The city calling my house at 1:15 am


Well-Known Member
just a quick thing on saying its not crack or meth does a great disservice to the drug legalization front...all drugs should be lagalized for there is no victim when drugs are used---vices are not crimes and should not be punished as such.

Well what happens when people OD? They are not victims then?

Victim: one that is injured, destroyed, or sacrificed under any of various conditions

Should make sure ya know what words mean before ya use em ;-)
Even if people dont OD, the drugs such as crack, coke, meth, heroin etc.. is still doing BODILY harm to your insides, making a victim still none the less.
Well what happens when people OD? They are not victims then?

Victim: one that is injured, destroyed, or sacrificed under any of various conditions

Should make sure ya know what words mean before ya use em ;-)
Even if people dont OD, the drugs such as crack, coke, meth, heroin etc.. is still doing BODILY harm to your insides, making a victim still none the less.
well when someone od's they are a victim of their own choices...sorry no body made them do the drugs they chose to do...nobody makes people drink or smoke cigarettes but they kill many more people than any drugs do...our laws are supposed to protect people from others infringing on their rights not from a person doing something to his own body


Well-Known Member
Never ever answer the door! My wife answered the door in march and it was the police and they as always said they smelled weed and came in. I was taking a nap and was woke up to that bullshit! I had 10 12 day old white dwarf females in my back yard and they arrested me for cultivation. Those little dick fuck ass police treated me like I had a meth lab!


Well-Known Member
PS There ARE more "victims" of crimes due to the nature of Crack and Meth and yes EVEN prescription pills. Robbery, Murder and Suicide are huge factors associated with those types of drugs. Not that they may not have happened in the past with MJ, but when is the last time you saw a pothead on the news committing some atrocious crime after hitting a bong? Coke and Meth are the real blights on the legalization front. I would rather pay taxes on a pack of weed (Marlboro Menthol Joints or Kool Zips) to fight the drug war on the coke/meth front, but paying 6$ for a pack of cigarettes to fight the war against Marijuana just seems real DUMB!


Well-Known Member
Yea the guy above said it best. Just do NOT awnser the door unless someone you know is coming over.
PS There ARE more "victims" of crimes due to the nature of Crack and Meth and yes EVEN prescription pills. Robbery, Murder and Suicide are huge factors associated with those types of drugs. Not that they may not have happened in the past with MJ, but when is the last time you saw a pothead on the news committing some atrocious crime after hitting a bong? Coke and Meth are the real blights on the legalization front. I would rather pay taxes on a pack of weed (Marlboro Menthol Joints or Kool Zips) to fight the drug war on the coke/meth front, but paying 6$ for a pack of cigarettes to fight the war against Marijuana just seems real DUMB!
yes crimes do occur but the fact of the matter is that prohibition of anything creates the black markets where crimes thrive in...most drug users dont commit crimes other than getting about taxes...they put that high tax on cigarettes because they want to punish smokers and need money to one speaks up for the poor who are most affected by higher taxes on cigarettes because no one will defend the use of cigarettes...its an easy target for them to get money...and where in the u.s. constitution does it say that the federal government has a right to establish the DEA and try and stop people from doing something to themselves?.....who is another person to decide what i get to do to my body...its MY friggen body fuck off


Well-Known Member
Just be aware.. all a cop needs is to "smell" something illegal going on and they have reasonable suspicion to enter or get a search warrant and enter on their own. I live in a similar situation as you and smoke in a room far away from my doorway so any smells do not go into the hallway. Gotta be careful man.


That's how it use to be. Not long ago.. cops actually had to have a REASON to get a search warrant.. before they could even come to your front door.

That's all changed.. because now a days.. cops don't need a 'Probable Cause' in order to get a search warrant... and bust in your crib.

All they have to do these days.. is just have some suspicion that there might be plants inside your house. That's all they need.. they don't need a reason these days. They can just come up and bust in your front door if they even have the slightest HINT that you might be growing in your house.

Scary shit huh. :| Tell me about it.. I like this neighborhood though.. its mainly older people. They're quiet.. and I'm nice to them and they're nice to me. I do that on purpose.. (well, plus its just my nature.. im a nice guy until ya piss me off).. but yeah I like to keep myself on my neighbors good list ya dig?

Attract only GOOD attention. Thats' the key... ;)

Which.. is why I am so happy that many states.. are now passing the 420 bill. Which will legalize marijuana.. for medicinal purposes only. However!!! Once more states get involved with using medicinal marijuana... more people will realize that just because we smoke bud.. doesn't mean we're bad people.

It's marijuana!!! It's not crack; meth; or heroin. It's marijuana people. When was the last time you seen a pothead out stealing and robbing people because they're needing to smoke some bud? NEVER. So yeah, it'll just be a matter of time after each state legalizes it for medicinal useage... before you know it everyone will start realizing that its' really not bad... and it's actually helping people.. well I don't think it will be long before they will try and totally legalize marijuana.. and just tax the shit like they do cigarettes. Ya dig?

So yeah.. its just a matter of time before its totally legalized for person's over the age of 18. (again.. just like cigarettes.)


Peace everyone..

Happy 2010!




Well-Known Member
Black Market thrives on. Always will. Cartels will use it to fund operations so will terrorists. Our goverment is probabaly responsible for Afghanistan becoming the #1 Opium trading country. Then they turn everything around and say that America is the #1 drug using country and use Marijuana as a scape goat for the bigger drug problem I truly belive they created in the first place. Someone in the Hoods across America did not just find Cocaine laying on the ground. FBI/DEA planted it on the streets and someone in Gov. made some unfathomable amount of $$ in the process. Anyway keep your doors locked lol. Nothing we can do to change the past, but we can pave the future.


Well-Known Member
LOL same shit happened to me last week.... caller ID Town of ______ I answered they said this is the police but don't worry your not in trouble we are just looking for donations LOL


Well-Known Member
well when someone od's they are a victim of their own choices...sorry no body made them do the drugs they chose to do...nobody makes people drink or smoke cigarettes but they kill many more people than any drugs do...our laws are supposed to protect people from others infringing on their rights not from a person doing something to his own body

So when girls get slipped roofies in their drinks at clubs/parties and get rapped as a result of it its their fault? Because they chose to go out for their birthday and celebrate with friends?

Or when little idiot teenagers work at fast food places and slip shit in the food its the customers fault for being hungry?


Well-Known Member

That's how it use to be. Not long ago.. cops actually had to have a REASON to get a search warrant.. before they could even come to your front door.

That's all changed.. because now a days.. cops don't need a 'Probable Cause' in order to get a search warrant... and bust in your crib.

All they have to do these days.. is just have some suspicion that there might be plants inside your house. That's all they need.. they don't need a reason these days. They can just come up and bust in your front door if they even have the slightest HINT that you might be growing in your house.

Scary shit huh. :| Tell me about it.. I like this neighborhood though.. its mainly older people. They're quiet.. and I'm nice to them and they're nice to me. I do that on purpose.. (well, plus its just my nature.. im a nice guy until ya piss me off).. but yeah I like to keep myself on my neighbors good list ya dig?

Attract only GOOD attention. Thats' the key... ;)

Which.. is why I am so happy that many states.. are now passing the 420 bill. Which will legalize marijuana.. for medicinal purposes only. However!!! Once more states get involved with using medicinal marijuana... more people will realize that just because we smoke bud.. doesn't mean we're bad people.

It's marijuana!!! It's not crack; meth; or heroin. It's marijuana people. When was the last time you seen a pothead out stealing and robbing people because they're needing to smoke some bud? NEVER. So yeah, it'll just be a matter of time after each state legalizes it for medicinal useage... before you know it everyone will start realizing that its' really not bad... and it's actually helping people.. well I don't think it will be long before they will try and totally legalize marijuana.. and just tax the shit like they do cigarettes. Ya dig?

So yeah.. its just a matter of time before its totally legalized for person's over the age of 18. (again.. just like cigarettes.)


Peace everyone..

Happy 2010!



Cops do need probable cause to get a search warrant. At least they need it where i live. Dont say its not true cause I just went through some BS about 6 months ago and my lawyer said they cant get a search warrant w/o having probable cause.


Well-Known Member
Police will search your house with the slightest bit of info that you are growing and if they knock and you answer they will say they smell it even if they dont and come in and search. However if you have a payed lawyer you will get charges dropped 90% of the time based on illegal search and seizure. I have seen it happen a dozen times. Always have bond and lawyer money ready and never sign a consent to search!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
if yu are in a med state then get a card. Lol. YU never know, and that card will save yer life. If not then Gl. Card saved my life, and I never thot I would need it, I dont deal or get noisy ever. Oh yeah, those harmless poppies we all want to grow too for fun could ruin the saving yer ass powers of the card for yu. lol. That was some serious talking on my part. GL. Prob nothing.
So when girls get slipped roofies in their drinks at clubs/parties and get rapped as a result of it its their fault? Because they chose to go out for their birthday and celebrate with friends?

Or when little idiot teenagers work at fast food places and slip shit in the food its the customers fault for being hungry?
when girls get slipped roofies in their drinks and get raped yes that is a crime the girls' rights were clearly violated and a rapist will rape regardless if ghb or rohypnol are legal and they deserve long prison sentences for that (notice someone is doing something to someone else) and if i chose to take some ghb that is my choice to myself (notice me doing to myself) do you see the difference?!? and little teenagers wouldn't have as much access to drugs if the drugs weren't ran through the black market where no one gives a fuck how old you are...drugs are easier to get when your under 21 than alcohol.


Well-Known Member
Those #'s are usually Fraternal Order of Police raising money they call at all hours.
I m sure not smoking joist in my living room anymore , my own stupidity I always wait untill after midnight but I dont want to give probable cause . Kush fucking stinks .


Well-Known Member
Police will search your house with the slightest bit of info that you are growing and if they knock and you answer they will say they smell it even if they dont and come in and search. However if you have a payed lawyer you will get charges dropped 90% of the time based on illegal search and seizure. I have seen it happen a dozen times. Always have bond and lawyer money ready and never sign a consent to search!
(I ment to put that in caps I hate repeating myself)

Just from watching legal dramas on television, many people know that the police need a warrant to search your house. This is accurate, for the most part, as the Fourth Amendment protects private citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. But did you also know that under the exclusionary rule generally anything seized during an illegal search cannot be used as evidence in court?

As a result of the exclusionary rule, there are important exceptions to the warrant requirement that have developed under the law that everyone should know about.

Let's start with the basics first. What is a search warrant? If a judge is convinced that there is "PROBABLE CAUSE" of either criminal activity or contraband at a place to be searched, he or she will issue and sign a search warrant—a court order that allows the police to search a specific location for specified objects at a specific time. That's a lot of specifics, to be sure, but they are important legal distinctions. This wording means that if officers have a warrant to search your house, they don't get automatic authority to also search your car parked outside on the curb; or, if the object specified is a stolen painting, they can't rummage through your underwear drawer, unless, of course, the painting could fit into that space.

Note that you may ask to read the search warrant or have the officer read it to you.

There are four main circumstances in which a warrant is not required for police to search your house:

1. Consent. If the person who is in control of the property consents to the search without being coerced or tricked into doing so, a search without a warrant is valid. Note that police do not have to tell you that you have the right to refuse a search, but you do. Also, note that if you have a roommate, he or she can consent to a search of the common areas of your dwelling (kitchen, living room), but not to your private areas (bedroom, for instance). On the other hand, the Supreme Court recently ruled that one spouse cannot consent to the search of a house on behalf of the other.

2. Plain View. If a police officer already has the right to be on your property and sees contraband or evidence of a crime that is clearly visible, that object may be lawfully seized and used as evidence. For example, if the police are in your house on a domestic violence call and see marijuana plants on the windowsill, the plants can be seized as evidence.

3. Search Incident to Arrest. If you are being arrested in your house, police officers may search for weapons or other accomplices to protect their safety (known as a "protective sweep"), or they may otherwise search to prevent the destruction of evidence.

4. Exigent Circumstances. This exception refers to emergency situations where the process of getting a valid search warrant could compromise public safety or could lead to a loss of evidence. This encompasses instances of "hot pursuit" in which a suspect is about to escape. A recent California Supreme Court decision ruled that police may enter a DUI suspect's home without a warrant on the basis of the theory that important evidence, namely the suspect's blood alcohol level, may be lost otherwise.

So what should you do if the police show up at your house "just wanting to look around?" It's not in your best interest to deny them access because there may be extenuating circumstances that you don't know about; you certainly don't want to risk physical injury or being charged with interfering with a police investigation when you didn't have anything to hide in the first place.

However, do make it clear that you are not consenting to the search. Ask the officers for identification and an explanation as to why they are there and what they're looking for. Also, write down details of the search as soon as possible, in case you need them later.

I mean come on guys, yall spend a bunch of money on grow equipment, spend numerous hours online and watching vids on growing. Take pride in your work and all that good stuff but you wont take time to learn your rights and what the cops can and can not do? sheesh :roll: