the consequences of gay marriage

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Active Member
who are you people to be making other peoples choices and judging them. that affect you in no way? make your own not theirs. its america don't like gays go live under a rock away from them. its your right to remove yourself away from them just as it is theirs to choose who they love and have sex with just as you do.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Somewhere we lost Jack along the way. I think it was too much for him and he's currently fapping away to some gay porn. :D


Well-Known Member
Carne is cool in my book......but uncle buck will get fucked..................................


Well-Known Member
Uncle Buck, are you having Lady Troubles?

Well.. .if I may.. share with you my advice..
I am the Love Maker, not the Love Taker.


Well-Known Member
i feel this thread has been a fail, as the OP does not mention that one of the consequences of gay marriage is impeccable fabric selection.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
speaking of fabric selection... that plastic does NOT go with those plants. You need some flare.. something... purple maybe..

And that chair? powder blue? puleeez!!!


Well-Known Member
Or "it'll tear a hole in the space time continuum!", having spoken to many a gay haters, you'd think that was actually the case..


Well-Known Member
If animals could consent, would it be wrong to fuck one?

What about robots? If you could program a robot to 'consent' to having sex with you, would that be wrong?

Does anyone watch Futurama?

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