the chitown sourkush thread

Chi, who is gonna carry on the sourkush grow while howak is on hiatus? i need a constant stream of closeups and pan grow room shots to quench my thirst.
poplars!!!!!!!!! da force is strong with him

you beeet... the lil seedlings are growin. dude I have a lil story

today I sat outside the walmart parking lot and blazed a fat dooby with my mom, it was epic. I put the powdered hash of that bubba bubble batch in the first 1/4th of the joint, omfg. I got so fuckin fucked up I could hardly operate, but it was fun :D I still feel kinda high from over 5 hours ago...
chi, who is gonna carry on the sourkush grow while howak is on hiatus? I need a constant stream of closeups and pan grow room shots to quench my thirst.
lol dont worry i want be gone long i promise plus i will still do smoke videos n shit :)
lucky ass lol shit i hear ya on tha cheap rent chi its y i live in tha ghetto 450 a month for a 2 bedroom 2 living area house im in one bath been here two yrs
lucky ass lol shit i hear ya on tha cheap rent chi its y i live in tha ghetto 450 a month for a 2 bedroom 2 living area house im in one bath been here two yrs

damn thats real cheap... same situation here in a ghetto area in chicago is gonna be like 650-800
maaaaan ima need no less then 16 lights, sealed room style cant be making holes for venting in the crib lol, a fucking chiller, or heavy duty a/c, mad panda film, mad 1.5 gal. grow bags, same amount of 5 gall grow gabs, fucking like 8-10 bales of sunshine mix #4..... a few cloner trays... a couple cheap t12's floro for cloneing, 2 of those 16 hps/mh switchables gonna be used for veg, ima need all organic nutes, clone gel, hydrometer/temp/co2 meter, co2, fans, a carbon scrubber, a couple rolls of duct tape, added perliet cuzz i like my soil real aerated, and ect... fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

fuck i cant use a natural gas co2 burner cuzz i cant fuck around with how shit is in the house... that leaves propane wich i gotta change often!!! every 3 days
lol i knew you could stay away from the combustion of reefer!!!

yeah bro I got way too high, I'm still fucked up, this shit fucks you up as bad as edibles on a low toelrance, I bet some people would even puke... no joke this hsit is ridiculously strong.