the cops show up 3 weeks before harvest


Well-Known Member
Are you familar with this technology? I would like to have a couple cameras running just on G.P. Can you suggest a system/recorder?
What are some features that one should look for?
Thanks man.
You just need a dvr and a camera. They are pricey. A typical dvr will do 4-16 cameras.
Try to get the wireless cams. Just try and hide them.
They have small dvr that record on a chip. Looks like a motion senser.
they dont, they most likely acquired it from management and possibly was "given" the key by management for reoccurring problems at said hotel. they shouldnt be in possession of the key (just my opinion) but cops shouldnt trample citizens' civil rights either but we know how reality works...


Global Moderator
Staff member
You just need a dvr and a camera. They are pricey. A typical dvr will do 4-16 cameras.
Try to get the wireless cams. Just try and hide them.
They have small dvr that record on a chip. Looks like a motion senser.
Thanks for the info - I'll see what I can find.


Just Google Supreme Court ruling for 1/13/11 on flushing the toilet. You will find lots of truth on what the cops can or can not do.

January 13, 2011 · 7:20 AM

Supreme Court: If Police are outside your home and believe you are flushing drugs, they can enter your home without a search warrant.

Our freedoms are slowly being usurped. The Supreme Court is claiming that law enforcement officers may enter your home if they suspect you are flushing evidence down the toilet.

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court isn’t given to offering advice to people who are breaking the law, even in a minor way. But some justices on Wednesday effectively told those who might be sitting at home smoking pot when the police come knocking: Do not flush the toilet.
Because if officers smell the pot from the outside, think the occupants are trying to get rid of it and burst in without a search warrant to prevent evidence from being destroyed, some justices indicated they would approve.
The discussion arose during the court’s consideration of a case about when the police can enter a home without a search warrant, which the Constitution normally requires.
It’s just the 4th Amendment. Why should the Supreme Court hold up our rights given to us under the 4th Amendment? The courts are giving law enforcement officers powers that were never intended.
There are exceptions, and the state of Kentucky argued that its treatment of Hollis King should be one such exception.
The issue for the justices is whether police action – in this case, a knock on a door – that triggers a reaction on the other side – like noise that suggests destruction of evidence - should justify the warrantless entry.
New Justice Elena Kagan said she worries the court could make it too easy for police to avoid the time and effort of getting warrant “in a very wide variety of cases.” She said that view would require only that officers said they smelled “pot, we heard noise.”
Yet several justices suggested that as long as the police reasonably suspect something illegal is going on and do not use deception or illegal means to gain entry, the search probably doesn’t violate the Constitution.
Entering someone’s home without a warrant is illegal, according to the 4th Amendment. I would like to point out that if anyone can hear your toilet flush while outside your home, you must have a huge toilet. Hearing this noise will allow a Police officer to violate your 4th amendment right and enter your home without a search warrant.
I wonder why the Founding Fathers put this in the U.S. Constitution?
‘The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.’



More clarification on USSC ruling on flushing the toilet. They have not ruled yet but heard arguments.

When the cops come DO NOT FLUSH YOUR TOILET!!!!

The Court heard arguments in the case of Hollis King of Kentucky. One night in 2005, King's door was broken down by police without a warrant. They found King in the process of flushing marijuana down the toilet in his apartment.
The police had come to be on Hollis' floor in the apartment building in which he resides because they were in pursuit of a drug dealer. Although they saw the suspect go one way down a hall, when they smelled marijuana smoke outside King's door, they headed in his direction instead.
They knocked as they must but testified that they heard noise from the interior of the apartment that indicated evidence was being destroyed. They burst in, gathered the evidence and arrested King. The Supreme Court of Kentucky threw out the arrest as a violation of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prevents illegal searches.
There are exceptions to the necessity of obtaining a warrant however, and they center on the urgency of the situation. Law enforcement can search a person or premises if they have observed or smelled something that indicates an illegal act is being committed and determine that time is of the essence in capturing the perpetrator.
In King's case, the Kentucky Supreme Court relied on its belief that the police had created the situation to begin with when they deviated from following the suspect drug dealer and followed the scent of marijuana.
During oral arguments the U.S. Supreme Court justices who are known conservatives indicated that King's arrest fell within the guidelines for warrantless searches. Others, like Justice Ginsburg opined that instead of knocking, they should have obtained a warrant and come back without warning King. A final decision will be handed down prior to the court's summer recess at the end of June.


"I don't have cops comming to my house either. Takes a warrant for the electric company to give info too for you other idiot!!! " said budsmaster11.

So if the cops are chasing some druggie around your neighborhood, lose the guy but smell pot smoke coming from your house, bang on the door, yell POLICE OPEN UP, hear the toilet flush, (your wife/kids/girlfriend had to pee), the cops are coming in warrant or not.

That's what will happen, then you can go to court to figure it all out. Good luck, I hope that you have LOTS of money.


Global Moderator
Staff member
REad the reply I think you made monkey!! Said the peoples names and that they had meth!!!! idiot...

I don't have cops comming to my house either. Takes a warrant for the electric company to give info too for you other idiot!!!
Wow, Stick with your super money "Laborer" job, because I don't think you have a career on the television.
You know that show "Are you smarter than a fifth grader"?
Here's a hint - You are not !
Simply put, you are a nonsense spewing product of the failed public school system, whom lacking a cohesive response to an intelligent discussion containing facts, resorts to name calling and typing unrelated words trying to replicate a sentence.
Drop me a line if you would like for me to decypher (put into little words) for you.

Edit: Goodby Troll


Well-Known Member
REad the reply I think you made monkey!! Said the peoples names and that they had meth!!!! idiot...

I don't have cops comming to my house either. Takes a warrant for the electric company to give info too for you other idiot!!!
that made 3. :(


Well-Known Member
that made 3. :(
you know... we have to have some kind of order in here..... thats verbal assult if i ever heard it.. and unwarrented to... im sure he could have gotten his point and passion along just fine w/o the IDIOT in it...


Well-Known Member
i gave him a verifiable fact as well. he simply said "those people should move".

i was at costco the other night. this lady came up to me while i was trying to load a 200 lb recumbent exercise bike into my truck. she says something about needing a few dollars. i POLITELY told her i didn't have any money. she walks over to my wife and says "i bet he never helps you either. in fact i bet he never helps anyone". it took a second to sink in before i confronted her on what she said. she started talking smack so i said "FUCK OFF LADY" and threw a handful of change on the ground. she snapped. :shock: she started screaming at the top of her lungs, "help, help, this man is trying to kill me", "he just threatened my life", "someone help me", ...... screaming and running in circles. it was 8:30 at night and there were people everywhere. i thought, ... "i'm fucked now". :neutral:
i would double "like" this if i could:)

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Yeah people here are paranoid and fucking stupid. My step dad use to be a cop, so I am pretty informed on the laws. We all understand that their are "corrupt" law enforcement, but to think the cops just go to peoples doors with no evidence and kick down the door is a load of bullshit.

Ok hold on one second, I want to prank my neighbor real quick. Let me call the cops and tell them hes growing, they will instantly go over and kick down the door. That means I can say anyone is growing and they go raid them. TOTALLY FALSE. I am sorry but police CANNOT just kick down peoples doors without evidence/warrant.

Also hope you guys know the police don't make the final call, the JUDGE AND JURY DO. That means your case still has to go to trail, which the police have to show correct paperwork/warrants. I highly doubt they stroll up in the court room without it... I honestly don't think they judge would be to thrilled to find out they raided a house with no warrant.


Just pretend your not home or simply go out the back door and come around front and talk to him, but deff do not talk to him with your front door open.


Well-Known Member
all it takes is "a few corrupt cops".

even though it doesn't happen ALL the time, it still happens. there really is no denying that.

and yes, it does most often get thrown out. but not before you and your home have been stomped on. i guess as long as you don't do jail time, it's OK.


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Staff member
And the basis for these warrants are always so factual. I mean what does a simple stoner have to fear if they are otherwise law abiding?
A grinder, pipe & "a small amount of marijuana". Good excuse to have your entire world turned upside down & your family pets murdered in front of your kids.
Yeah, I look forward to my dealings with them.
Family questions SWAT drug search that led to dog’s death

By Brennan David Columbia Daily Tribune </SPAN></SPAN>A man arrested on suspicion of drug charges and child endangerment said he is concerned with the actions of police who shot two dogs they described as &#8220;aggressive&#8221; while serving a drug-related search warrant at his home earlier this month in southwest Columbia.
Police video of the Feb. 11 SWAT raid

Police arrested Jonathan E. Whitworth on Feb. 11 on suspicion of possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana and second-degree child endangerment.
A police SWAT team entered Whitworth&#8217;s residence around 8:30 p.m. suspecting a large amount of marijuana at the location, police spokeswoman Officer Jessie Haden said. SWAT members encountered a pit bull upon entry, held back and then fatally shot the dog, which officers said was acting in an uncontrollably aggressive manner.
Whitworth was arrested, and his wife and 7-year-old son were present during the SWAT raid, Haden said. A second dog, which Whitworth&#8217;s attorney Jeff Hilbrenner described as a corgi, also was shot but was not killed.
&#8220;The family is concerned with what happened,&#8221; Hilbrenner said. &#8220;We don&#8217;t feel like what happened in the home was appropriate. The priority right now for us is the misdemeanor charges.&#8221;
Police discovered a grinder, a pipe and a small amount of marijuana, Haden said. Because the SWAT team acts on the most updated information available, the team wanted to enter the house before marijuana believed to be at the location could be distributed, she said.
&#8220;If you let too much time go by, then the drugs are not there,&#8221; she said.
Drug distributors traditionally have a history with firearms, which is why the SWAT team is used when executing such warrants, Haden said. If the SWAT team believed they could have executed the warrant successfully during the daytime when the wife and child were not present, they would have, she said.


and fdd, beleive me you live in the BEST state for liency (maybe not best but its up there) over here on the east coast not only would they rip your shit apart without a warrant or a care, there wouldnt be an fbi investigation afterward it would be just abunch of civil rights broken and people and jail that dont deserve to be there, its complete and utter bullshit if you ask me, this country is turning into the soviet union man

edit: also i think we proved our point here as well budsmoker :lol: i am going to be your friend though because you seem like you need one, and some advice from one friend to another: dont be such a douuuuuuchhe all the time bro. theres so many ways to get your point across other than calling people, idiots, morons, dickheads or really whatever it may be, although i may be contradicting myself just a wee bit, this is a friend to a friend telling you, not only will you get a HELL of alot more respect bro, but people might actually WANT to talk to you and help you when you do run into problems here (ie weed growing even) ya know? cause im sure you didnt come here and sign up to fight with everyone about the law and call everybody every name in the book, your mean now, you might find that burning your bridges might hurt you in the end. I understand people think they are right and become frustrated, we are all guilty of it including myself, I think fdd has had to give me an infraction or two in his day, but its for the better in the end because we should all treat eachother how we would want to be treated. :P seriously though , i forgive you, you seem to maybe not be as street smart as the next guy (not calling you stupid, you seem very educated) but you just dont know how to correctly interact with people, okay im high and rambling good day sir! :lol:


look at them, fucking pathetic, beign all sneaky and swat like for one dude with a ball and a few buds like seriously? so fdd, i did read the story the other day but forgive me for asking, what exactly did this young man do to have 4-5 cops following him like that? had it been a investigation for awhile? had they seen this individual purchase something in a shady area and decided to follow? Did they know/and or think they he was selling drugs? It just seems so odd, he walks in and they are like ready for him, and all of it without a warrant on top of it, its like they planned not giving a fuck and getting away with it, like they were going to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, however they wanted. Its actually sad to see, I know this may sound rash, but literally this is how countrys and empires fall. Pure corruption in the goverment from the bottom cop, to the top politician sitting his fat ass in the office we pay for while getting his dick sucked on some intern/lobbyist. This is the type of shit why Egypt is in turmoil, this is why Rome fell.....Its truely sad to see your own beautiful country falling apart right before your eyes...... :(