the chitown sourkush thread

fuc tha dentist i have wisdome teeth that r sidways nd theyr are afarid to pull em for breakin my jaw on top of it got a tooth in front of one wisdomw tooth that neeeds a root canal shit hurts nd with the cold weather ahhhhhhhhhhhhh been turned away by 3 oral surgeons nd i got straight as fuc teeth jus tha way the ones came in
fuc tha dentist i have wisdome teeth that r sidways nd theyr are afarid to pull em for breakin my jaw on top of it got a tooth in front of one wisdomw tooth that neeeds a root canal shit hurts nd with the cold weather ahhhhhhhhhhhhh been turned away by 3 oral surgeons nd i got straight as fuc teeth jus tha way the ones came in

it really isn't as bad as other people make us think... once you're all numbed up getting into your music it aint shit, it really isn't...
i had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out at once!!!!!!! i was fucked up for weeks after that... and i couldnt smoke anything for a while cuzz it fucking hurt the 4 big ass holes in the back of my mouth..
ya i had the oppertuinity right out of highschool but i woulda had to go the state finals swollen up gettin on jam up bulls nd i said no bueno nd now they r aafarid to do it nd i need it done to get this root canal cuz shit is buggin me somethin awful
ya i had the oppertuinity right out of highschool but i woulda had to go the state finals swollen up gettin on jam up bulls nd i said no bueno nd now they r aafarid to do it nd i need it done to get this root canal cuz shit is buggin me somethin awful

root canals aren't shit, drilling for cavities aren't shit... the only thing that will freak you out about wisdoms is the blood afterwords which isn't that bad because you know you're done with this shit for good.

get it done now before it gets worse bro.