the chitown sourkush thread

Ya man, the humidity is a killer. Drinking some strong cofee ain't helping out either lol gottta get my morning bump though, with cofee. :)
You quit the yayo? Haven't heard you mention it lately...or you broke and can't re-up lol
Ya man, the humidity is a killer. Drinking some strong cofee ain't helping out either lol my morning bump though, with cofee. :)
You quit the yayo? Haven't heard you mention it lately...or you broke and can't re-up lol
i haven't fucked with da soft in over a month.... sometimes i get that taste in da back my thorat like damn wish i had a rail...
i need a tropical vacation doc.... i wanna go to Jamaica... if this years outdoor comes in strong ima dip out there for a couple weeks... stimulate there economy a lil
i haven't fucked with da soft in over a month.... sometimes i get that taste in da back my thorat like damn wish i had a rail...

Last time i did the Soft was back in jan when we went camping. We did a shitload of shrooms to that weekend. Was hella fun. Yoy shoulda seen kkday, lol
id like to try some tropical grown bud though..... i used to get some dank ass buds from what i told was Hawaii in cans... u would open the can then the funk would hit u... it would fluff up a lil higher then csn line too when u opend it... it was never a set amount in the can but supposed to be a zip in each,,, in any case the can was 350 bux no matter how much was in it :[ this was like a decade ago
a dollar an ounce????? wtf are growing for then???? it be more profitable for u to grow bannas iit seems... id slap a nniggas face if they were like lemme get that onion for a dollar... this is not fucking mcdonalds jo