the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
made 5 grams of it with 7 x butane.. that's only a gram of it.... Im gonna drop that gram in a half stivk of butter as soon as I get some brownie or cookie mix


Well-Known Member
been a min..... lost 15 more outdoor plants last week due to about 75 left.... come august male will show and ill pull those.... hopefully I end up with 45-50 females.. we will see..


Well-Known Member
plants getting bigger... bit of bad news... my partner in socal got into a fight with his newlywed wife they were married 12-12-12.... long story short he took his own life with a .40 cal.. he shot himself in the head... he had a lot to live for and had an ealry outdoor crop coming in at end of the month and a huge one coming in oct. he couldn't fight his demons anymore... he died at a loma linda hospital. rip to my nigga Charlie... u left us too soon bro


Well-Known Member
a creek... yes.... the creek r0se high has hell...
Hell, I haven't even had to all. I just dump aged manure/compost and let rain finish the job.

Sorry to hear about the shitty ending to your holiday weekend...a shame that some folks base their own self-esteem on other people.

But it happens, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
whuts da dilly yo
i neva tried outside
i just do my 4 to 6 in my little tent
is enough to keep me happy till next harvest

good karma -good grows- good health to all ova here

the powers dat be made me change my old avy - said could see da pus i had been lookin for dat pus for months neva saw shit but darkness down dere to make da kids happy i changed it - an fell in luv again - already haad to clean my screen off


Well-Known Member
were down to 65 plants now... fucking sux... 2 males showed and one female due to bein under a tree and lack of light before they got planted to there final homes.. there getting bigger doe looking good