"The Compassionate Tea Party State of Utah AKA What Sick Fucks"..


Well-Known Member
So, a "child nutrition manager" is responsible for the whole thing and that smacks of the Tea Party to you? The Tea Party sent down a "child nutrition manager"? Hmmm, "child nutrition manager". That doesn't sound like a big government liberal douchebag at all. "Child nutrition manager", yup right up the Tea Party's alley.

Maybe you're right, maybe the OP isn't COMPLETELY full of shit and we'll find out the "child nutrition manager" is a Tea Party member and not a big, wet, flapping liberal union dickhead flexing his/her big government muscle. Maybe this thread isn't a steaming pile of misdirection. When I saw the story, the first thing I thought was "Liberals suck" in any state. All it takes is one rotten Progressive apple to spoil the whole bunch. But, I'm sure the Tea Party is totally responsible, not some government lackey doing what government lackeys do best. Totally.


Well-Known Member
So, school teachers don't work for the government? Your logic is pretty faulty. Oh, you gonna cry to the mods again?
1. utah is a tea party state which means those who work for the BOE are more than likely tea.
2. i don't cry to the mods..that would be you and your lackeys.


Well-Known Member
So, a "child nutrition manager" is responsible for the whole thing and that smacks of the Tea Party to you? The Tea Party sent down a "child nutrition manager"? Hmmm, "child nutrition manager". That doesn't sound like a big government liberal douchebag at all. "Child nutrition manager", yup right up the Tea Party's alley.

Maybe you're right, maybe the OP isn't COMPLETELY full of shit and we'll find out the "child nutrition manager" is a Tea Party member and not a big, wet, flapping liberal union dickhead flexing his/her big government muscle. Maybe this thread isn't a steaming pile of misdirection. When I saw the story, the first thing I thought was "Liberals suck" in any state. All it takes is one rotten Progressive apple to spoil the whole bunch. But, I'm sure the Tea Party is totally responsible, not some government lackey doing what government lackeys do best. Totally.
this space reserved for future comment.


Well-Known Member
I honestly hope you guys don't take the libturds on this site seriously, especially uncle dumb fuck's supposedly vagina'd equivalent, shoewhore.
why, thank you!

have a nice day!..i will it's sunny, 70's..i'm going to school and then happy hour with friends from school tonight..then i will come home and concentrate on my "hobby"..have you heard?..were voting on medical marijuana this midterm election..that combined with my marketing savant skills from kushy fortune 500 + hobby skills..you get the idea:wink:


Well-Known Member
this space reserved for future comment.
You based an entire thread on the allegation this was the Tea Party's wrongdoing. I'm simply offering an alternative possibility. The CNM could be a Tea Party member, could have been sent by the local Tea Party chapter or might be a big Lefty sent by "da gubment". I wait with bated breath ​for the outcome.


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight....
Cause well, I am on the"Dole" also...
I really want to understand your rage at this "Taking the Food Away"

Why should the parents feel entitled to lunch that is not paid for?

Why are you "Mad" at the school?

You should be mad at the parents that paid! For they sent the message that there are consequences
"I paid for your lunch on time Timmy, you see if you pay your bills on time, you get a lunch..."
"But MOM.... My Friend Jerome didn't pay, and he was really hungry!!!"
"You see son, if you don't pay your bills there is no "Free Lunch"..."

What a great lesson to be learned... I am sorry your off spring missed a great Life Lesson....
When should they learn this lesson? Isn't it better in school, where their minds can accept change ?
Much better than their parents having to learn about 'not having any money' in their account while in front of me in line at Wally world....

IDK... Free shit to those that are either too stupid to pay, because seriously, those that could not pay...
The ones seriously broke... they got there meals... because those that truly needed a hand out, didn't need a balance in their account...
Their lunch is always free... You are barking up the wrong Troll tree here....


Well-Known Member

Even in the crazy state of utah,

Those folks that work in education are usually left wingers involved in the teachers union.

It might be a red state, but the democrats are the ones who stole food from the Kids, most likely.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, I've no idea where Buck got the idea these are nice people. As a kid riding through the state, there was a PSA billboard comparing the dangers of pornography to a rattle snake. My only explaination is Buck was high as fuck and they were only polite to keep the demon from attacking.
Pornography is viewed more frequently in Utah than in most other states. That little info came from a 1 st amendment case there


Active Member
Some school districts don't allow the kids to bring their own lunches from home. Others are "inspecting" what is brought and have a "banned food list" to ensure the students lunch meets their nutritional guidlines.

I'm sure some kids are making a profit on smuggling in candy bars and other items on the banned list.

How do these schools ensure that the kids actually eat the food deemd "healty"? I'm guessing much of the veggies wind up in the trash.


New Member
what kind of god do they worship in utah?

when i was in elementary school, i was one of those kids.

when i was in middle school, i was one of those kids.

when i was in high school, i was one of those kids.

i wasn't given the generous "option" of scrubbing toilets for my food, yet somehow i didn't end up lazy and on the dole.

finthere - let me know and any time i will post my W-2's or contracts proving YOU WRONG!
And as an adult, you're one of those kids.
Admit it, you're a government teat sucker, you are in record here confirming it.
Hard working people who actually pay taxes, are paying your way for free healthcare. As thanks, you tell us stories of getting manicures and meeting up with your personal fitness trainer.

Bragging about a year or two where you may have contributed, is your way of justifying it.
Like i said before, if you really made $80k, props to you, I consider that pretty darn good for a single middle aged woman, so what's stopping you today?


Well-Known Member
Weird, in my school district, if you have a negative lunch balance, you get NOTHING to eat.

Fruit and a box of milk is way more than what my kids would get.

I get an E-Mail from the school if the kids balance went under $10.

If I didn't pay that money, my child gets punished. I knew this before I let them go to school there.

It's pretty fucked up to throw the lunch away that the child already possesses, that only proves that the money used to purchase lunches isn't needed. The Nutritional person should be shitcanned with extreme prejudice in front of her family and her peers.


Well-Known Member
Pornography is viewed more frequently in Utah than in most other states. That little info came from a 1 st amendment case there
If a state had 1 person population and that one person had watched porn at any time, then the rate would be 100%.

Utah doesn't have the largest number of Porn watchers, it has the highest RATE of pornhub subscriptions. ( a rate of .547%) California has the highest number of porn watchers by far, it has the highest population.


Watch out!! almost half of one percent of People in Utah have a Pornhub subscription. Must be an epidemic!! Probably has something to do with the fact (LOL Cheezy facts) that All people from Utah belong to the TEA party.

You are a terrible consumer of information Cheezy.
