Dr. Greenhorn
Well-Known Member
hey ^_^ is my smiley btich
Ya i know lol i stole it from you

Thanks clayton.for the kind words
hey ^_^ is my smiley btich
this is how i do laundry. Yup im off the grid
View attachment 2656842
100% organic indoor!!!!!! gotta love it
i give a fuck if its organic
- The most common soils in Illinois are the fertile black mollisol soils. They were formed under vast fields of grass by the decomposition of many generations of grasses. When dry they are soft and granular. Mollisols are some of the most fertile soils anywhere on earth. They are found all over Illinois, and are most concentrated in the north and center of the state.
Read more: Illinois Soil Classification | eHow http://www.ehow.com/facts_7904668_illinois-soil-classification.html#ixzz2TMACmLuU
it depends on the situation... I prefer to smoke organic myself... but when it comes to money ii don't give a fuck... nothhings changedWhat changed?
uhhhh noooooooooooooo......Hahaha funny shit. Change of heart huh lol
ok.... with.... or without...p.c.p?Send some of that organic oregano this way homey! Lol