The closet zen garden of perpetual enlightenment

how good is the 600W man those plants are freakin tall looking good! not sure what u guys green is worth but I saw you mentioning power cost, in my town ur looking at $0.30/kWh and $300-$350 for an oz of weed
The 600 is amazing. Everytime I open my closet I'm forces to look upward in adoration of these huge plants. Like a bonsai-redwood forest. I still haven't gotten this month utilities bill. I'm really hoping a sub $200 bill but even if I get a $300+ I think it'll still be worth the time and money considering I haven't bought any flowers since early December.

But here's an update:

I can't fit all of the girls in the frame (and that's with a full frame camera sensor w/ 24mm lens!) They are massive! All of my light leak issues, and the girls getting claw leaves, I have remedied by tearing out my old veg/flower separation "wall" (layers of Mylar hung from the ceiling to the floor) and upgrading to a drywall partition. My closet doors still need to be replaced, and will be, but as an added measure I made a curtain out of theater black-out fabric to cover the entirety of the outside of the closet. I figured if I have people over it's not so easy to explain what looks like aurora borealis emminating from my closet... especially at this latitude!


So as you can see, it has normalized. Now I am 49 days into my flower cycle and these girls have been glugging away, sucking up about 2 gallons a day. The last rez change I did I set the 10gal @ ~1200ppm. Now at 10gal it's around 920ppm and winding down. I'm hoping in the next 20days it will get down to about 200-300ppm so I can harvest the larger buds first then the smaller ones.

Now I usually like to do a final flush of pure H2O for 2-3 days while I keep the buds in 48-72hrs of total darkness. I have never done a multi-stage harvest so I'm not sure how I can work it out for the premiere big buds to get that extra flush step... is the extra flush in total darkness even that necessary or am I practicing bud-ju-ju?

(thought I'd never scroll to the bottom of this kola)

In the veg chamber I shook things up a bit. I realized that my plants are fucking massive, one reason being I vegged them for ~70days. For the next run I'd like to try them around ~30days of vegging. I'm also narrowing the phenos down to the one's I like the most and it is now down to 3 phenotypes. Specimen #3,4,& 5.

#3: is has traits that I think might best capture what "Arjan's Strawberry Haze" is supposed to be. It's fairly big and has really nice frosty buds with lots of hairy calyxes
#4: is the gargantuan of the group, in all the photos of the closet it's the camera hog. It has traits that sport long almost evergreen looking Kola (and lots of em) that look better suited in a Dr. Suess book with thick buds sporting fat white calyxes. However it does not appear to be as frosty as number 3 and especially...
#5: this was a pheno I wasn't going to keep going on as in the past it has grown rather small. I decided to keep it going to the next run by reveging it. It's buds are just some of the frostiest I have ever seen and has lots of sugarleaf. I think it can grow bigger than it has been. In previous grows it has been on the edge of the light and I was growing with a 150hps&135wCFL, so now that I have the 600w HPS I think it stands a better chance to shine as bright as its frosty buds.

My goal is to eventually play around with breeding so I think these will give me a good spectrum of where to start, depending on what I end up crossing it with. I have a giant, a mediator, and a shrimp but with the heart(and trics) of a giant.
They're just starting out not evn a few days old. One is reneging, in he middle, I had them under 24 hr light just switched to 18/6. New Apollo led light I'ven't really used yet

Plant specimen#3 nice mix of size and frost


One of specimen #4s lower bud sights. #4 is the largest pheno I have and its "king kolas" (the 4 Big ones) don't look as frosty as it's lower kolas

I was out of town for a week and came back to some lazy fat girls! these buds are all bigger than my fists and doing a beautiful color change. I had a friend watching them while I was away in SF(shoutout to Berkeley patients group). All I had him do was top off every few days and maybe, just maybe add pH up if necessary. I always ask him to make note of what he does and anything that he observes but leaving him with a jar of pot from last harvest is like entrusting pooh bear with your honey operation. Luckily, these stinkbud areo systems are so low maintenance, there isn't much operator error that can happen

3kola.jpg (specimen #3)

This plant (Arjans Strawberry haze) is recommended 10-11 week harvest so while I'm itching I still have another week and a half or so to chop. The trics are getting cloudy and some light ambers can been seen I still predominantly have clear trics peculiarly enough I'll notice more ambering trics on the bottom buds rather than the top.

(specimen #4)

My quest in honing in on the phenotype I like, based on looks alone I've really been digging on #3 & #5 they posses the biggest tric glands out of my sampling. #3 is a large sativa dom plant and is covered in frost, while #5 is pure frost and short statured, it also produces a lot more sugar leaf then buds, but the buds are dense, making a perfect hash plant.

5.jpg (#5 tucked away in a corner)
(#5 CLOSE)

#4 is a gargantuan but I think I am not going to let it go on to the next round. While I love it's size, and fall into adoration at it's redwood stature, it's just not as resinous as I would like. I can manhandle one of its giant buds and my hands dont get nearly as sticky as when I accidentally bush up against one of the others, especially #5.
Sad to report though some bad news for #5 as I wanted to move it up into another round of growning, apparently while checking the clones I snapped the stalk off of the revegging #5 clone I had going. All the other clones have popped roots already so I dont think I can try and sprout roots again while I have nuits in the water now. but I think it'll be alright becasue I also picked up a few clones while in SF!

veg.jpg (veg room)

I got a clone of "gran daddy purps" and "girl scout cookies. I bought a soft cooler put them in it and put the cooler in my carry on bag. It was a long way to go but they're here and looking happy! The other clones aren't looking as happy because their caretaker didnt give them nuits until they were changing colors. But that was a few days ago and they are bouncing back. So while I lost a unique pheno, I gained 2 strains! GDP has a 8-9 week flower cycle, while GSC has 9-10 week and my ARS has 10-11 week. So we'll see how this next round of growing goes.

heres more pRon

3.jpg (#3)
3kola2.jpg (#3)
3kola3.jpg (#3)
4kola2.jpg (#4)
Grow update: flower day 70

Just before I go off to bed I thought I post. The girls are coming along real fine and I will be harvesting any day now.


Last grow I harvested day 73 but I think I may go all the way to day 77. A lot of the trics are still relatively clear, albeit light cloudy. I was also hoping for these calxyes to go all gold to feel like I have currency


They are big n beautiful. I'm thinking to buy a scale this grow just to see how much I'm growing.

The clones are all doing great and the Girl Scout cookies and GDP clones have settled into their new home from their long flight. I may post pone the next cycle a month or so. But I will keep the veg alive as the Apollo led seems to be working great and barely registering on my electric bill
Day 72:
All is going according to plan and I am just waiting to let these girls finish out. But I've some thoughts to reflect back upon this grow.


For the past 20 days I have not changes out the nutrient solution to these girls. The last rez change I did the PPM was around 1200+. In the past 20+ days these girls have eaten it down to 740PPM. I was hoping to induce a color change and pseudo-flush them. But now I am starting to think on weather I should have kept changing out the nuits to varying strength( not sure weather at a constant high ppm or an ever decreasing) I have just been letting them take what's left, while always topping off the water to 10gal.


I have gotten a color change, and best of all I think it's a good one rather than a bad, as the buds seem to keep growing, so much so they are leaning all over the place. Note to self for next grow: make scrog taller:


I think everything has been going good so far, at this stage, and to say the least this is the biggest grow I have done yet. I've no idea how many grams/ounces/pounds to expect. Although if I get a pound it certainly won't be plural. But I expect to cut her in just under a week I rek'n.


  • #4.2.jpg
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It looks like you still have a bunch of new pistills. Kind of hard to tell in the pic. Have you checked out the trichs?
Yeah they're mostly clear but murking up. I assume they'll go in a week, which would mean it's going to be about 30days since I last gave them fresh nuits. I think next grow around I'll do it later in the cycle or perhaps not taper off nuits at all.
Yeah the accidental reveg while I was out of town didn't help, but it looks like they're doing pretty swell
On this harvest moon!

Well I've harvested so here is a multi-part post (because I've way to many images!)
Here is the biggest of the bunch! Plant specimen #4 she is a sheer giant. This planr alone is going to yeild more than my last harvest(under a 150wHPS&105wCFL) She's got big buds and man o man did they get nice anf hairy and frosty!
Absolute gigantic buds I'll be taking some reall profesh photos later when the sun goes down but these girls are the word!
up close. while at first I was worried about #4 in the twilight of its growth cycle it got really frosty! I also love how dense it's buds are. I think #4 based on looks alone will be the winner of the pheno contest.
just 1 of 5 massive kolas!

Which brings me to our next specimen...#3
the runner up for sheer size but by at least tie for the frost (with #5 more on her later) Her frost was giving me eyegasms every time I would peer into the closet because she was a frost giant from the first few weeks of flower.
However, her buds have formed in a strange way where there are a lot of tendrals but close together. I think this may have been because of the slight reveg it did when I was outta town
but she has gigantic resin glands and on that with her good size, makes ger progress (along with #4) to the next round of the pheno off.

Which brings me too... specimen #5
#5 was an underdog fav of this round. I know I said #3 was frosty but if you were to compare to #5, #3 is the sierra Nevadas and #5 is the Himalayas (not in size but in frost) Unfortuently a few things happened to #5. For starters, when I first moved these girls into flower, I had my old light setup (150wHPS&105wCFL) so only really two plants were getting good rays.
...#5 wasn't one of them. While i think she is a small grower anyway, she got stifled under her giant sisters. Secondly, I tried to make a clone of her, that was well flowered, so I had to reveg, only to carelessly break her on routine check up. So salute to the frost queen #5.

to be continued...
harvest moon: part duex

#4 had a smaller sister, and here she is. She too wass off to a side where she didnt get much light. but she still hap a fairly impressive main kola. dense n nice, but because of her position in the beginning, she was off to a bad start but a nice finish it seems.

which brings us to the last wild girl... specimen #1
This was a girl I didnt talk about much in the grow. she too tucked in a corner in the beginning, but she is a sleeper hit I think. as she is a nice leafy lil bush. I was already excluding her from the next grow round but she was a nice surprise to see after I cut all the redwoods down. She was right on the scrog filling in anywear she could. If a needed a pheno that was a survivor she would be it.

She'll thrive in any crack!

Si I got a nice full box of the best weed I've ever grown, and hopefully it'll end up being some of the best stuff I've ever smoked!

This grow I really learned a lot and I think I used all my previous knowledge wisely. I was hoping for
A) the biggest crop I've done yet: check
B) do a "proper flush" (wind down the nuits) and get a good color change: Check
c) not let it get out of hand:...CHECK!

Few things I've learned:
I'm not sure if this pic does the roots justice but holy shit were there a lot of them and I think they're pretty healthy. They are definitely thick! and so much so it seems they grew down two of the mist heads inside the tube. So I think I'll absolutely need to upgrade the pump, I'm thinking a ~300GPH should do nicely.
I also learned that I need to think about the placement of these bitches. perhaps if I put the big growers on the outer banks and the small girls on the inside I can get a more even grow. and that is going to be an important thing to figure out as my next grow I am going to have different strains in the same tube.

I'm going to keep 2x#3's, 1x#4, 1xGSC, & 1xGDP. I'm already starting to think I should've had 2 #4's going as I am inlove with the end result, but they didn't put on their size or frost until the final week or two, while I knew they were going to be good producers, I wasn't sure how frosty she would be, and I thought at one point I'll end up with a lot of mediocre smoke, but seeing how she ended.. I think I should have more of her. But I can make many more clones!


Now... I've got a lot of cleaning, buddering, and juicing(the best way to destroy evidence) to do.. stay tuned for the climatic conclusion where I'm also going to do proper bud photoshoot!
So I only decided to nicely photo one kola as not to disturb them more than I have, but here is the conclusion to harvest day!
pmcu1.jpg ps1.jpg psm2.jpg ps2.jpg psm1.jpg
Nice set up I use the same product Try adding Kool Bloom Powder in the last 4 weeks with a nice arc in PPMs back off aliittle on the size at the same timeIMG_1534[1].jpg
Yeah for this next round I'm going to use all of fox farms additional nuits ( open sesame, big bud, &cgavhing) who makes Koop bloom? It looks like it makes a nice forest !