Well-Known Member
Your still talking?uh oh! giggles says no one on the internet likes me. fuck! what am I gonna do?
god damn. you really are a fucking moron.
Your still talking?uh oh! giggles says no one on the internet likes me. fuck! what am I gonna do?
god damn. you really are a fucking moron.
not that i think you want a legit job or anything, but employers these days are even testing for nicotine in your blood, if you piss dirty they wont hire you.its a circle of stop smoking... my boy dae dae put a face book update like "i quit smoking two weeks ago" im like fuckit im with you cuz.... he inspired me to as well.. because for the longest time it was already in my head to stop that shit because i feel it catching up to me at such a young age.. that shit is nasty... i still feind hard sometimes for a square i just smoke a bowl when i do and it passes... as long as i have bud im ok.. but yeah its been over 3 weeks and i still sometimes feind for them
somehow king of the hill turned black but slammin sammy sosa turned white???
Hahaha, a broken white did mike jackson
born a black male died a white female
lol somehow this is dick cheyney's doing lolsomehow king of the hill turned black but slammin sammy sosa turned white???
Somebody need to work on Anderson silvas voicelol i think dos santos been helping out machida with his english and shit...
my nigga dont gotta learn no english jo.. he speaks perfectly well with his fists, knees, and elbows...Somebody need to work on Anderson silvas voice
and he is about the same a jon jones, he has no real chin or power either, i think gsp would put him out,my nigga dont gotta learn no english jo.. he speaks perfectly well with his fists, knees, and elbows...
shit homeslice, i know more than you that's for damn sure. read the link and feel like alol bro how much do u know about steroids??? if u stop using them in time before the test ur testosterone levels will go back down to prime atleate levels were u will be considerd passing... the reem went overboard on the anabolics when he heard he had to fight jds in a cage with them small ass mma gloves not them big ass k1 gloves that hids his glass ass chin so well.. he was like i need to be bigger then bob sapp!!!!
yup! lolSomebody need to work on Anderson silvas voice
lolmy nigga dont gotta learn no english jo.. he speaks perfectly well with his fists, knees, and elbows...
who needs power when u have pin point precise striking..and he is about the same a jon jones, he has no real chin or power either, i think gsp would put him out,
his sht was extreamly low because he had a testosterone dump... thats what happends when u do lots of roids and quit trying to cycle off in time for piss tests... like i said if he was off the roids he would shrink back to this guy...shit homeslice, i know more than you that's for damn sure. read the link and feel like alol
his test was low, way low, extremely low.
anderson spider silva... prooving to niggas that they aint bout that life..... needs power when u have pin point precise striking..