welsh wizz
Well-Known Member
Heres an exodus cheese 4 weeks in 12
She will do fine mate.

She will do fine mate.

nah i havent found they cut into the plants that much.Its still a nice plant though... hope her buds get really big ...
I really like those things you use to bend the stems... but do they cut into the plant ?
Five weeks old on friday, the fimming has worked i think, we'll see soon enough lol.
I checked underneath the pots to see if the roots are showing at the holes today but i cant see any roots yet lol
Hey cpg, Imm doing very stoned thanks lol. Just blazzed a few psycosis spliffs and a couple of pollum joints tooo my head is spangled. Lovely buzzzzhey westy, how you doing man?
Hey cpg, Imm doing very stoned thanks lol. Just blazzed a few psycosis spliffs and a couple of pollum joints tooo my head is spangled. Lovely buzzzz
How bout yaself, hows things?