the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
had a frost last night but it was a upper 30s frost so no big deal. haven't checked to see what they look like yet. I have a feeling i'm gonna see a lot more purple leaves tho ;)


Well-Known Member
had a frost last night but it was a upper 30s frost so no big deal. haven't checked to see what they look like yet. I have a feeling i'm gonna see a lot more purple leaves tho ;)
i know for a fact the sk are fine cuzz mine been taking low-mid 30's past 2 days at night


Well-Known Member
those are gonna get big fast....... Were gonna be all into your flower room and not even notice those nyc purp diesels untill there a miny bush!!! Cant wait for those to be in bloom... Dont forget to clone ur female!
yea i cant wait to :) i will def be cloning the female and collecting the pollin if i get a male !! Thanks again for them


Well-Known Member
i told ya so bro......

one thing I've noticed tho, frosts turn the white hairs to a kinda pale golden vs t he actual hairs finishing. tha'tll prbably change after 5 days of sun ;)

btw I got a shitload more molasses. ima be giving them 2 tbs a gal every other watering till harvest ;)


Well-Known Member
fed today for 3rd day in a row at full dose, and double dose snow storm ultra... mildew is still gone... and like 12-13 more days till chop

ima power feed untill friday, then from there to harvest a lil over a week i will be flushing with pure water


Well-Known Member
nice day today.... 78.f.......... 6/16 u.v........... 33% humidity....... not a cloud in the sky...... nice 8 mile an hour breeze...... perfect day to be a budding weed plant around here.....

gonna be 70's everyday untill the 13th.... no rain expected for a while to........ temps at night gonna be around 50... give or take on certain nights..