the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
chance of tstorms here but that usually doesn't mean rain so much as fires.... but luckilly we have a hella good fire team out here...

gonna have new picsposted up real quick.


Well-Known Member
chance of tstorms here but that usually doesn't mean rain so much as fires.... but luckilly we have a hella good fire team out here...

gonna have new picsposted up real quick.
yeah ill be right here waiting for them pix... i feel real bad that i dont have a camera.... i wanna show off too... maybe i can borrow my boys he has a decent one....


Well-Known Member
pic update :)

garden shot:


another pheno of midnight:


desert valley haze (one of the two that didn't hermie ;) )

big afghani favoring purple kush:

another midnight, good pheno:

grape favoring purple kush:

sour kush, big one:

you can see a lil of the little one in this next pic, I forgot to take a pic of it, but I took a bud shot.

few pics of the pollinated sk buds, pure sk seeds.

heres a bud of the smaller sk plant, they both are pretty much at the same stage of budding, plus or minus a few days.

the 2nd of the 2 desert valley hazes that didn't hermie, this one looks a LOT more sativa :)

and finally the plant that replaced the 6 foot hermie desert valley haze, master kush, local to this area for decades.

pollinated mk bud with sad S1

unpollinated mk bud.



Well-Known Member
pic update :)

garden shot:


another pheno of midnight:


desert valley haze (one of the two that didn't hermie ;) )

big afghani favoring purple kush:

another midnight, good pheno:

grape favoring purple kush:

sour kush, big one:

you can see a lil of the little one in this next pic, I forgot to take a pic of it, but I took a bud shot.

few pics of the pollinated sk buds, pure sk seeds.

heres a bud of the smaller sk plant, they both are pretty much at the same stage of budding, plus or minus a few days.

the 2nd of the 2 desert valley hazes that didn't hermie, this one looks a LOT more sativa :)

and finally the plant that replaced the 6 foot hermie desert valley haze, master kush, local to this area for decades.

pollinated mk bud with sad S1

unpollinated mk bud.

everything looks fucking awesome!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah those are some monsters in that yard.
lol I love it when people call it a's specifically a piece of land set aside for a garden... I'm not a backyard grower ;) ;)

you like the looks of that desert valley haze wbw? hella crystally for this stage in the game.


Well-Known Member
lol I love it when people call it a's specifically a piece of land set aside for a garden... I'm not a backyard grower ;) ;)

you like the looks of that desert valley haze wbw? hella crystally for this stage in the game.
yeah it buds up quick for a sativa too....... watch how kiefy the sk gets.....


Well-Known Member
yeah it buds up quick for a sativa too....... watch how kiefy the sk gets.....
lol I know how kiefy sk gets, I don't think it could get any kiefier than it did last year... I'm hopin it gets stonier since I'm all organic this time around....

its buddin up quick because it's already a 1st generation climatized.

you'll see SK look way better out here next year, bud faster and finish a little earlier too.


Well-Known Member
fuck ya pops! looking solid. and yes, I was gonna mention that the desert valley haze got some serious frost going on already
thanks bro I appreciate it.

so I'm definitely going to be doing the curing on a large scale... I'm just trying to decide if I want to do it the FDD way(small buds snap off, big stem still bendy, middle of the buds slightly bend, joint stays lit; then they go in jars in 12 capped 12 hours open.

the other method basically involves the same description for when to jar, but involves using hygrometers and curing at specific humidities and shit...

I'm thinking the fdd method would be better for me but I'd like some more insight from more people who have other types of experience on this matter.


Well-Known Member
thanks bro I appreciate it.

so I'm definitely going to be doing the curing on a large scale... I'm just trying to decide if I want to do it the FDD way(small buds snap off, big stem still bendy, middle of the buds slightly bend, joint stays lit; then they go in jars in 12 capped 12 hours open.

the other method basically involves the same description for when to jar, but involves using hygrometers and curing at specific humidities and shit...

I'm thinking the fdd method would be better for me but I'd like some more insight from more people who have other types of experience on this matter.
I jar mine when the larger stems make an audible crack when bent, but don't quite snap. There's still some sponginess to the buds, then I crack the jars for a few hours each day for about a week, then every other day, then seal em up.


Well-Known Member
I jar mine when the larger stems make an audible crack when bent, but don't quite snap. There's still some sponginess to the buds, then I crack the jars for a few hours each day for about a week, then every other day, then seal em up.
hmm that's quite a bit dryer than what fdd does... I'm thinking that if the stem is still bendy that gives a lot more moisture to cause a more effective cure... looks like you're definitely taking the safer route though... I want to do it just like fdd but I just have a hard time risking a whole years work on something before I thoroughly research it...


Well-Known Member
so i roderd another bottle of bmo flower power... this time i asked one of the iwners if he could mix in a 1/4 grow it green in the flower power bottle has i feel the flower power is a lil low on nitrogen.. he said he would... cool people at bmo.... i told him he should start selling gallon amounts of his nutes and he should add a lil sea kelp to his mixes


Well-Known Member
the potassium bicarb is burning my leaves a lil... i dont know if it was cuzz i made the mix too strong, or because i began using small amounts of neem oil to act has extra surfacant and for a lil bug protection...... nothing major but enough to piss me off!!!