The Claw


Well-Known Member
I use the biobizz bloom for flowering but some say still use the biobizz grow as well, although biobizz is suppose to be weak i find i only need a tiny amount per litre, i think of
hand its 4.5 litres to the gallon but not sure, and is quite concentrated, the bloom seems to be very dillute when poured into water and dosen't make the water go very brown compared to the grow for the veg stage. Through research i found it to be a quite complete fertilizer for soil growing and seemed to have plenty of calcium and magnesium as was quite concerned that people kept saying it was quite deficient of these two nutes, i don't add any supplements to it and don't really seem much cal mag probs. I do use maxicrop sometimes if the fertilizer dosen't seem to be working its magic but that is very rarelly.


Well-Known Member
This is because that's an advanced stage. I bet that if you let her be you'll have dead burnt margins and necrotic wounds. The thing is that when N is overdone the leaves will dry and begin to fall off definitely showing toxicity which is not the case here. Also Fruit and flower set would be inhibited or deformed.
Leaves will go very dark, turn floppy and weak and claw before they ever dry out and fall off. If there was a K deficiency the tips of the leaves would be burnt and usually curling up, before the older leaves went yellow and spotty.


Well-Known Member
He's right K def is only collateral damage the main issue is N toxicity.

from 420 magazine
Now for having too much nitrogen in your growing mediums or soil. The plant will have like an overall DARK green look and have delayed maturity. Due to Nitrogen being involved in vegetative growth, to much nitrogen will result in tall plants with weak stems. New growth will be very lively and plant transpiration will be high, but not always. Nitrogen toxicity can be seen when there are very very dry conditions almost as if there was a drought, which may show a burning effect. If you give your plants ammonium based nutrients they may show NH4+ toxicity, which will show a smaller plant growth and lesions that occur on stems and roots, leaf margins that will roll downward. Also the big fan leaves will have “the claw” look. The tips will point down but the leaves will stay up as if when you bend your fingers downwards. Leaves can be twisted when growing… mainly new growths. Roots will be under developed along with the slowing of flowering. Yields will be decreased, because to much nitrogen in early stages of flowering slows down bud growth. Water uptake is slowing down from the vascular breakdown of the plants as well. Too much potassium and nitrogen will lock out calcium as well.

Anyhow just flush and drop some ppms. she'll make it!
I've been getting the same problems with BioBizz Grow. It contains way too much nitrogen! Especially the slow released NH4, once you switch over to flowering it keeps feeding your girls with more and more N. Wrecks havoc - in my opinion stay away from. BIOBIZZ!!!


Well-Known Member
The eagle talons and dark green come from too high nitrate levels and overwatering. Check the bottom of your pots and make sure they arent leached with old water.