The Cleanest Way To Take A Hit (Solar Hits)

i like solar to do bong hits. it comes in handy when its windy out side.
never tried using those hemp strings yet.
i dont have much carving skills but have a lite on me


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The Cleanest Way To Take A Hit (Solar Hits)
Steveo24, I completely agree with you. Solar hit are indeed the tastiest & cleanest means to smoke weed. I'm up early waiting for the sun to crest the horizon for that first wake & bake in the morning.Come sunset I puff like krazy to get me through the evening. Doesn't anyone want to join me here. I will taint my hits with a bic if need be. I got one right here in my pocket as it's raining today. I'm in N. Cal so the sun will be back real
The Cleanest Way To Take A Hit (Solar Hits)
Steveo24, I completely agree with you. Solar hit are indeed the tastiest & cleanest means to smoke weed. I'm up early waiting for the sun to crest the horizon for that first wake & bake in the morning.Come sunset I puff like krazy to get me through the evening. Doesn't anyone want to join me here. I will taint my hits with a bic if need be. I got one right here in my pocket as it's raining today. I'm in N. Cal so the sun will be back real soon.View attachment 3628143
If you use the rainbow to light the bowl, do your farts smell like fruitloops? Seriously?