The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
I think maybe what ur seeing skunkkushybird is my veg room is very small and i cram a lot in there in small pots they get root bound almost b4 i pot em on and stik em straight into flower. If i had more room to veg id let em settle in new pots b4 i 12 em.

mr west

Well-Known Member[/video]
DoobieBrother;6780164]It appears that youtube has changed it's link format.
now to get your vids here, you have to click on the "Share" button below the original video on youtube and a popout with the real URL appears. That's the one you want to copy when pasting the URL into the Video link here on RIU.
Confusing times we live in....
Me no likey change....
Change baaaad.....

why did this text not appear?


Well-Known Member
I'm living partially out-of-phase with this Space/Time continuum.
Temporal anomalies sometimes happen as a result of the phase being predecendant of the concurrent waveform timings of your continuum.
I could be stoned, too, and possibly forgot to add the text before hitting "Post Quick Reply", and had to add it, ex post facto.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I understand i think lol. Well thats two demons of the new servers vanquished for me now thanks to Doobs and Jig>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: many thanks guys. I too am in a phased out stage of the everning or prevening as some say lol. I had to chop an engineers dream early today at a day shy of 8 weeks, fuking bud rot bastads

mr west

Well-Known Member
Yeah i lost bout a quarter ounce between two plants, the top of one of my cheeseberry hazes. They are super dense buds tho


Well-Known Member
Still, hate the loss.
Well, the Ganja gods giveth, and so shall they taketh away ;-)

I have been lucky this last season regarding bud rot, but the cool & damp winter weather is a different beast to contend with.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Yeah if the Ganja Goddess wants a bit for her then so be it she can have 50 quids worth and nothing more lol


Well-Known Member
I think maybe what ur seeing skunkkushybird is my veg room is very small and i cram a lot in there in small pots they get root bound almost b4 i pot em on and stik em straight into flower. If i had more room to veg id let em settle in new pots b4 i 12 em.
Eyup mate, you should give the 1ltr airpots ago for veg mate they work sound no gettin root bound an there tiny, ive just done a livers in 1 with a 3week veg, an 9weeks flower pulled 52g off it, also mate you end up with that many roots they do sound pottin stright up for 12/12.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Canna coco of course, never use anything else. I tried compost when i first started but didn't get satisfying results. Im using plant magic coco a+b bloom and hammerhead pk 2-4-10 and some batshit tea if i feel they need it. I have used second hand coco for this seedling. I had a male that i killed and jus dug the root ball out and planted the seedling. So far so good.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Now i know how to work this new site thanks to Jig and Doobs I can spam my thread with tunes again lol

Its so easy now no deleting half the code and shit fucking about with bb code lol


Well-Known Member
Neva re used cocco tbf mate so i would nt know were to stand on that mate every time i throw 1 over i use new everythin lol so a lot is wasted tbh new cocco new pots new bulbs every start of flower new filters everythin is new lmfao its a pain in the arse getting rid of between 150 to 200 litres of cocco every 8 9 weeks but i manage some how lol thank fuck for green recycle bins!!


Well-Known Member
Cheds, do yourself a favour bru and get yourself a big bucket and then you only have to get rid of the root balls, break them open and shake coco into bucket and I guarantee your coco purchases go down by 60% easy.