The coming nutricide!


Well-Known Member
THE COMING NUTRICIDE!... Full Global Implementation of Codex Alimentarius December 31, 2009

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the dark about the coming nutricide. Codex Alimentarius is scheduled for full global implementation on December 31, 2009, and not a word has been spoken in main stream media about this threat to humanity. ~ Barbara Minton ~ Video[/FONT]
Yet, according to the projections of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a minimum of 3 billion people will die from the Codex mandated vitamin and mineral guideline alone. As the clock ticks toward this irrevocable deadline, the Natural Solutions Foundation (NSF) and its medical director, Dr. Rima Laibow, are feverishly working to change Codex guidelines. They need your help.
Former Nazi is father of contemporary Codex
Forner Nazi Hermann Schmitz looked for an alternative to brute force for controlling people and realized that people could be controlled through their food supply. Codex is the enemy of everyone except those who will profit from it, according to Dr. Laibow. She points to its association with those who committed crimes during the Nazi regime. At the end of World War II, the Nuremberg tribunal judged Nazis who had committed horrendous crimes against humanity and sentenced them to prison terms. One of those found guilty was the president of the megalithic corporation I.G. Farben, Hermann Schmitz. His company was the largest chemical manufacturing enterprise in the world, and had extraordinary political and economic power and influence with the Hitlerian Nazi state. Farben produced the gas used in the Nazi gas chambers, and the steal for the railroads built to transport people to their deaths.
While serving his prison term, Schmitz looked for an alternative to brute force for controlling people and realized that people could be controlled through their food supply. When he got out of prison, he went to his friends at the United Nations (UN) and laid out a plan to take over the control of food worldwide. A trade commission called Codex Alimentarius (Latin for food code) was re-created under the guise of it being a consumer protection commission. But Codex was never in the business of protecting people. It has always been about money and profits at the expense of people.
In 1962, the timetable was set for Codex to be fully implemented on a global level by December 31, 2009. Under Codex, committees were established to create guidelines on such topics as fish and fisheries, fats and oils, fruits and vegetables, ground nuts, nutrition, food for specialized uses, and vitamins and minerals. There were 27 committees in all, creating a huge bureaucracy. Under Codex there are over 4,000 guidelines and regulations on everything that can be put into your mouth with the exception of pharmaceuticals which are not regulated by Codex.
Codex is a weapon being used to reduce the level of nutrition worldwide
Codex is an industry dominated regulation setting organization, and as such has no legal standing. Participation in Codex is said to be voluntary. But Codex has risen to the level of de facto legal standing because Codex is administered by the WHO and FAO. They fund it and run it at the request of the UN. Since the WHO and FAO are supposed to be about health, there is conflict of interest. The committees of Codex work up guidelines, rules and regulations, and present them to a Codex commission for ratification. Once they are ratified and approved by consensus, they become mandatory for any country that is a member of the WHO.
Codex was accepted when the WTO was formed in 1994 as a means of harmonizing food standards globally for easy trade between countries. As a result, countries must harmonize with Codex if they want to have any standing in a trade dispute. When disputes arise and countries are pulled in to WTO, the one that is Codex compliant automatically wins, regardless of the merits of its case.
Dr. Laiblow sees codex as a weapon to make every nation scurry to become compliant to the decline in nutritional standards. She points out that compliance in the U.S. will mark the end of its consumer protection laws. Codex will not serve consumers. Codex will serve the interests of the medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical, and big agricultural industries.
Under Codex, nutrients are classified as poisons
The Dietary Substances Health and Education Act (DSHEA), was signed into law in 1994 for the purpose of ensuring that safe and appropriately labeled products would remain available to those who wanted to use them. In the findings associated with this law, Congress stated that there may be a positive relationship between sound dietary practice and good health, and a connection between dietary supplement use, reduced health-care expenses, and disease prevention. Under DSHEA, nutrients and herbs are classified as food. There is no upper limit set, and access is freely given. Americans are allowed to have any nutrients they want, because under English common law, anything that is not expressly forbidden is permitted.
Codex, on the other hand, is based on Napoleonic law under which anything not expressly permitted is forbidden. Therefore, only what is expressly allowed under Codex will be permitted, and everything else is forbidden. In 1994, the same year DSHEA was signed, Codex had nutrients declared to be toxic and poisonous. And as poisons, they claimed people must be protected from them through the use of toxicology and risk assessment, under which scientists test small doses on animals until they are able to discern an impact. They then take the first sign of the most minimal impact and divide this amount by 100 to establish a safety margin required from these poisons. This means that the largest dose of any nutrient allowed under Codex is 1/100th of the amount shown to produce the first discernable impact.
Nutrients allowed under codex are limited to those on the positive list, expected to contain only 18 nutrients, one of them being fluoride. Dr. Laibow points out that although fluoride has no biological benefit whatsoever, it does make people complacent.
The codex proponents now have several bills before Congress designed to overturn and get rid of DSHEA. Once this is accomplished, the U.S. will have been harmonized with the vitamin and mineral guidelines of codex. High potency, therapeutically effective, significant nutrients will then be illegal in the way that heroin is illegal. They will not even be available by prescription.
Codex supports toxic food additives, pesticides and GM foods
Time - 8:00 minutes
Dr. Rima Laibow explains Codex Alimentarius.
See the rest of the video here.
Codex poses a significant threat to the food supply, according to Dr. Robert Verkerk, founder and director of the Alliance for Natural Health. About 300 dangerous food additives that are mainly synthetic will be allowed under Codex, including aspartame, BHA, BHT, potassium bromate, tartrazine, and more. Dr. Verkerk is particularly concerned that no consideration has been given to potential risks associated with long-term exposure to mixtures of additives.
Codex sets limits for the dangerous industrial chemicals that can be used in food, but they are incredibly high, and the list of chemicals that can be used is long. In 2001, 176 countries including the U.S. got together and decided that 12 highly toxic organic chemicals, known as persistent organic pollutants (POPS) were so bad that they had to be banned. There are many more than 12 toxic chemicals used on food, but these 12 were unanimously declared to be the worst. Of these, 9 are pesticides.
Under Codex, 7 of the 9 forbidden POPS will again be allowed in the production of food. All together, Codex allows over 3,275 different pesticides, including those that are suspected carcinogens or endocrine disrupters. There is no consideration of the long-term effects of exposure to mixtures of pesticide residues in food.
Organic food governance will be dumbed down to suit the interests of large food producers. Various synthetic chemical additives and processing aids will be allowed, and food labeled as organic may be irradiated. Labeling will permit the use of hidden, non-organic ingredients.
Monsanto, a member of Codex, will benefit greatly as production of genetically modified (GM) foods are stepped up and more GM plants are given the green light. Terminator seeds will be approved for international trade. GM food animals will also be on the way.
Under Codex, every dairy animal can be treated with growth hormone, and all animals in the food chain will be treated with sub-clinical levels of antibiotics, according to Dr. Laibow. She claims that Codex will lead to the required irradiation of all foods with the exception of those grown locally and sold raw.
Dr. Laiblow sees Codex as "food regulations that are in fact the legalization of mandated toxicity and under-nutrition". According to her, the WHO and FAO estimate that of the 3 billion people initially expected to die as the result of the Codex vitamin and mineral guidelines, 2 billion of them will die from the preventable diseases that result from under-nutrition, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and many others. Those who will live will be the wealthy elites who are able to somehow provide themselves with sources of clean food and other nutrients.
Codex is legalized genocide
Dr. Gregory Damato, Ph.D., writing for Natural News, has characterized Codex as "population control for money". He sees Codex as run by the U.S. and controlled by the big pharmaceutical corporations and the likes of Monsanto with the purpose of reducing the population of the world to a level considered sustainable by those promulgating the New World Order. This would mean a reduction of approximately 93 percent of the current world population.
Once Codex standards are adopted there will be no turning back. When Codex compliance is instigated in any area, as long as the country remains a member of the WTO, those standards cannot be repealed, or altered in any way.
Natural Solutions Foundation is working to revamp Codex guidelines worldwide
Some hope remains. Over the years, the WTO has accepted Codex standards as presumptive evidence of the rules of trade between countries. However, several times in history, the WTO has refused to make Codex the single and only standard to be used in trade disputes. Under Codex’s own statutes, their guidelines are claimed to be "advisory", and nations are able to set up their own guidelines.
Since compliance with Codex standards is simply presumptive evidence, and not finally determinative, a nation can opt out of the guidelines in an effort to protect its traditional foods and remedies. The Codex Two Step is a legal strategy that the Natural Solutions Foundation has developed to help nations wanting to do this. Under Step One, the country develops its own food and health guidelines that may be at variance with Codex guidelines. For example, it may be much stricter on the issues of toxins in the food supply or on the issue of genetically modified foods. It may require, for example, that companies using GM ingredients be required to indicate them on food labels. In countries that refuse to use GM foods, this can be indicated on their label too, so that people can make informed choices.
So, the first step is for a country to set up its guidelines. The Second Step is to adopt a national law that implements those guidelines on a sound scientific basis. The NSF is preparing models to be used for doing this that are available to any country. There is a model vitamin and mineral guideline, and a model of a food and health statute to implement that guideline.
Normally, in a trade dispute before the WTO, the country that has adopted Codex guidelines will be the winner of that dispute based on those guidelines being presumptive evidence. However, when countries have gone through the two step process to create their own guidelines, there is no such presumption, and the WTO will look at the science behind the guidelines.
In the U.S. the door is open to Codex
In 1995, the FDA issued a policy statement saying that international standards such as Codex would supersede U.S. laws governing all food. Under the Central American Free Trade Agreement, which is illegal under current U.S. law, but is legal under international law, the U.S. is required to conform to Codex as it stands on December 31, 2009.
This is why NSF needs your help. Because the current pro-Codex stance of the U.S. is in violation of current laws, NSF has created a Citizen’s Petition in which they are asking the U.S. government to amend its Codex position according to the Two Step plan that Codex allows. This petition is a ground-breaking legal approach to compel the government to hold public hearings and move from a pro-illness Codex position to a pro-health position. If the government does not respond in an appropriate manner, the next step in the process is to take them to court.
A Citizen’s Petition is a legal means to focus a government agency’s attention on an issue of concern to citizens. Once a Citizen’s Petition has been entered, a docket to debate it is opened and public comment is accepted. A Citizen’s Petition does have one thing in common with the more familiar types of petitions. Any number of people can add their names to it and become co-petitioners.
So far, over 30,000 people have joined this petition, and three members of Congress have written a Congressional Letter in support of it. NSF needs you to read and sign this petition by going to… On this site you will also find a letter that can be sent to the U.S. Codex Manager, Dr. Edwin Scarbrough, and Dr. Barbara Schneeman, Head of the FDA’s Office of Nutritional Products.
Dr. Liabow is encouraging people to pass the word about Codex to everyone they know or with whom they come in contact. As a reader of Natural News, you are in the forefront of knowledge regarding health standards and the need to safeguard them. You are probably someone who others look to for advice on health matters. As such, you are in a special position to help this petition move forward. The new guidelines created by NSF have mandated biochemically individual determination of optimal health. These guidelines need to be adopted by Congress and also by other countries who value their traditional foods and remedies.
When Dr. Laibow was recently working in Washington D.C. to inform the members of Congress about Codex, she found that very few of them knew anything about it all. As they have become informed, some have come out against Codex. This makes writing to your congressmen on this issue critically important. Tell they about the threat of Codex. Suggest that they need a congressional briefing on the issue and suggest that they contact Dr. Rima Laibow. Remember, any negative part of Codex can be overturned by a guideline that is positive.
And while you at it, be sure to sign the Health Revolution Petition, created by Mike Adams, editor of Natural News http://www.healthrevolutionpetition… This petition highlights a series of actions critically needed to move from a disease care model to a true health care model with the goal of restoration and perpetuation of vibrant health for everyone.
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Barbara Minton - July 22, 2009 - source NaturalNews- posted at BlackListedNews

Im sure most of you couldn't give a shit, but some of us do and for those I'm, trying to inform ya! THIS SUX


New Member
I hear a lot of "rebellion" talk and I hope that is all it is. Let's all hope it never degenerates to that point.

You can take all of ur ak'47's and colt 45's and whoop it up all U want to, but realize this. No one wins without air power. Combine that with satellite imagery and tactical teams using gen 4 optics and equipment..... and it will be VERY one sided.

Isolate the pockets of resistance and eliminate the threats from the top down. Bingo bango bongo.... this isn't Afghanistan.


Well-Known Member
I hear a lot of "rebellion" talk and I hope that is all it is. Let's all hope it never degenerates to that point.

You can take all of ur ak'47's and colt 45's and whoop it up all U want to, but realize this. No one wins without air power. Combine that with satellite imagery and tactical teams using gen 4 optics and equipment..... and it will be VERY one sided.

Isolate the pockets of resistance and eliminate the threats from the top down. Bingo bango bongo.... this isn't Afghanistan.
your right there the american police are already well versed in crowd control just look to how they handled protests during the bush admin pretty scary really.
and if your faced with them coming to your door well that wont turn out too good for you either yeah you might shoot one of them but then you know exactly what cops are like when they see one of their own shot. i dont really have to explain what happens then..

if they had to go door to door doing that and losing men at each stop then it wouldnt be long before they follow the armies tactic in iraq/ afghanistan where they just blow up your house from a distance as soon as they realise you wont come quietly

that of course is only if they do decide to "come get you" and i dont think theres anything to worry about there you'll all end up being 100+ years old and have to listen to your great grand kids waffle on about some nonsense they heard online something about "death camps"
but your memory will be fading by then and you wont make the connection back to the hysteria that alot of you seem to be experiencing now

oh and if there was anything that would cause marshal law to be formed in the usa then it would be a civil uprise that starts it.
probably something like getting mad about health care or taxes or just the fact that you heard they were gonna get you so you get them first...

anyone heard of a "self fulfilling prophesy" before?


Well-Known Member
I hear a lot of "rebellion" talk and I hope that is all it is. Let's all hope it never degenerates to that point.

You can take all of ur ak'47's and colt 45's and whoop it up all U want to, but realize this. No one wins without air power. Combine that with satellite imagery and tactical teams using gen 4 optics and equipment..... and it will be VERY one sided.

Isolate the pockets of resistance and eliminate the threats from the top down. Bingo bango bongo.... this isn't Afghanistan.
Theres a song by Hollywoood Undead called Pain and it even is a good warning....

The necks of this youth,
With their necks through this noose
Were told lies like it's truth
And we suspect that it's you
So you strap 'em with the a-k
It's Mother fuckin' mayday
They swear I'm fuckin' crazy
'Aint nothin gonna save me
I'm breakin, I feeling
I'm naked I'm kneelin
I'm shakin I'm reelin
My god I keep bleedin
I watch the world die through crimson eyes
I cry, it turns to night
I die, I see the light
And now I'll say goodbye

Now I can see your pain I'm sorry
I cried so hard
Now I can see your pain I'm sorry
I cried tonight

If I could take all this pain away
Use the rage of our youth today
Whose to say that it's you to blame
It's the people above you
The ones who say that they love you
Look what the world has come to
So now it's time to say "Fuck you"
If you they care then they drug you
And no ones there when they numb you
Fill you with terror and crush you
Pretend they care as they shove you
So you look to me to find the truth
And what I say is what you do
But everyone you look up to
Is really as fucked up as you
Time is getting shorter
With these enforced disorders
And we get blamed and pushed around
Whose the fucking villian now?

Now I can see your pain I'm sorry
I cried so hard
Now I can see your pain I'm sorry
I cried tonight

We can't stop now
Were so close now
Cause these times are almost over
I wont give up
So god save us
It feels like were getting closer
We can't stop now
Were so close now
Cause these times are almost over
I wont give up
So god save us

Now I can see your pain I'm sorry
I cried so hard
Now I can see your pain I'm sorry

your right there the american police are already well versed in crowd control just look to how they handled protests during the bush admin pretty scary really.
and if your faced with them coming to your door well that wont turn out too good for you either yeah you might shoot one of them but then you know exactly what cops are like when they see one of their own shot. i dont really have to explain what happens then..

if they had to go door to door doing that and losing men at each stop then it wouldnt be long before they follow the armies tactic in iraq/ afghanistan where they just blow up your house from a distance as soon as they realise you wont come quietly

that of course is only if they do decide to "come get you" and i dont think theres anything to worry about there you'll all end up being 100+ years old and have to listen to your great grand kids waffle on about some nonsense they heard online something about "death camps"
but your memory will be fading by then and you wont make the connection back to the hysteria that alot of you seem to be experiencing now

oh and if there was anything that would cause marshal law to be formed in the usa then it would be a civil uprise that starts it.
probably something like getting mad about health care or taxes or just the fact that you heard they were gonna get you so you get them first...

anyone heard of a "self fulfilling prophesy" before?
Resistance maybe futile but who wants to let THEM tell you when to die¿
Id rather die on my feet than on my knees like a cocksucker, and ya know some plp like that sort of thing so........

I hope this is all bloated hype but so many forces are trying to phase us humans out not just by death but by fucking up our DNA so that we cannot bread or survive disease (VERY VERY REAL), just look at whats in the shots, NOT JUST THE FLU SHOT.

I got a tetanus shot a few weeks back (yeah and they paid me $10 BTW) and a few hours later BAM I had a seizure and never had any history, the Tdap has loads of shit in it if I had known about I would never put in my body.


Well-Known Member
it doesnt surprise me that plp don't even comment in here.
I bet they get about a 1/5 of the way done, get scared and click away.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I hear a lot of "rebellion" talk and I hope that is all it is. Let's all hope it never degenerates to that point.

You can take all of ur ak'47's and colt 45's and whoop it up all U want to, but realize this. No one wins without air power. Combine that with satellite imagery and tactical teams using gen 4 optics and equipment..... and it will be VERY one sided.

Isolate the pockets of resistance and eliminate the threats from the top down. Bingo bango bongo.... this isn't Afghanistan.

this is true it would be a nightmare but it could be won if it was fought latterally rather than head to head,

no one should resist openly, but you will have a huge network of secret decenters in the military and eveywhere a free loving american holds position

one min hes saluting his general the next min, he gives the resistance the coordinates of his traitorous general

thier plan will unravel into chaos possibly

we would have patriots in every factory every hospitol every airport every restuart every gas station, silent partners if you will:bigjoint:

unless they killed a lot of the people right off the bat and put another huge amount in work camps. we would have a dirty chance but not if they divide us first which is what they are doing:bigjoint: cuz then it would be a for real 50/50 thing the poeple not on the government side would lose and prolly get stomped to death on the way down


Big P

Well-Known Member
this one? is it good?

Brazil (1985) More at IMDbPro »

.media_strip_thumbs img { margin-right:0.2em; border:none;}.media_strip_thumbs { overflow: hidden; height: 90px;}.media_strip_thumb img { margin-right: 0.2em;}.media_strip_thumb { float: left; margin-bottom: 50px; text-align: right; font-family: Tahoma,Verdana,sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color:#333333;}Photos (see all 42 | slideshow) Videos (see all 6)



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Well-Known Member
this is true it would be a nightmare but it could be won if it was fought latterally rather than head to head,

no one should resist openly, but you will have a huge network of secret decenters in the military and eveywhere a free loving american holds position

one min hes saluting his general the next min, he gives the resistance the coordinates of his traitorous general

thier plan will unravel into chaos possibly

we would have patriots in every factory every hospitol every airport every restuart every gas station, silent partners if you will:bigjoint:

unless they killed a lot of the people right off the bat and put another huge amount in work camps. we would have a dirty chance but not if they divide us first which is what they are doing:bigjoint: cuz then it would be a for real 50/50 thing the poeple not on the government side would lose and prolly get stomped to death on the way down
So who controls the air, water, and well land, it;s not us, can any of us stand up to a M1A1 tank¿ hell the exhaust will melt a car, so your litle home/fort won't hold well.

Also did you forget, we have drones now.

Also if you cause too much a problem it would take them mins to drop a small boom boom on you, problem gone.

I know that a good deal will rise, but in turn will fall, and there is way too man sheep unwilling to do what will have to be done, just as programed.

Ever see the movie Brazil? I see some parallels.
Never heard of it but Im gonna try to find it now


New Member
Yes, that's the movie. Just make sure you see the original.... I once saw it on TV and someone changed the ending... changed the entire movie.

I think U'll love it..... even Bobby Di Niro is in it. :lol: Bob Hoskins as well. great British satire/dark dark comedy.

There's a scene with a desk..... :mrgreen:. I'll say no more than that!! :lol:

Big P

Well-Known Member
So who controls the air, water, and well land, it;s not us, can any of us stand up to a M1A1 tank¿ hell the exhaust will melt a car, so your litle home/fort won't hold well.

Also did you forget, we have drones now.

Also if you cause too much a problem it would take them mins to drop a small boom boom on you, problem gone.

I know that a good deal will rise, but in turn will fall, and there is way too man sheep unwilling to do what will have to be done, just as programed.

Never heard of it but Im gonna try to find it now

im not saying fight the planes or tanks, im saying play nice like your one of the sheep then every chance you get when no ones lookin your duty is to kill, sabotage & weaken the enemy any way you can

la resistance'!!!

feed defeat to the jaws of victory if you will:lol:

thats what our government has been doing to us, trying to feed defeat to the jaws of victory and im afraid to say the jaws of victory have been nibbling on defeat for quite a while nowbongsmilie



Well-Known Member
war in afghanistan is one thing...
war on us soil is another.
how many troops would fire on civilians, there friends and neighbors?

vietnam showed that a poorly equipped but publically supported insurgency could bleed a super power dry..........


Well-Known Member
im not saying fight the planes or tanks, im saying play nice like your one of the sheep then every chance you get when no ones lookin your duty is to kill, sabotage & weaken the enemy any way you can

la resistance'!!!

feed defeat to the jaws of victory if you will:lol:

thats what our government has been doing to us, trying to feed defeat to the jaws of victory and im afraid to say the jaws of victory have been nibbling on defeat for quite a while nowbongsmilie
I got ya before, we are up against ALOT.

war in afghanistan is one thing...
war on us soil is another.
how many troops would fire on civilians, there friends and neighbors?

vietnam showed that a poorly equipped but publically supported insurgency could bleed a super power dry..........
Just typical

The reason no one has commented is because of all the Flouride they drink, Complacent you know?
Yup yup, gov koolaid.