the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
maaaaan thats glorious!!!!!!!!!! THAT MAKES ME SOOOOOO FUCKING PROUD AND HAPPY THAT NO VIC ASS NIGGAS GOT ANY SK BEANS... only those that truely deserve them
well thank you chi glad you hooked me up this was the 1st really dank shit i ever grew :)

^^^ lol money money moneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey ..... thats a cool ass song you got on that vid howak......
yea its a great song thanks


Well-Known Member
update video

that was a good ass shot of that big ass bubba kush from greenhouse...... man im really really looking forward to cracking those ghs bubba x sk... that is gonna be some rockhard, new level kiefiey, stank ass shit....


Well-Known Member
Choosing not to at the moment. Taking care of some health issues at the moment. when my body is back in "balance" again, then I will get back to ingesting herb again.... In moderation of course.
damn.. i hope its nothing too serious jack.......... im sure you will take the appropiate dose of some nugget as needed... afterall you are a doctor!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
damn.. i hope its nothing too serious jack.......... im sure you will take the appropiate dose of some nugget as needed... afterall you are a doctor!
.....why yes, I am a doctor. I'm the doctor of love...:hump: lol



Well-Known Member
i just checked on my video contest thing and IAM 1 VOTE AHEAD SO MAYBE I WILL WIN THIS DAMN CONTEST FINALLY


Well-Known Member
Whoa. Had too mnahy pitchers tonight, plus a little bubba. I tell ya what though, throwin fuckin triples all night long in darts.

Man how, plants are looking great. I'd like to hear a smoke report on that Cheese sometime. I'm pretty interested in that.