The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

tea tree

Well-Known Member
funny thing is my gf stays with me and has a 1 bed flat couple of miles away shes never slept in lmao, she took possesion of it in feb ffs lmao

man, this sounds like a gift from god! Who knows, this maybe your time!

nice plants, reading away.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Nah i could never do anything like raise a hand, I love the woman and ill give her all the tie she needs to sort her shit out lol.


Well-Known Member
wow dude i wasnt serious i may have a foul mouth and shit but i would never encourage disrespecting a woman for real. lets just say i seen enough of that to last me a lifetime when i was a kid.

you guys shoulda learnded by now that i like ta joke around here and there ehy, though i admit my humour is a bit off sometimes but i wasnt always this way the world made me this way later in life.


Well-Known Member
thats cool bro.

ive been meaning to ask ya
that quote you got in ya sig thats from monty pythons right????

mr west

Well-Known Member
Cheese is a selected Sensi Skunk 1988 vintage. Purchased from the breeders shop in Amsterdam, from the man. The seeds where sprouted and this pheno has been kept and passed around in the UK since then.

Its for sure a rare 'sport' of Sk1. Which has been reported way back in the past. It is prior to there being any remake of the Sk1 strain in Adam, these where from the original seed batch we think, as its unlike any Sk1 ive seen since, as all have a lot more Afghani in the high and mix.

It has a almost pure Sativa high, with little to no body, unless harvested amber. It has a Sat dom growth profile and traits and will grow into a large diamond shape with multiple branches if left to bush. She clones easily, is still very vigorous indeed, grows fast and will go tall. Stetch from clone at 6 inch is to about 4feet in flower. 8-10 week flower, with a very adaptable cutting time, want it pure up, can be taken at 55 days, want to have you head on the desk with a cerabal 'couchlock' take it beyond 63, it isnt a Indica couchlock though, you could get up if your brain still worked. rofl.

Its a extreme resin producing plant, as can be seen in the photo above. It will choke itself eventually i think. The nugs are incredibly dense, hard. Every little piece you pull from the bud will be coated in resin, no matter how deep in the bud you go. The high is long lasting, hard to build tolerance to.

The plant has been a keeper for all who have tried her. Very strong potency overall.

It got named the Cheese due to its really pungent smell, a real chemy pungent smell thats unlike the typical Sk1, not fruity at all. Pure fuel/chem smells like a drug. From miles, one ziplock bag is not even enough for a nug, you will smell it. Serious odor control needed in flower


Well-Known Member
Cheese is a selected Sensi Skunk 1988 vintage. Purchased from the breeders shop in Amsterdam, from the man. The seeds where sprouted and this pheno has been kept and passed around in the UK since then.

Its for sure a rare 'sport' of Sk1. Which has been reported way back in the past. It is prior to there being any remake of the Sk1 strain in Adam, these where from the original seed batch we think, as its unlike any Sk1 ive seen since, as all have a lot more Afghani in the high and mix.

It has a almost pure Sativa high, with little to no body, unless harvested amber. It has a Sat dom growth profile and traits and will grow into a large diamond shape with multiple branches if left to bush. She clones easily, is still very vigorous indeed, grows fast and will go tall. Stetch from clone at 6 inch is to about 4feet in flower. 8-10 week flower, with a very adaptable cutting time, want it pure up, can be taken at 55 days, want to have you head on the desk with a cerabal 'couchlock' take it beyond 63, it isnt a Indica couchlock though, you could get up if your brain still worked. rofl.

Its a extreme resin producing plant, as can be seen in the photo above. It will choke itself eventually i think. The nugs are incredibly dense, hard. Every little piece you pull from the bud will be coated in resin, no matter how deep in the bud you go. The high is long lasting, hard to build tolerance to.

The plant has been a keeper for all who have tried her. Very strong potency overall.

It got named the Cheese due to its really pungent smell, a real chemy pungent smell thats unlike the typical Sk1, not fruity at all. Pure fuel/chem smells like a drug. From miles, one ziplock bag is not even enough for a nug, you will smell it. Serious odor control needed in flower
so that said, if you was the owner of greenhouse would,nt you make your seeds using a skunk#1 male. or do you think the pheno would just be lost in the seeds (if you know what i mean).

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
yes from the life of brian. funny shit.
I think everyone I've ever dated can't get the humor in In search of the Holy Grail..... It must only be funny to men...

but skunk #1 is difrent to how it used to be. they mixed afgan with it to increase yeild
Where do you get your info? Are you really that into it that you know all this or do you read alot? All the Sk1 has Afgani in it?

mr west

Well-Known Member
"its unlike any Sk1 ive seen since, as all have a lot more Afghani in the high and mix." and if uve ever grown sk1 or afgani they taste very similer these days. I must have smoked too much lol

well grow

Active Member
Hey guys i just thought id get my 2 pence worth in here, When people talk about pure strains of weed well no strain of weed on earth at this time is pure. Each strain has been modified by nature and man to make the best strain for yeild and climate, Only the strongest survive in the wild so if we hadent messed with the geane pool and left it to natural selection imagin the strains that we would have today. We should now preserve the best geans that we can for our future genirations because as we know the seed banks fuck about too much with the DNA because of this i think that in 40 years time weed will be degraded that much that it will all be the same. We dont want this to happen guys preserve the best DNA while we still can. Dont let the big companys fuck it up for the next geniration because thats who we will be getting our weed off. I must also say im very stoned so if this dosent make sence sorry guys.. :peace: out..