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ya sarah:hump: from tpb's......... "cory and trevor and mine now"

when is the next series comin out? next summer??
Ok, how about legalized prostitution? Fer it? Agin it? I'm fer it!

Thats really a tough one. Its super demeaning but if a woman chooses it its her choice. but then again most woman who chose have sexual abuse in their pasts, so is it really a choice. see what i mean?
I understand where you're coming from, but they don't call it the oldest profession for nothing. It used to be, that women of the temples offered relief to traveling men in the form of rest, food, and sex. It was more of a giving thing, and the women were well respected.Foreward in time comes sexual slavery,forced prostitution, and the making of selling sexual favors illegal. When this happens, the women who did it for the joy of sex often were discouraged from continuing because of pain of death.....prostitution becomes a thing of shame and back alleys.Though many women who do it may have been sexually abused, some women truly do it for the love of the profession and the sex that comes with it.This is why I believe it should be legal, and regulated to ensure the health of all.Noone should feel they are forced to sell themselves. I think pornography is really just prostitution on film.They are, after all, being paid to have sex. Prostitution Biography Xaviera Hollander author of The Happy Hooker History of Prostitution - Illustrated History of Prostitution
Thats really a tough one. Its super demeaning but if a woman chooses it its her choice. but then again most woman who chose have sexual abuse in their pasts, so is it really a choice. see what i mean?
Heya Lacy, I am working on getting the Ladies only section into the regular section so all females here can get in there.
I found this and though it suited this thread for the men out there.


I saw this and thought it would be suited for the ladies. :mrgreen:

Sorry had to add, i thought it was funny that women often think "they deserve" something, as in: since men get to have all this we at least deserve to have or do this. You dont need to deserve it, just do. Men dont do anything because they think they deserve it, they do it because they want to i guess.
Sorry had to add, i thought it was funny that women often think "they deserve" something, as in: since men get to have all this we at least deserve to have or do this. You dont need to deserve it, just do. Men dont do anything because they think they deserve it, they do it because they want to i guess.

uh oh for you....

good luck:o
No, I'm kid is into pokemon, but she watches naruto sometimes.

then youve got a good girl there.

ok ive got one for the ladies...

which do yall prefer sativa of indica????
i know some girls that want to be coked up, and i know some that wanna be xanxed down??
no naruto fans??


the last 1 hour special 64-65 was freakin kick ass! It was one of my favorite since Rock Lee Vs. Gara. I think the next episode is going to be great also. Hit me up anytime you want to talk some Naruto!
then youve got a good girl there.

ok ive got one for the ladies...

which do yall prefer sativa of indica????
i know some girls that want to be coked up, and i know some that wanna be xanxed down??

Well I like Sativas and hybrid mixes sativa dominate of course, lol. :peace:
I saw this and thought it would be suited for the ladies. :mrgreen:


Sorry had to add, i thought it was funny that women often think "they deserve" something, as in: since men get to have all this we at least deserve to have or do this. You dont need to deserve it, just do. Men dont do anything because they think they deserve it, they do it because they want to i guess.
Yo dude. I'm sorry but you lose your way or soemthing?
Here let me escort you back to the politics section. :?
There you go.:evil:

then youve got a good girl there.:shock:

ok ive got one for the ladies...

which do yall prefer sativa of indica????
i know some girls that want to be coked up, and i know some that wanna be xanxed down??
I neither liked to be all coked up nor do I like to be all xanxed down.
Not into drugs.

I do weed:shock: and I like variety....tis the spice of life.
Yeah ok:hug: Yes I do look a lot like her but I don't at all look like a stoner.
didnt mean it in a bad way, i promise!

the hair color and the eye.

Ok, how about legalized prostitution? Fer it? Agin it? I'm fer it!

Thats really a tough one. Its super demeaning but if a woman chooses it its her choice. but then again most woman who chose have sexual abuse in their pasts, so is it really a choice. see what i mean?
I disagree. It makes the choices tougher but they are STILL choices.:-?

I understand where you're coming from, but they don't call it the oldest profession for nothing. It used to be, that women of the temples offered relief to traveling men in the form of rest, food, and sex. It was more of a giving thing, and the women were well respected.Foreward in time comes sexual slavery,forced prostitution, and the making of selling sexual favors illegal. When this happens, the women who did it for the joy of sex often were discouraged from continuing because of pain of death.....prostitution becomes a thing of shame and back alleys.Though many women who do it may have been sexually abused, some women truly do it for the love of the profession and the sex that comes with it.This is why I believe it should be legal, and regulated to ensure the health of all.Noone should feel they are forced to sell themselves. I think pornography is really just prostitution on film.They are, after all, being paid to have sex.very interesting point of view. Prostitution Biography Xaviera Hollander author of The Happy Hooker History of Prostitution - Illustrated History of Prostitution

I"m not sure what to think about this subject stoney gurl. My first intial response is one of shock and discust and I am not exactly sure why.
Maybe because of the way it is stereotyped. All the movies and news braodcast it in such a negative way.There just seems to be such shame that goes with the subject. I mean really....even women who don't sell themselves and just enjoy sex are often looked down apon in the same type of light. Maybe thats part of the double standard. ...not sure.:confused:

I do think that for many of the women who choose this type of career have messed up value systems. They have not been valued in the right way ffrom the get-go and spend the rest of their lives trying to validate themselves in alternative ways...much of which do nothing but prove themselves worthless, so the cycle continues.

I have met some $2000 a night escort service 'females' who claim that at least they are not sluts and GIVING it away :evil:
Please don't ask about this as it was NOT by CHOICE:evil::evil::evil:

Either way, I can't get past the fact that they are selling sexual acts for profit (money) It just seems so totally immoral to me that I don't understand how this lifestyle does not affect their entire persona and mental being. :shock::confused: How do these women separate themselves from their job?

What if you have kids? What do you tell them? Mommy has lots of different boyfriends?:confused::peace:

I just can't see it as being a healthy alternative lifestyle or career :confused:

Sorry stoney chick. i honestly like you too.:hug:

I always thought that the women's bathroom was cleaner. I soon found that the only difference is that it doesn't have a urinal and has a fragrance thing to make it smell good.
I always thought that the women's bathroom was cleaner. I soon found that the only difference is that it doesn't have a urinal and has a fragrance thing to make it smell good.
I see alot of them with vending machines and couches. Thats bullshit. I want a couch in my bathroom

Love you guys!!!:hug:
Men are surprisingly funny at times. :D

I always thought that the women's bathroom was cleaner. I soon found that the only difference is that it doesn't have a urinal and has a fragrance thing to make it smell good.

I see alot of them with vending machines and couches. Thats bullshit. I want a couch in my bathroom
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