The Church : My first grow

Hello CFL community, I just decided to pick up a new hobbie the other day when a grower friend of mine offered my a 4 week old clone of his mother plant "The Church"

Since i live in a small apartment i choose CFL...

What im using:
  1. Two 23 watt Day Light CFL
  2. Two 23 watt White Light CFL
  3. One 2" 17 watt White Light Fluro tube
  4. One 17 volt Computer Fan
  5. One 20 volt Computer Fan
  6. Grandmas Unsulfered Molasses
  7. Schultz 10-15-10
My soil is a mix of Gardening Soil and Perlite (I believe it comes out to be 18-8-15, but i'd have to look again)

I've had this baby girl now for 3 days and after a quick shoping trip I transplanted her into a new pot and filled her up using the same soil mix as the grower.

Pictures will follow because this is my second time writing it cause my computer crashes when i go to up load pictuures.

Please I can use all the helpful tips you guys have

:leaf::leaf:Happy Growing:leaf::leaf:
cell phone pics 014.jpgcell phone pics 012.jpgcell phone pics 013.jpg

Heres my pictures of my set up and my baby girl... Please don't be to harsh this was set up in an hour and i've been tweeking it for the past few days

Happy Growing
I don't know a great deal about strands of weed i just like to smoke... He gave me this clone with a bag said here grow your own.

can anyone tell me if Church is a good strain and if its indica or sativa dom?


Active Member
the daylight bulbs will work better then the white,but when u can go with hid' makes a big difference your plants will grow fuller/faster and budds will be dense...for now gro the best u can if possible get them outside if you can't get the hid's..


Well-Known Member
looks healthy. i use molasses myself, but generally it is not used until flowering. take it easy on the nutes, easy to burn plants, not so easy to fix.
She's on 12/12 when i got her a few days ago she had been veg'ing for 4 weeks... I'm new to this but i try to wait 2-3 days and water by weight or by how damp the soil feels... and all my feeds are at half the amount i've been told to use.
No idea where that would be located.... and I'm not horribly sensitive about my grow set up I know its ghetto its made up of 50$ worth of wal-mart supplys and a few things i picked up today, so with that if i get anything over 3.5g ill be in the Green (pun intended)


Well-Known Member
ok, not trying to tell u what to do, but u put her in 12/12 when u got her? or the clone was from a plant already in flower & on 12/12? I ask because she is really small to want to put her in flower when u could let her grow more first. The best clones are taken from plants 2 months veg., so when u say 4 week clone, I am assuming it has been 4 weeks since taken from the mother plant, which then would make it as old as the mother plus one month, which means it is definitely mature enough for flower but I wouldn't do it myself at this point. good on the nutes, just mentioned it because that is one area all newbies tend to almost always overdo & u should only feed every 3 water or so. best way to water by weight once u get the hang of it for sure.

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
hell yeah bro . ghetto or not your plant is lookin alright man... how much space do you got to work with?? is it in a closet?? best tip i can give you is READ READ and READ SOME MORE on all of the threads you see in the CFL forums.. alot of these dudes have amazingly clever ideas wether free or very low budget.. were all on a budget in the cfl check out my sig man., and keep doing your research, look at some journals and maybe get some ideas off of all of the setups/ grow boxes you see within this website... out of complete honesty and advice- look into putting together a more clean light setup..looks good though keep us posted man , so many helpful hands here. good luck homie


so I got this church from a mother and it has been veg'ing for 4 weeks ( i know it small, but i don't want it to get out of hand my first go) anyways i transplanted it yesterday and once i got her all tucked away in her new home i gave her a nice big drink with nutes at half the strength ( was it wrong to add feed when it was just transplanted into soil with nutes in it?)

Please Help me find out whats wrong with my baby

She has brown spots all over her top most fan leaves and one is even curling upwards... i know its not nute burn (unless and odd case of it)

please tell me my thumbs not poo brown and that i can handle this task
Quick update: so after my mis-hap the leaves got really crunchy and crumbled in my hands, so i cut the three leaves off and now my plant looks skinny. I also bought a neat little temp. humidity meter for a suprising 5 bucks at the local wal-mart... ( I plan to update every 5 days or so, unless I run in to a problem)


Edit: i also turned off the 2' fluro to lower the heat... i really need to get some more fans
Last night i changed my lights to be 3 white 6500k to 1 day 2700k... still working on building a box with a cleaner light set up...

just a quick update while im bored in class


Just a few tips that I learned from an experienced grower (i'm on my second grow and the difference in what he has me doing really shows), do a search on it, but you should FIM your plants, two, as far as nutes go, if your plant looks healthy (green) it doesn't need base nutes, weed recovers quickly, so you can wait til the first signs of nute deficiency before adding nutes, i.e. leaves turning yellow, once you give it nutes it will recover in about 24 hours, three, water sparingly, especially in the beginning, on my current grow, i'm watering about every 5-6 days, i wait until i can stick my index finger in the soil and feel bone dry soil only, about 2-1/2 to 3 inches down, and when watering always ph your water, ph'ing your water will make a huge difference, and only water until a trickle of water comes out of the base of the pot, remember it's a weed, it will survive in an arid desert for days w/out water, it will not survive in a drenched rain forest.
I've heard of FIM, but not really too sure on how it works i probably should read up more on it... my baby girl has been toped and i try to wait a few days between watering, usually wait till it feels light or if the soil is dry the first few inchs... my biggest problem i believe is the lack of reflective surfaces in my closet... as for nute's im new to growing nug i have some beautiful basil and cilentro plants growing on my patio, but thats far from a super dank nuggy grow under CFL... thanks for stoping in with the info

Since im stuck in Pharmacology class (which is a total bore) I might do a little research on FIM


Under the Advance Marijuana Cultivation forum, the second sticky post on FIM with M Blaze gives a really good tutorial on FIM. Topping will give your plants 2 instead of 1, but FIM can create many of the plants I FIM'd has 7 new tops. The only thing M Blaze leaves out is, in order to better support the FIM, my friend recommended pinching and slightly bending a couple stem sections below where you FIM. This cuases the stem to bruise and thicken up. I was a little freaked when my friend did it to my plants, but it really worked. FIM can double your yield.
I'll deffinitly try this, but since this plant has been topped and is in 12/12 i don't think it will be this grow... my boredom in class lead me to search the internet and i found some good reviews both for and against the FIM tech... I would really like to see pictures in comparison of topping vs FIM vs normal growth... i understand it can create more colas, but as a new grower i think i want to do as little as possible to stress my plant out... my next grow im already planning (god this addictive) and i want to use hempy pots and possibly scroog and FIM seems like it would be perfect for scroog...

thanks for the info... you kept me from sleeping all class with research, by anychance do you have any experience with hempy pots and as for bending the branches below the FIM do you actually break the stem or just put enough pressure to bruise it? that whole part kinda confused me


Definitely a light pressure, just a pinch and slight bend to could put your plants back to an 18/6 light cycle and veg them out haven't 12/12 long enough for it to be a problem...i veg'd mine for 6 days after i FIM'd them then went to 12/ far as hempy pots, i haven't heard of them...don't worry about stressing the plant with FIM, weeds are pretty vigorous...after 3-4 weeks into flower is when you see the benefits of FIM, then, I haven't even gotten to this yet but will, you want to do LST (Low Stress Training). Basically tying down all your top branches gives you big buds all the way down the branch instead of just at the top...i haven't done scroog, but i know they do FIM to be able to buddy said the downside of scroog is if you have to treat your plants for anything, mites, mold, etc...scroog makes it harder to deal with that stuff.