The Church

This is my first grow, I used 2 seeds at the same time on a 250W MH. one of them didnt grow as the first one and needed help and support to get up and live but it did and both of them grew and continued to grow but the later one is 30 cm difference in tall. now I am on my last stages of flowering on a 250W HPS and the smaller one seems to be more ready then the tall one.
also its been 3 months since i put the seeds so when the fuck will they be ready??? i tried some of it and it gets you high as hell but I didnt like the taste.
the Stem of the short one is turning purple from the bottom and am worried on it?? any advice would be great


Well-Known Member
No worries on stem color. As for the taste, it will not improve, not even with organics. Wait until your buds swell, then she is ready.


Well-Known Member
meh not really... I grew it and it really doesn't have an impressive flavor or high... a yeilder that I would use to sell to people rather than blaze myself...


Well-Known Member
I believe it may not be especially tasty but there's no way a slowly dried and cured but won't taste better than a wet uncured one. Its had no chance for the chlorophyl or nitrates to dissapate.


Well-Known Member
I believe it may not be especially tasty but there's no way a slowly dried and cured but won't taste better than a wet uncured one. Its had no chance for the chlorophyl or nitrates to dissapate.

it does taste better after cure no doubt, but the church isn't a very flavorful strain and even after cure it smells better than it tastes (then again my taste buds aren't tuned to smoke, I can smell it great when it's cut up or ground up..but I can't taste it in teh smoke as well as others...)


Well-Known Member
It seems like one of those strains that used to be better than it is now, by a company that used to be better than it is now. Sucks how a lot of companies and genetics are declining rather than improving.


Well-Known Member
It seems like one of those strains that used to be better than it is now, by a company that used to be better than it is now. Sucks how a lot of companies and genetics are declining rather than improving.

true, the seeds I got are from a year ago but I think feminized genetics are over all shittier than their normal counter parts due to all the potential damage to the original dna it takes to stabilize hermaphrodite genetics to a consistent pheno...


Well-Known Member
The Church is a newer strain. Came out 2009 I believe. As for curing makes everything taste better, well that goes with out saying unless it's the Church. There really is no good flavor there and like Poplars I don't care for the high either. I grow it for clients with severe nausea. I don't smoke it.
The Stem turned purple at the last week of flowering!!! is it normal??? I think it got infected by something because i have been using the same scissors without cleaning it

this is the top of the same plant,,, is it ready??



Well-Known Member
actually I do have one, I've had several strains do purple stems, sometimes it's completely natural, I've heard sometimes it's caused by N deficiency..

so yeah, I have multiple opinions, one: you're a noob and you would know the purple stem genetic trait as well as the N deficiency possibility if you had read even a little more than 5 mins...

oh that's two opinions in one sentence my bad.

either way... if you've given them enough N, your PH is balanced, you have nothing to worry about as it's natural to the strain.

observe: 10/Picture435.jpg

chitowns sour kush grows with hella deep purple stems, I've only seen ONE phenotype that grows with no purple stems under perfectly satisfied conditions.
I grew 2 plants next to each other with the same atmosphere and care but only one of them turned like this thats why i think something is wrong!!


Well-Known Member
I grew 2 plants next to each other with the same atmosphere and care but only one of them turned like this thats why i think something is wrong!!

unless they're clones of eachother I wouldn't trip... the other one likely has genetics to do such things at a certain temp or w/e....

but now you're startingn to sound like a hopeless newbie, I just told you the only TWO things that cause purple stems, yet you're still hopeless looking for someone to hold your hand.

have a good one.


Well-Known Member
as someone else said, don't crop until the buds have swelled, most of the hairs will be red/orange/brown... I go mainly by this..some like to go by trichomes, but I find they can trick you sometimes too..