the chitown sourkush thread

still have that cone waiting on my buddy ;)... been curing for 3 days all I can smell is SOUR

I rolled that bitch so perfectly it can be balanced on the HITTING end :D
Perfect Joint wit some perfect weed in it!

too true, too true... the only thing I would do differently is posisbly grow it organically... might make a lil difference in the flavor... .but I firmly believe the high is the best it will be, unless I breed it over and over out in the area I live it might change the high a lil bit for the better though . . .

it does get a lil intense if you have a low tolerance and puff too much.. maybe the intensity could get more balanced and not so overwealming over years of breeding as if it were a landrace....

sorry I love cannabis too hard for me to not rant on about it...
Thanks man was wondering about that. I'm hoping to be half as luck when I get into the breeding game.

well you gotta have an eye for it, pick two strains that are epic in their own way, but that you have a hunch will turn into something else entirely when you breed it the right way.

then you have the elaborate task of taking mothers and fathers, flowering them out too see traits... taking those original clones and breeding the ones that exhibit the traits you want, you repeat this process generation after generation, each major cross you do is a generation (F1, F2, F3, F4 are each separate generations..)

the trick is pretty much having an eye for potential, then being able to stay organized to carry out that vision.
Ya I'm sticking my hands in....not a full on breeding project but a small inbreed of the F1's. Not gona grow them out then breed with the clones, gona breed with the seeds. Want to get a handle on making them seeds before I get into the full on breeding project.
Ya I'm sticking my hands in....not a full on breeding project but a small inbreed of the F1's. Not gona grow them out then breed with the clones, gona breed with the seeds. Want to get a handle on making them seeds before I get into the full on breeding project.

making seeds is easy peasy... I suggest if you do this at all you don't fuck around with it like 90% of hte people out there who just do the simple breed two plants that look good...

I mean look what happens when you put the sweat and blood into it? you get something amazing like sour kush... its way worth it to dive in..
making seeds is easy peasy... I suggest if you do this at all you don't fuck around with it like 90% of hte people out there who just do the simple breed two plants that look good...

I mean look what happens when you put the sweat and blood into it? you get something amazing like sour kush... its way worth it to dive in.. make it sound oh so good..
making seeds is easy peasy... I suggest if you do this at all you don't fuck around with it like 90% of hte people out there who just do the simple breed two plants that look good...

I mean look what happens when you put the sweat and blood into it? you get something amazing like sour kush... its way worth it to dive in..

So when I get them clones to get ready to breed with years of research on each strain I'm breeding, I want to know the Exact time to add the pollen to the females...know for myself not read it somewhere ya know. Thats how to really learn is experience. Just saying not trying to argue. And don't worry I won't let these seeds get out..:leaf:
So when I get them clones to get ready to breed with years of research on each strain I'm breeding, I want to know the Exact time to add the pollen to the females...know for myself not read it somewhere ya know. Thats how to really learn is experience. Just saying not trying to argue. And don't worry I won't let these seeds get out..:leaf:

lol sorry but the way I see it is if 1000s of other people have done it, know the best time to do it, why not take from that and then establish your own way...
I know too start the males before the females and to pollinate the females around two weeks in?, guess just want to experience all of this before I get real serious. Just really don't got the area right now too do a massive breeding project. I don't want to feel like a newb going too pollinate the pheno's I spent so much time finding.