the chitown sourkush thread

hell yea man i just took a few bong hits of sk out my zong shit is so dank!!! i got a king size cone joint iam goin to fill with purple D tonight as a test joint i have only smoked like 2 bowls of the stuff and got rid of quarter of it for $150 so the rest is all mine shit smells so fruity :)

man you missed it people was hating on the sk all crazy. despite the sick ass pictures.....
gotta start givin out free sampls at da centers--only available to the regs wit a purchase-- the regs from da center report back to da center center on there likes and there wanting more --center will be after you if its as good as you say i dont know either way and god knows i cant spell

simple --from there on history thats if its as good as you say it is

or get some one reputable that buys reg in their top $$ catagories or one of their growers that they believe in give them a small bud tell them to report it back you not involved after that -- then you show back in a month -- what did they say can i interest you xxx # of pounds every 3 months --done---thats if its as good as you say it is like i sauid i have no reason not to take your word i believe it is but truly i dont know
yeah the fool on the left is getting knocked da fuck out!!!!
they both are, brock dont hae that killa look in his eyes tho. thats usually means somethin to me.

lesnar is scared.. he knows he is gonna get hit like he never been hit before.. his eyes tell that tale... and jds looks like he knows lesnar is whats for dinner... its gonna get ugly man.... watch my boys hands go...
it was in some colorado patients needed thread.

Idiots, if I was in severe pain I would want the strongest most stoniest bud out there. By the looks of the close ups and yalls personal experiences, I can safely say without even smoking it, that its tops. Fuck it, let em smoke blue dream till they feel something (which is never).
If they hate, let em hate, watch the money pile up.
Idiots, if I was in severe pain I would want the strongest most stoniest bud out there. By the looks of the close ups and yalls personal experiences, I can safely say without even smoking it, that its tops. Fuck it, let em smoke blue dream till they feel something (which is never).
If they hate, let em hate, watch the money pile up.

LOL DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE BLUE DREAM...... worst blueberry hybrid ever!!!!