The cure... Still to wet? What would you do?

So last night I finished off jarring them. The buds are a little leafy and not extremely dense, so after about 3 days they feel pretty crispy on the outside. Stuck them all in jars and this morning I think they may be a little to wet still. I took a small one out, and upon trying to break it up it still really just squished on me and didn't really maintain any form. Still peeled a little too. I packed it in a bong and it lit up just fine, maybe had to give it a little extra flame.

I opened the jars and left them open for now. Anyone got any real good experience with curing? What would you do, leave them open for a while, or brown bag them for a while?
I'd put a RH meter in the jar, and give me an exact reading....
70% too wet....leave contents on a paper plate covered, or inside a bag to dry more...
65-70% open jar for two hours...
60-65% in the zone...
55-60% store....
Good Luck man...
Awesome idea i was thinking about something along these lines. You know any commercial sales stores in the us that would carry these? Wal mart or home depot maybe?
Just wait. Set it back out to dry a little more. Link above is perfect.

Your weed will suck (compared to itself) for about 3 weeks, try to leave it alone until then.
Great link too, thanks. I have the jars open right now as they aren't extremely wet still. Hopefully I'm judging correctly but I'll be home with a rh meter by the time i'm out of work in a few hours. I want to get it right at about 55-60% and just let it set for a few weeks. I'm a big believer in the way the gases mix and the chemicals in the buds break down and soak up.
It's a great link.

By what you describe your doing it ok. I got some mini-hygrometers of the internet from China for $6-7 each. I don't know how to link. [ Different models come & go so keep an eye on the site until you find the one's you want.]
You jarred when it felt dry, now it feels a little moist, yes? That's just the moisture in the stem redistributing. Good. Leave the lid open until it feels dry again, move the buds around gently [during this part of the process I move the bottom buds to the top once or twice] & shut the lid. Check every few hours at first [after a couple of days it should only need checking every twelve hours] & repeat the process until they no longer feel moist. The lid wont have to stay open for as long after a couple of days either. Then you can start burping. I recommend you read the thread.
I've recently finished curing White Shark, Black Sugar[?] WW x Amnesia. They were all dried using the method in the link provided. It works, they're all delicious:)
This will change your world. Let dry normally, then cure, no burping.

I'm going to have to give those a try.

You can get a cheapo hygrometer on a slow boat from China.

To check the accuracy mix up a slurry of salt and water in a small bowl, it should be like thin salt mud.
Put the bowl and the hygrometer in a clear baggie. Let is sit for a few hours, or over night.
It should read 75%.

If it does not and can not be calibrated make a note of how far it is off and remember that.

All of my cheapo hygrometers are with in 2-3%

I am lazy and definitely going to try those humi packs.
Getting a good dry and cure can be the hardest part of growing to nail down.

If its wet coming out of the jar it needs to dry more. I dry mine until the outside is crisp, then they go into jars. After 24 hours I check the jars to see if they are wet, if so they go back to the drying racks until the outside is crisp again.

Don't be afraid to go back and forth from jars to drying. Last thing you want is wet flowers in a sealed jar, that's an invatation for mold formation
Getting a good dry and cure can be the hardest part of growing to nail down.

If its wet coming out of the jar it needs to dry more. I dry mine until the outside is crisp, then they go into jars. After 24 hours I check the jars to see if they are wet, if so they go back to the drying racks until the outside is crisp again.

Don't be afraid to go back and forth from jars to drying. Last thing you want is wet flowers in a sealed jar, that's an invatation for mold formation

Yep, that's pretty much how I do it as well.
if i find my buds are still too wet after a few days jarring, i put them in a paper bag for a day or so. works great! then into jars again. GL
Thanks for all the great info. That's what I'm doing now. I have them in shoe boxes just sitting on the shelf, no extra air flow or anything I'm not rushing it as they say a slow dry is the best dry. Think I'm gonna let them sit a few more hours then try to jar them again. Still takes some extra flame in the bong. A joint smoked nice with a little tobacco blended in.