gone rasta. Thought you'd get a giggle westie.


that's some funny shit right there lol. I got it a bit wrong, the sand for the beach volley ball is being held in my town lol. My towns about as far away from a beach as u can get in England.

I used to be a fashion whore in the eighties with all the named sports gear. Also was big into skating on roller skates and played street hockey for a local team, been thinking bout getting some more skates lol.
I was going golf but my mate let me down ffs. Its glorious weather babe is sleeping and the princess is looking less like ive punched her
Haha fred no need for more of a face lift then bro lol golf a crate of lager and a golf caddie sounds nice on a friaday like this ay 27 degrees here like a fuckin chargrilled chicken with these tubes burnin my shoulders lmfao
Running on 75% in my cool(ish) light tower, but that's more due to the 400hps that I swapped in for my 400mh going dead on me. FFS, must of swapped the wrong one in as I have a number of 400's sitting there. Think I'll just leave it as there's still plenty of light.

Engineers Dream(2month cure) last couple of joints, bloody lovely it is. Where can you get that Engineers Dream from?? Anyone?? lol.

Peace, DST