Nyc train and bus fare is $2.50 + a $1.00 for every new card lol. It pays to have a car.
got 2 cars hondai genesis and a ford flex
sold my motorcycle got scared
dont ride nobodys line took a walk on brooklyn bridge
did statue of liberty
did da twin tower site
and went to top of empire state
wit wifes cousin from cuba
no english wife did a lot of talkin translating
all cabs
car in parking lot
no stankazz tunnels and subway cars for me thank you
besides day pushin folks in front of um
wit my old azz fuk you
i hop you get to be old
yo azz might not make it
you either gona get old or die youngI hope I die before I become a bitter old prick like yoself
lol u used t shop in jew town huhView attachment 2793084 If you grew up in the chi, you have bought this shirt at the local mega mall/ flea market
Gee Wizz!...
Man Chi, all we been getting is rain. all summer it been wet wit cool temps. crazy fuckin summer.