The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
I love a honking smelly cheese and roquefort is one of the smelliest ive eaten, almost salty its that pungent. Nice on a digestive biscuit with butter.


Well-Known Member
Hello Fred. Hope yer gid lad, just got back from Scotia last night. Hope the ladies are sweet.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I normaly flower the cheese bout 9 an half weeks as a rule but i didnt write down the dates on this last lot so im chopping laters today cuz the look ready to me lol. Hey wondering D jus about to try the romulan again be back in 15>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
Ok ive smoked a joint of rom and the high is nice, sort of a prevning smoke for getting ready to go out. Not much on the taste yet but its only been 3 days in curing jars


Well-Known Member
Well the RomxTimewarp was also fairly middle of the road, but then the pheno I had wasn't the best, even though it grew baseball bat colas. Was good for making erl....

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I'm noticing two phenos in the roms. One of them is real stoney and I have yet to try the second-she's about 2 weeks away.
1badmason was impressed with his grow. Where has he been hiding? also whodat is mia. I know that Thanksgiving is next week, but they aint no turkeys.


mr west

Well-Known Member
I just took a rom :joint: in the car with me for further testing and i got the taste when my head was full of smoke of a sort of papery doughnut dough quite sweet and very pleasant. My heads buzzing now too which is nice:D:D:D


Well-Known Member
"Ooooooooooooh, now don't you tell me" lol
That's a topic that'll get me to sounding like ol' Rab.... I was raised farming and have an appreciation for the food supply and my kids are of the usual "American mindset" turning their nose up at the smallest blemish. On top of the way people waste here in general is seriously disgusting. Glad to see your awareness there westy!


Well-Known Member
Quote from article:
"Campaigners argue misshapen vegetables taste just as good as more uniform ones"

Why on earth would they need to argue this..........people are fukkin stoooopid!


Well-Known Member
stoooooooooooooooooooopid, when you realize just how stupid and it sinks in that your completely surrounded......... narf... that's a bad day.... puff, puff, pass.... :eyesmoke:

mr west

Well-Known Member
Ive been chopping my cheese and livers all day. there is some mighty fine buds and some not so pretty buds but i love them all the same. This shit stinks and i have a few cheese surprise seeds which could be chronic lmao