You're the one who airbrushes pictures of weed plants on a weed growing forum and pulls pedophilia accusations out of thin air.
Must be projecting.
1/10 not butthurt.You can't blame your pedophilia on your alcohol dependency .. nice try though
1/10 not butthurt.
Seriously though why airbrush pictures of weed plants on a weed growing forum?
airbrush pictures of weed plants
abandon, did i ever tell you about my prowess with the women?
i once jokingly said to a less refined type of lady "i would like to make love to you"
she laughed and said "fuck off you faggot"
i said "i want to fuck you, you dirty slut"
she said, ok
horses for courses i guess
100% true story
That sounds like something that a person who prefers surprise sex would say.abandon, did i ever tell you about my prowess with the women?
i once jokingly said to a less refined type of lady "i would like to make love to you"
she laughed and said "fuck off you faggot"
i said "i want to fuck you, you dirty slut"
she said, ok
horses for courses i guess
100% true story
when did you stop raping 12 year old kids and start raping 14 year old kids?
You're clearly more qualified to explain that my butthurt friend.Please explain this process you speak of ?
You're clearly more qualified to explain that my butthurt friend.
Denial ain't a river in Egypt.I have no idea what this process is that YOU speak of ..
1/10 not butthurt.
Seriously though why airbrush pictures of weed plants on a weed growing forum?
Denial ain't a river in Egypt.
I'm talking about you airbrushing pictures of weed plants on a weed growing forum.What does this mean ?
i am waiting for you to explain what you are talking about, why are you backpedaling ?
airbrushing pictures of weed plants
I don't airbrush pictures. Why do you project so much?What does this mean, show me one of your examples ?
I don't airbrush pictures. Why do you project so much?
I don't airbrush pictures. Why do you project so much?
Yes I do, pedophilia.
Yeah that sock puppet tactic where you pretend to be a woman and stalk various members was too original, we can't keep up.