the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
those are my pics . . . I wish more people other than chitown would actually click on my p ics . . . Jesus..

I do after all take the extra fuckin half hour to upload the full quality shit . . . . It's a straight up slap in the face when people only look at the thumbnails . . .
damn poplars all them plants lookin fuckin great man !!! I did not know you could click on them and get that close on photobucket ...iam glad i know now iam lookin at them right now i would +rep you but i cant


Well-Known Member
those are my pics . . . I wish more people other than chitown would actually click on my p ics . . . jesus..

I do after all take the extra fuckin half hour to upload the full quality shit . . . . it's a straight up slap in the face when people only look at the thumbnails . . .
you knoe i gotta expect shit up close like that.. your plants comming along very nicely all of them


Well-Known Member
those are my pics . . . I wish more people other than chitown would actually click on my p ics . . . jesus..

I do after all take the extra fuckin half hour to upload the full quality shit . . . . it's a straight up slap in the face when people only look at the thumbnails . . .
lol i click the pics, its just that it brings you to your profile, so it has to load all that shit for every single [pic, if you use the IMG code it puts the pic on the page nice and big.


Well-Known Member
I know how to do that . . . my pics are so big I don't like to flood people's forums with my pics....

I mean the only other alternative, is that I post links without small thumbnails to let you know which plant . . . .


Well-Known Member
lolol hahahahahahah start a religion based on sour kush . . . . sounds familiar eh? hahaha.

but yeah bro I'd say the SK standing tall in my garden is as much of a monument as you need ;).


Well-Known Member
Sweet God:

Sour Kush bubba:

THC Bomb x Bubblegum:

Sour Kush Bubba green:

Sour Kush Diesel:

Northern Lights:

The Church:


Northern Lights:

Sour Kush Bubba green:

Sour Kush Bubba:

Sour Kush Diesel:

as far as dankness of buds go . . . . sour kush is definitely the winner....
u will soon be sleeping in budz buddy.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
it was a red screen ....but its not doing it anymore
weird..... I just got through reading a dudes journal I follow and I found this tidbit of info that was posted. very interesting....

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Well-Known Member
checked up on my sourkush and she is doing fucking great!!!!!! nuggs everywere jack!!!!! i dont even know were im gonna store all those swolle ass colas..... there not even gonna fit in my swolle ass one gallon glass jar!!!! lol I THINK I NEED A BIGGER BOAT..... im not trying to break those buds down untill its time for them to be smoked!....

anyway my eye tells me in right around 4 weeks into bloom....... in about 32 days i will be choping.....32-34..


Well-Known Member
i will be posting an update on her soon.... today or tommorow... the pix were taken 5 days ago today... so the plant is a lil farthur into bloom then you will see..... i will do another fresher update right before the chop.... prolly week before chop or right before chop update...

its looking like ima clear 5 ounces!!!!!! prolly with ease!