the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
the SK's look good, i still need to get a cloning dome like you have.
What do you use for your rooting hormone again?
I have come clonex rooting gel.


Well-Known Member
good vid howak .. what kind of nutes u using?
thanks lax!!! GH 3 part line and GH koolbloom

[QUOTE="SICC";4332377]the SK's look good, i still need to get a cloning dome like you have.
What do you use for your rooting hormone again?
I have come clonex rooting gel.[/QUOTE]thanks sicc!! yea man they are only like $4 at lowes u should get one and the light on top was only $8.99 at wallmart!! i use clonex rooting gel


Well-Known Member
it smokes good and jknot as many seeds as i thought it would have !!! well iam ordering the light monday thanks to the bms i got the money allready just got to m ake mly mind up what i want

well if i was you..... i would get atleast a 600 watter!!! but if i really was you i would get a 1000 watter forreal... if you wanna get serious about indoor cultivation thats how you do it.... with the proper cooling you can even put that in your tent... fill the tent up with plants, and keep the cooltube 1k light close to canopy, and you will be pulling WELL over a pound every harvest.. i though i gave you a link for a 1000 watt m/h-hps convesrion light, with both bulbs included, cooltube, and hangers for well under 300 bux!!


Well-Known Member
for the past few months i have been lucky to have been smoking all kinds of really good diffrent strains of dank, BUT i gotta admit i miss that certain taste!!! and that certain kick in my chest like shane carwin just gave me a bodyshot!!! and soon its sourkush harvest time again!!!! AND I WILL HAVE THAT TASTE AND POTENCY BACK... THAT JUST CANT BE MATCHED BY A NYTHING ELSE!!!



Well-Known Member
man the sk are growing niceeee . . . .

have to do a lil adjustment on ONE of the holes soil . . . had a slight bit too much clay so next time I water (today) I'm going to mix a bunch of potting soil in. good thing about this stage is that they haven't spread their roots too far yet, so I can still mix in a bunch without stunting them or anything :D.

it was hot as fuck the other day and the SK didn't even droop or show any signs of stress whatsoever . . . hardy fuckin plant indeed.

the church is looking beastly . . . .it hasn't even been topped yet and it's got a new node at the first set of real leaves . . . its like this plant is going to bush out without me even topping it.

the SK's don't seem to need to be topped either, the nature of the strain grows so many internodes that it will naturally bush out ;)

I MIGHT top them still though . . . we'll see in a couple weeks, but I honestly don't think I need to because of how much internode growth this strain does naturally.


Well-Known Member
carwin hits like a girl.

congrats howak. get atleast a 6 .. i wish i did. plus man u got 100 cfl's to supplement lighting on lower branches


Well-Known Member
man the sk are growing niceeee . . . .

have to do a lil adjustment on ONE of the holes soil . . . had a slight bit too much clay so next time I water (today) I'm going to mix a bunch of potting soil in. good thing about this stage is that they haven't spread their roots too far yet, so I can still mix in a bunch without stunting them or anything :D.

it was hot as fuck the other day and the SK didn't even droop or show any signs of stress whatsoever . . . hardy fuckin plant indeed.

the church is looking beastly . . . .it hasn't even been topped yet and it's got a new node at the first set of real leaves . . . its like this plant is going to bush out without me even topping it.

the SK's don't seem to need to be topped either, the nature of the strain grows so many internodes that it will naturally bush out ;)

I MIGHT top them still though . . . we'll see in a couple weeks, but I honestly don't think I need to because of how much internode growth this strain does naturally.

nice.. im pretty ure today one of my sk clones at one location will be dead... due to a mag. def. that i tried to fix too late... but i topped the healthy sk 3 days ago so today it should have new node growth!!!! im tryna pull 6 oz off that now little clone... but that clone is starting to take off in growth... ima grow it out str8 up like a bush!!!!


Well-Known Member
for the past few months i have been lucky to have been smoking all kinds of really good diffrent strains of dank, BUT i gotta admit i miss that certain taste!!! and that certain kick in my chest like shane carwin just gave me a bodyshot!!! and soon its sourkush harvest time again!!!! AND I WILL HAVE THAT TASTE AND POTENCY BACK... THAT JUST CANT BE MATCHED BY A NYTHING ELSE!!!

oooo yea i know that taste :)cant wait till i have some more nothing compares


Well-Known Member
well if i was you..... i would get atleast a 600 watter!!! but if i really was you i would get a 1000 watter forreal... if you wanna get serious about indoor cultivation thats how you do it.... with the proper cooling you can even put that in your tent... fill the tent up with plants, and keep the cooltube 1k light close to canopy, and you will be pulling WELL over a pound every harvest.. i though i gave you a link for a 1000 watt m/h-hps convesrion light, with both bulbs included, cooltube, and hangers for well under 300 bux!!
i know i know i should go bigger but goin to try a 400 watt out and when iam tired of that i will boost it up to 1000 but for right now goin to go with the 400 got to see if that 6inch fan will suck most of that heat out of the tube dont want to get something i cant cool off rigt now !! u know? iam still trying to decide whitch one iam getting i almost won a bid on a whole setup with digital ballest ,hangers and everything for $151 but i got outbid by $1 in the last 5 seconds of salke on ebay I WAS SO FUCKING MAD but i got my eye on another one will know in a few hours if i will be getting it or not


Well-Known Member
LOL thats so fucked up

People always do that tho on ebay, they wait till the last second to out bid you.


Well-Known Member
i know i know i should go bigger but goin to try a 400 watt out and when iam tired of that i will boost it up to 1000 but for right now goin to go with the 400 got to see if that 6inch fan will suck most of that heat out of the tube dont want to get something i cant cool off rigt now !! u know? iam still trying to decide whitch one iam getting i almost won a bid on a whole setup with digital ballest ,hangers and everything for $151 but i got outbid by $1 in the last 5 seconds of salke on ebay I WAS SO FUCKING MAD but i got my eye on another one will know in a few hours if i will be getting it or not
Fuckin EBAY!!! Im just excited to see u try any HID. Ur gonna b AMAZED!