the chitown sourkush thread

extra sk's are germing straight out of soil outside. lots of purple stemmed motherfuckers, but a few have green so I'm hopeful :). luckilly there was 1 magnificent female sk that is beautiful green stemmed looks just like that classic bubba, I put it in a 3 gallon pot.

everything else is in 1 gallon pots except a couple blackberry kushes x sad, they'are in 3 gal's as well. the lil sk's are in party cups.

basically I would have planted some stuff by now but I'm still trying to get the fuck outta here so I'm keeping everything in pots just in case we get a good place to grow.
all sounds to rockin along abahere good to hear

good karma gluck to all

spress i have tried many forms of germ
all include water seed an heating pad

i find my percentags are no where witout my heat pad an controller

have used cd cases
paper towels to cups
straight water to cups
straight to cups

an even after germed till leave red cups on heating pads
i believe in dem sum believe in top of frig, top of cable box and ect

i been havin a rough go wit germs lately
all an there mama are playin wit seeds
all kind of mongaloids, an misfits, twins, triploids, buds growin from leafs,
an erryting else seeds dont germ autos dont auto femed seeds giving males


yeah those are coming up just fine and im excited for... fuck a foot.. I got a late start... shit its still chilly from time to time here.. fucking gay ass Chicago weather
Oh ya, i took a hit the other week. Greenharvest and the dea came and took all my plants lol They landed their helicopter on my property hahaha was pretty nuts What an experience
While you were gone someone made a thread about how the ghettobird was scoping their place and they were considering going out with a 12 guage. it was priceless
Oh ya, i took a hit the other week. Greenharvest and the dea came and took all my plants lol They landed their helicopter on my property hahaha was pretty nuts What an experience
oh damn that sucks..

yeah man I started fuckin early, and kept them in a greenhouse, so they're beasts... you should see my buddies plants.. he's got 3 footers now.

also already have 2-3 female blackberry x sad seedlings... they're kickass..they look so amazing.
Nah, just faced the consequences like a man. The dea dude was super cool. He was one of my kind, a hawaiian, so it was all good. He let me slide this time