The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
u can see wota mess my tents in at min in the last few days. I fuking hate powdery mildew bolocks lol. Its ok untill the last few weeks of 12 wen I personaly dont like to spray my stuff on em incase of budrot.


Well-Known Member
Fuck me Fred thats a horror show in there mate. A very nice smelly horror show lol it look effing mint mind. When is it coming down
I think you should give the pea netting a go, it saves a lot of aggro if you put it up early enough.

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol fuking nightmare indeed mate. Neeed to chop them all soon lol. but i dont wanna cuz itll be messy lol.


:joint:Hi every1.I was just ready the forum and looking at the great pics.Im got some cheese,chiesel and cheesus on the growing.Here are some pics.The first 1 is cheese the second 1 is cheesus and the last 2 are chiesel.Like u said its all about the cheese..:eyesmoke:..S7302270.jpgS7302271.jpgS7302269.jpgS7302268.jpg


Well-Known Member
how we all doing lads i thought id put up some pics for you, mind you it is from phone cam.
you are looking at slh on the left and bc mid and right but in my mind looks more cheese than bubble wat you think westy?
How is you e cheese getting on? Have you got one in flower yet?


Well-Known Member
Have you noticed any difference using a 600w? Are the buds harder or bigger? Coz if i start to grow again i was thinking of using a 400w instead of a 600w

mr west

Well-Known Member
maybe 3 oz per plant. to osca, the buds are much bigger farther down possibly twice the yeild as a 400w.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i know that the seasons are a changin but how've the temperatures altered between the 400w and 600w? i've been tempted for months on months now, but not persuaded yet :D