The Continuing Outdoor Adventures of doublejj v.2019


Well-Known Member
I'm starting this thread to keep track of what I will have going in 2019. My farm is very remote off grid in Mountains of Northern California. I'm am also partnering with several neighbors to help them farm their properties. We will be farming a total of 6 large 30'x60' light dep greenhouses and will be pulling multiple crops from each. We also rent a large outdoor space for a full season outdoor sun grow on an additional property. Right now the crew is off playing in the snow with their snowmobiles or snowboarding and enjoying the time off before the season starts.
We will start filling the greenhouses the end of this month for early light dep crop. So, while they are off sowing their wild oats I have begin producing plants for the greenhouses. Here is a pic of clone room. 50 cuttings under each dome.
Happy growing everyone, here's to a good season.
Feel free to post comments or questions, i will post regularly...

The goal for this season.....
Diesel is always the first to greet you at the farm.....
farm pics 6-7-2015 001.JPG

His favorite thing is to chase down and catch things. He has caught deer before. He will run them down and catch them and pin them down. He's never hurt them, just holds them down until you get there. The deer are leery of our
Me too.....I'm a flatlander during the winter but as soon as the roads are passable in the hills I spend a lot of time all the way up. Keep in touch, we have bbq's occasionally....
Yeah, I messaged you before. First time I have seen your grow setup though. Makes my 6'X6' room look I'm trying a Napali Pink and a Strawberry Cheesecake now, clones in the future I hope.