the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
But you havent had one of my cookies either Chitown. They become legends of anyone who dares to try them. I put 4 grams of my top quality bubble hash into every batch(about 18 cookies). For most, 1/2 a cookie is way to strong and causes sickness and all kinds of bad shit, but for the die hard smokers who can take it, Its an intense ride thats so strong, you'll think you took something else and it doesnt even start to die off until after 5 hours. Im woking on making some tinculture with glicerine at the moment though, so I'll try a shot of that later to see how it compares. Cause it really is a trip to see how different the high was between my cookies and suckers even though they had the same amount and kind of hash in them.


Well-Known Member
My breeding seemed to work Chitown. Pretty excited to give the new BK Kush a go. Havent harvested the beans yet, but I can see them in the buds, some are nice brown tiger striped, but others are just tan. Does that mean they aren't ready yet?


Well-Known Member
My breeding seemed to work Chitown. Pretty excited to give the new BK Kush a go. Havent harvested the beans yet, but I can see them in the buds, some are nice brown tiger striped, but others are just tan. Does that mean they aren't ready yet?

brown, tiger stripped beans are viable... the lighter whiter ones arent.....


Well-Known Member
Another question for you chitown. How do you know your seeds are done and ready for harvest. I cut a nug off of my killing kush to sample. Threw it in the dehydrator for 24hrs on low heat(105F) and then just finished breaking it up. It looks like maybe half the seeds were viable, when I cut the nug, I couldnt even tell it was seeded. But here is Killing Kush x Cheeseberry.

These were the ones I think were viable

And these were the ones I thought weren't

All of these are from a single nug. Judging by the way they looks, how much longer would you let them go? Let me know if you want some of these, there should be a ton. The Killing Kush is a pretty sweet strain, all of you will see it on the next run, and cheeseberry has some rave reviews over on Sannies forum. And now the birth of CBK Kush(Killing Kush x Cheeseberry) and I'd be happy to share with you for all of your help. If you're interested, pm me. I'll give you a few of the Blue Kush x Kolossus also.


Well-Known Member
dispite them bein really white and immature they can stillg row my batch of seeds are from a early harvested hermie and they are all pale but grow perfectly fine


Well-Known Member
Taking a second look, I see the ones you're talking about. But now biggie. All those are from one small nug. There's about 8 more that are bigger than it, so I should have a shit ton of them. I hope the Blue Kush is as seedy as this was. But I just hit those with the brush and these were in the room with the male, so Im sure thats why there was so many seeds.