The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
Haha silly boy didnt even get any flowers lol. Well with global warming maybe cannabis will grow everywhere one day lol.


Well-Known Member
Although, remember it was grown with tomato food, and repotted about 5 times. And was chopped early, and was grown outdoors under netting, lol it just gets better and better. I'm sure there's more.

Apparently it didn't get mold though. Everything else did, but not that. Hahaha, unless I'm wrong and it molded too.... I don't think it did though.


Well-Known Member
that looks the shit would love to taste that, looks mouth wateringly good.. cant wait till these are that far along do you run perpetual???


Well-Known Member
I'll say 4 weeks... maybe 4.5. I'm off to the doc to get my pot card renewed. Sure is a shame we all can't have the luxury.

Almost 5 months now eh? You getting a hang of the whole pop thing?

And when is the blasted council getting back from vaca and appoving your move, lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
Yes shes five months old tomorrow well today now its past midnight lol. Shes really chatty at night the wee bugger lol, shes got the night owl body clock like her mother lol. tHe last three weeks there has been shag all on the council list and so we didnt bid on anything ffs i still am optimistic we'll be out by the end of April.