The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member

this was my fist ever grow back in 2008. I had some bubbleliciouse seedlings in there with em cuz i didnt have a veg room yet
i love me some cherry popping pr0n, i know you said you tried before but this is your first succesful grow. it's something that you'll never forget.

how is the little big yin? hope lgp is getting enough sleep, i'm sure you are what with all the cheese/erl/hash joints you are smoking :D

mr west

Well-Known Member
we doing great cheers ghb mate yeah the livers and hash combination hits all the spots at once lol. Littel one is a good sleeper thankfully like her mum lmao.


Well-Known Member
hello westy and gang im back yipppppppi that was a long trip im glad its only once a year lol but there you go,
how is the family west?
Dst whats happening mate that cup was a roller coaster lol.
breeders boutique presented there selves very well on the seaofseeds booth im suprised i didnt go nuts with the amount of smoke surrounding me what with the devils harvest 3 bongs, breeders boutiques bong and seaofseeds vape im glad im surrounded by a non thc enviroment now lol

oh i should let you all know is now stocking the devils harvests T-Light Feminised seeds ( the unofficial cup winner ) :)

mr west

Well-Known Member
Eat sleep grow, thats all any of us do. The grown ups do other things lol. Glad ya had a good time emmy mate

mr west

Well-Known Member
you still running the clone only CJ from the Fairy?
No unfortunately my mate killed that clone off for me when the gasman cometh. I managed to get my own cut bk tho which is nyon identicle and i also planted another casey s1 seed and it smells fucking awesome, cant wait to see if it tastes as great which it prolly will if i know my eggs.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Morning, another early, Na sleep night. Got 2 teeth to show for it though Pff.

Night. zzzzzz
Morning with the yawning and runny eyes, slept like a charm again last night. Hatti slept like a baby, mummy slept like that too lol. Yeah were looking forward to the teeth thing lol. slobber chops is it then?


Well-Known Member
Good to hear the CJ s1's are giving out decent stuff......gave a shed load of them away at the cup. People were also flocking to take the Headband seeds for outdoor. All were pre-warned about indoor growing with them......i think my outdoor stash being taken by po po is more gutting than the cheese since I got more cheese coming. I got a bottle of outdoor shwag, will need to see what I can rescue from it.

No unfortunately my mate killed that clone off for me when the gasman cometh. I managed to get my own cut bk tho which is nyon identicle and i also planted another casey s1 seed and it smells fucking awesome, cant wait to see if it tastes as great which it prolly will if i know my eggs.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
morning fred! lgp and ya wee one. hope your all grand this blustery morn.

i dont think i'm growing up any time soon. just when i think i am i do something that reminds me otherwise....

laters fella, time for bongo

mr west

Well-Known Member
Its a fucker that the old bill are now in possession of some fine bb gear. Cant ya go back and ask for it back? Morning Don mate, all the wheely bins are stroon all asunder this morning could be time for a spoon lol. So was ur stealth idea a non starter then?


Well-Known Member
Fuk me, £60 for 5 seeds. What is it with seed companies in the UK, do they think that if they charge 2x more than other companies that people will think their genetics are better......mind, there's people who won't blink at paying for something.