the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
chitown has been whining about his plants for weeks. pops is feeding his rabbit shit because he was seeing signs of yellowing. i made a statement based on these two FACTS, direct at those 2 people.

seriously. WTF??????
when exactly was yellowing a problem again? sure I adjust, but how is this a problem? my buds are growing in hella nice, hella juicy epic dankness... where again is my problem??? lol.....


Well-Known Member
No one seems to care about the MG comment maybe its just personal between FDD an POPS kik. Funny to watch also guys and I'm favoring FDD for once, but I hated that you closed the RIU girls thread open that back up kik.


Well-Known Member
i missed the pics so i can't say for sure. i was just throwing out my thoughts.

if it had nudity i probably closed it. people hated me for rules i didn't make. i'm not a mod anymore. you should ask potroast or chiceh to open it. :)


Well-Known Member
i missed the pics so i can't say for sure. i was just throwing out my thoughts.

if it had nudity i probably closed it. people hated me for rules i didn't make. i'm not a mod anymore. you should ask potroast or chiceh to open it. :)
You're not a mod anymore? Since when?


Well-Known Member
seriously bro ease up on teh epsom salt.

organics don't contain 'salts' that build up, thus adjusting ph with a 'salt' will not do any good, you just gotta water em through it man.
the organics is what brought my ph out of whack..... and the epsom salt im sure brought my ph closer to range... if not my plants would be dead already cuzz beleave me i did a very light flush...


Well-Known Member
Well considering he used MG threw veg he prob got a salt build up then nutrient lockout. This happens when you don't flush after veg with MG and other chemicals But only pictures can tell. Who knows whats going on without the pics.
not at all..... i was using mg for veg like well over a month ago..... the problem was i was feeding twice weekly and never fed plain water... i was just counting on rain for that.... and that let my ph fuck up


Well-Known Member
chitown has been whining about his plants for weeks. pops is feeding his rabbit shit because he was seeing signs of yellowing. i made a statement based on these two FACTS, direct at those 2 people.

seriously. WTF??????
listen......... first off let me say i dont have the liberty of going to my fucking backyard at any time i want to to take care of my plants like how you do.... enough said at that.... dont try to make me out to be a noob or some shit.... ive seen you do stupid shit too like trim the fuck outta a plant that was gonna yield about 2 pounds to something that looked liked it would yield a few ounces... dont try and make me look bad.... trying to help is ok but insults not needed... i dont wanna have to go behind you and clean up your post but i will.. lets be civil


Well-Known Member
btw some kind of little animal either bird or chimpmunk has been shitting on my buds lol.. one nugg on the best looking sk got shit on and 2 buds on the cali hash plant also.... i took off all i could with a little twig, and tryed to wipe down with my shirt {all i had} next time i go back ima spray that off with a light solution of pot. bicarb and water... very light mix....

donr want any mold comming.... highest season for mildew/mold here for past 5 years.....


Well-Known Member
btw some kind of little animal either bird or chimpmunk has been shitting on my buds lol.. one nugg on the best looking sk got shit on and 2 buds on the cali hash plant also.... i took off all i could with a little twig, and tryed to wipe down with my shirt {all i had} next time i go back ima spray that off with a light solution of pot. bicarb and water... very light mix....

donr want any mold comming.... highest season for mildew/mold here for past 5 years.....
haha and I worried about smoking cat hairs. Outdoor definitely presents some unique challenges and this weather? It's outta control. It's either extremely hot, or lately it has just been rainy and 70-95% humidity for almost a week. I dunno how I could avoid the mold if I had outdoor going, I'm having to use A/C and dehumidifiers inside to fight this crap off in a controlled environment. How u handle the mold if it starts? Chop asap or can u do surgery outdoors? Unfortunately I have 0 outdoor experience with MJ, medical here doesn't allow it.


Well-Known Member
btw some kind of little animal either bird or chimpmunk has been shitting on my buds lol.. one nugg on the best looking sk got shit on and 2 buds on the cali hash plant also.... i took off all i could with a little twig, and tryed to wipe down with my shirt {all i had} next time i go back ima spray that off with a light solution of pot. bicarb and water... very light mix....

donr want any mold comming.... highest season for mildew/mold here for past 5 years.....
You could do a light alcohol or peroxide cleaning, that won't cause any burn that the P bicarb can. Will totally sterilize it at least.


Well-Known Member
haha and I worried about smoking cat hairs. Outdoor definitely presents some unique challenges and this weather? It's outta control. It's either extremely hot, or lately it has just been rainy and 70-95% humidity for almost a week. I dunno how I could avoid the mold if I had outdoor going, I'm having to use A/C and dehumidifiers inside to fight this crap off in a controlled environment. How u handle the mold if it starts? Chop asap or can u do surgery outdoors? Unfortunately I have 0 outdoor experience with MJ, medical here doesn't allow it.
similer weather here too..... might drop below 50% rh on some sunny days but at night its like 70% plus on avg. last week been real humid... im gonna spray my plants with pot. bicarb. if i run into any shit like that... and i hope i dont since im recovering from some heavy plant damage


Well-Known Member
You could do a light alcohol or peroxide cleaning, that won't cause any burn that the P bicarb can. Will totally sterilize it at least.
yeah im going with a weak solution...... it works forreal... but if you go to heavy it turns the pistils orange like the plants getting ripe... that goes away and new pistils have formed..


Well-Known Member
listen......... first off let me say i dont have the liberty of going to my fucking backyard at any time i want to to take care of my plants like how you do.... enough said at that.... dont try to make me out to be a noob or some shit.... ive seen you do stupid shit too like trim the fuck outta a plant that was gonna yield about 2 pounds to something that looked liked it would yield a few ounces... dont try and make me look bad.... trying to help is ok but insults not needed... i dont wanna have to go behind you and clean up your post but i will.. lets be civil

are you talking about this plant? IMG_3812.jpg


Well-Known Member
btw some kind of little animal either bird or chimpmunk has been shitting on my buds lol.. one nugg on the best looking sk got shit on and 2 buds on the cali hash plant also.... i took off all i could with a little twig, and tryed to wipe down with my shirt {all i had} next time i go back ima spray that off with a light solution of pot. bicarb and water... very light mix....

donr want any mold comming.... highest season for mildew/mold here for past 5 years.....
sounds like a problem. :neutral:

have you tried the "mildew cure" yet?