The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
At least the ladies will have peace and quiet eh! Enjoy it while it lasts hehe.

Have a nice day!



Well-Known Member
I grew some random Texmax reggie bag seed, but it was pretty good for reggie.
All the plants came out good, but one came out cheesey smellin as shit. The only bud I've smelled similar is Big Buddha Cheese, which I've only had in my home (nongreen) state.

Does anyone know what pages (40 page count) have pictures o cheeses?


Well-Known Member
I know "The whole Cheese and nothing but the cheese". I'm just wondering where some fresh, or super good updates are.
Or did his cheese grow end a while ago? Like, I'm just trying to see some cheese.


Well-Known Member
here is a link to only the attachments in this thread. the cheese's would be the ones with the razor lookin leaves n viney structure.

or you could post pics of the plant. did u clone it ?
I didn't know you could do that.

Yeah, I got pics. I'll post in post below this.
And I got it from some pretty good Texmex reggie, bagseed. All the seeds came from the same generation of moms, but random dads. So they're all different.
And they may have even been in Mexico for 5-10-25-50 years breeding.


Well-Known Member
I got three girls from the same bag of seed.
The seeds came from "Corn" (good reggie) collected while buying quaps from the same guy for like six months. It always smelled, and looked the same. But it was still seedy reggie.

The pictures above are only of 1 of the girls I got...She smells the cheesiest.

I'm gonna check out that link with the pics.


Well-Known Member
Reviewing those pictures.
I'm pretty sure this is related to some kind of cheese
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

And I've loved the 2 cheeses I've tried.