The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
So, it turns out NY State has a law on the books that prevents a NY AG from charging someone for a crime in state court when they have been pardoned at the federal level.

That sucks.

Schneiderman is trying to get the law changed, but the state senate is not in friendly hands. That double sucks. Triple sucks actually.

It means nobody will likely be prosecuted in the trump world. Don't see any way around this unless some other state can bring charges, but since trump's businesses are based there, and his crime family lives there, it's hard to see how this can have a happy ending.
I think when Donald is removed from office he will be charged with conspiracy along with many pardoned family members. We will see if a pardon of fellow conspirators and witnesses will hold up in the SCOTUS. In addition those family members who can be charged in Virginia will be, look for changes of venue etc as part of the feds tactics. I'm pretty sure the Mueller team know about that quirk of NY law. Donald will have to wield the pardon pen before the election, more water for the GOP to carry, the funny thing is, they haven't charged Kushner or Don Jr yet and they got them both by the balls...

Donald is gonna be an unindicted co conspirator at the very least and the SCOTUS will look at the pardon power. Trump can't sell a pardon, so it's not absolute where it comes to the personal involvement of the POTUS. Pardons are to correct injustices, oversights and mistakes in law, not to silence witnesses and get co conspirators and family members off the hook. Pardons in these circumstances are not a done deal with the SCOTUS, I wouldn't wanna bet my freedom on one.
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greg nr

Well-Known Member
I think when Donald is removed from office he will be charged with conspiracy along with many pardoned family members. We will see if a pardon of fellow conspirators and witnesses will hold up in the SCOTUS. In addition those family members who can be charged in Virginia will be, look for changes of venue etc as part of the feds tactics. I'm pretty sure the Mueller team know about that quirk of NY law. Donald will have to wield the pardon pen before the election, more water for the GOP to carry, the funny thing is, they haven't charged Kushner or Don Jr yet and they got them both by the balls...
I'm not hopeful. The SCOTUS will likely fall in with how the constitution reads. It doesn't have any wiggle room. The power to pardon is absolute. It simply reads:

The President...shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.​

Even if he can't pardon himself for some reason, he can pardon anyone else. The reasoning is if a pardon breaks the law, he can be charged with that crime. But if Pence pardons him, for example if he resigns just before his term ends and pence is sworn in, then that pardon would also stand.

The founders did this intentionally. They intentionally left the remedy to abuse to be only impeachment. This was meant as much to limit the powers of government as to regulate the abuse of government.

From all the reading I've done, I firmly believe he can pardon anyone of a federal crime, even before they are indicted, without limits (other than he can't pardon a future crime).

The POTUS is a special person in this country. They have virtually limitless power. They control the entire executive branch, which includes all prosecutors and intelligence services. They also control the military, though the military is bound to protect and uphold the constitution and not the executive branch or the POTUS. Still, they are bound to execute his legal orders.

We are totally screwed. We were the minute the russians changed vote totals and threw the election to spanky.

He will have 4 years to reign bloody hell on us, to loot the treasury, to extort all of our allies, to hand over power to russia, and then he will walk away scott free.

Sorry. We are screwed.


Well-Known Member
i'm glad i'm armed. i think this shit could get ugly.

republicans are low life pieces of shit would sell democracy for power. fucking dickheads are gonna pay...
There's lot's you can do before resorting to violence and if things devolved to that point, as part of a larger group or movement whose values you agree with. I honestly don't think it will come to that, the rule of law will prevail, it is by the rule of law that Trump is president and the GOP own the government, they will break the constitution and the rule of law at their own peril. A break down of basic government and widespread civil disobedience will indicate that the GOP is unfit to govern. This is not a good thing going into an election year. Any thought of canceling the midterms would result in open revolt and blood in the streets. America has had elections, even in civil war.
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Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
There's lot's you can do before resorting to violence and if things devolved to that point as part of a larger group or movement who'values I agree with. I honestly don't think it will come to that, the rule of law will prevail, it is by rule of law that Trump is president and the GOP own the government, they will break the constitution and the rule of law at their own peril. A break down of basic government and widespread civil disobedience will indicate that the GOP is unfit to govern. This is not a good thing going into an election. Any thought of canceling the midterms would result in open revolt and blood in the streets. American has had elections, even in civil war.
we've had to go to war with these fucking retards before. they aren't right....

greg nr

Well-Known Member
There's lot's you can do before resorting to violence and if things devolved to that point as part of a larger group or movement who'values I agree with. I honestly don't think it will come to that, the rule of law will prevail, it is by rule of law that Trump is president and the GOP own the government, they will break the constitution and the rule of law at their own peril. A break down of basic government and widespread civil disobedience will indicate that the GOP is unfit to govern. This is not a good thing going into an election. Any thought of canceling the midterms would result in open revolt and blood in the streets. American has had elections, even in civil war.
Who said anything about canceling the midterms? The congress doesn't have power to do that. The elections are all state run. They would have to get each state to vote to suspend elections, which isn't constitutional.

They don't need to cancel voting. They can just cancel candidates. Arrests have a pretty effective way of preventing people from running. Disappearance is even better.

Even Russia holds elections. One candidate, and anyone who looks to be a threat is arrested and disqualified from running. Or they have an accident. It's pretty effective.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
The plot thickens (and there is a glimmer of hope). While the republicans hold a razor thin 32 seat majority (out of 63 seats) in the NYS Senate, there is a special election next tuesday. If the dems win, they will hold the 32 seat numerical advantage and could take control of the senate.

BUT, there is a turncoat in the ranks. One of the D's caucuses with the republicans. He needs to stop doing that to give control back to the d's. Who know what will happen.

The waltons are spending millions to defeat the D here. $3.5 M so far. For a friggin state senate race special election. Stakes as they say, are high.

So there is some hope. If the D's can take control of the senate they can pass this bill. And at least some justice can be dished out. Not the same weight, there is no state analogue to treason. But enough years at rikers should do the trick.

See, I can be positive once in a while. ;)


Well-Known Member
We are totally screwed. We were the minute the russians changed vote totals and threw the election to spanky.

He will have 4 years to reign bloody hell on us, to loot the treasury, to extort all of our allies, to hand over power to russia, and then he will walk away scott free.

Sorry. We are screwed.
Then Donald doesn't have anything to worry about? He seems a might concerned and I don't think Mueller is wasting his time either. Your country is not as flawed constitutionally as you think.


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about canceling the midterms? The congress doesn't have power to do that. The elections are all state run. They would have to get each state to vote to suspend elections, which isn't constitutional.

They don't need to cancel voting. They can just cancel candidates. Arrests have a pretty effective way of preventing people from running. Disappearance is even better.

Even Russia holds elections. One candidate, and anyone who looks to be a threat is arrested and disqualified from running. Or they have an accident. It's pretty effective.
You mean this picture isn't true? Most of Trump's base believes that Jesus delivered the constitution like a glorified mailman and the picture about sums it up. They need to airbrush Trump into the painting and update it to where Trump takes the constitution rips it up and wipes his ass with it.
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Well-Known Member
Even Russia holds elections.
Russia doesn't have Trump as a president! Or republicans controlling the congress! Remember Donald thought he was elected king, not president and it's starting to dawn on him that he's not omnipotent.

Trump is rattled bigly and so is the GOP, a lot of bad guys are worried about Michael Cohen and his "tapes". He worked with Jared and Don jr in Trump tower for a decade and look how sloppy they were with email and texts. Only arrogant morons would conduct a treasious conspiracy on email and yet that's what they did, wanna bet Cohen was just as stupid too? Cohen's email and texts might be the most damaging and that file cabinet the FBI cleaned out was chalk full of Donald's confidential business and fixes. Mueller and the FBI just laid Donald's life of crime and sleazery bare and soon we will all see for ourselves. I figure they got Trump and Cohen for so much shit Mueller is gonna think he won the lottery! They say Trump was really thrown by the raid on Cohen, a direct, solid, kick to the nuts that lifted Donald a foot off the ground. No wonder he's pissed!


Well-Known Member
The plot thickens (and there is a glimmer of hope). While the republicans hold a razor thin 32 seat majority (out of 63 seats) in the NYS Senate, there is a special election next tuesday. If the dems win, they will hold the 32 seat numerical advantage and could take control of the senate.

BUT, there is a turncoat in the ranks. One of the D's caucuses with the republicans. He needs to stop doing that to give control back to the d's. Who know what will happen.

The waltons are spending millions to defeat the D here. $3.5 M so far. For a friggin state senate race special election. Stakes as they say, are high.

So there is some hope. If the D's can take control of the senate they can pass this bill. And at least some justice can be dished out. Not the same weight, there is no state analogue to treason. But enough years at rikers should do the trick.

See, I can be positive once in a while. ;)
It appears the NY law is to prevent double jeopardy and would only apply if a jury was in paneled or a court convicted and that explains why Don jr and kushner aren't charged yet and neither will Cohen, the feds got lots of time to charge them. As soon as Donald is removed from office the Feds will drop the weight of the world on the Trump crowd, Mueller can threaten Cohen with life in jail though and charge him later after Trump is removed from office.

Donald wants to massacre the DOJ very badly, but is scared to do it, Scott Pruitt is in shit and not much use, too bad he couldn't make Michael Cohen AG, problem solved! Donald has got a raging hardon for Rosenstein and would probably shoot him if he could, Rosenstein is the guy who fucked Donald every step of the way, Donald would like to wipe that smirk off his face.

I still figure Mitch wants to suck Donald into decapitating the DOJ so he can dispose of him with a minimal amount of damage ASAP and Mitch won't twist in the wind till election day, he will cause Donald to force the issue. Get it over in the spring, "We had to put him down folks he went crazy... blah, blah". Use the cover of a big stink and crises to introduce "shocking evidence" to the senate judiciary who will turn it over to the house with the press going bananas all the while. It will be HUGE with the GOP split (along convenient lines) most of the retiring GOP house members will vote to impeach.

Dumbo might seize Trump with his trunk throw him to the ground and take to stomping him in a frenzy!


Well-Known Member
Here's one senator who would like Donald to disappear!

Ted would cut Donald's throat in a heartbeat, Ted would cut anybody's throat and wouldn't think twice. Even though there are only 8 GOP senate seats up for grabs this time around. Mitch is real worried, with over 6 months to go in a perfect shit storm until the midterms and its only gonna get worse with each passing day. Making Donald go away would solve an awful lot of problems and must look very appealing to Mitch. He needs an excuse to act and Mueller has got an impulsive Donald dancing with fear and rage. Decapitating the DOJ will give Rosenstein/Mueller a reason to appear before the senate judiciary committee with an obstruction of justice finding. Mitch is not gonna wait for Mueller to take his time and drop bombshells in the middle of the election, he knows how this MUST end, this is how you try to control WHEN it ends. Remember these guys gotta con the base, media, Donald and you, and try to appear blameless to the base for Donald's demise. They have to "protect the rule of law" and have hearings, once the evidence and testimony comes out publicly, Donald's fall will be rapid and secretly prearranged. Nobody in the GOP will talk about it in the election because it will be, "before the courts". Donald who?

New Quinnipiac poll shows tight Texas Senate race between Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke

Washington (CNN)A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday shows a tight race in Texas between Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Beto O'Rourke for Cruz's Senate seat.

Forty-seven percent of Texas registered voters back Cruz, the Republican incumbent, and 44% favor O'Rourke, the Democratic underdog from El Paso. Both figures fall within the margin of error in the poll, the first major look at the blockbuster Lone Star State race. The election is a crucial midterm race, with Republicans attempting to hold on to, if not grow, a razor-thin 51-49 seat advantage in the Senate. Texas is a historically red state, where Democrats haven't won a statewide election since 1994 and a US Senate race since 1988.

The poll found wide gaps by registered voters' gender, age and race. Cruz led among voters who are white, male and older than 65. O'Rourke had the edge in the black, Hispanic, female and 18 to 34 years old demographics.
Fifty-nine percent of white voters selected Cruz, while 34% chose O'Rourke. Among black and Hispanic voters, O'Rouke led Cruz by 78%-18% and 51%-33%, respectively.

Men backed Cruz by an 11-point margin (51%-40%), and women favored O'Rourke by a 4-point edge (47%-43%).
O'Rourke attracted a younger group of supporters with a 16-point advantage (50%-34%) among the 18- to 34-year-old demographic. Cruz led among voters over 65 years old by 7 points (50%-43%).
O'Rourke also was winning among independent voters, the poll found, drawing 51% of the independent vote compared with Cruz's 37%.

"The key may well be independent voters," said Peter A. Brown, the poll's assistant director. "O'Rourke's 51-37% lead among that group is key to his standing today. But Texas remains a strong GOP state, so O'Rourke will need the independent strength to pull the upset."
Additionally, the poll found that more than half of Texas voters (53%) said they didn't know O'Rourke well enough to form opinions about him.

Trump's role in Texas
A nearly equal amount of Texas voters said they plan to express their support for President Donald Trump (26%) or opposition to him (27%) through their US Senate votes. Forty-three percent said Trump will not be an important factor in their choice in the race.

The poll also found that 43% approve and 52% disapprove of Trump's job performance. The results strongly broke down by partisan lines, with 90% of Texas Democrats disapproving of Trump and 85% of Texas Republicans approving of the way the President is handling his job.

The poll surveyed 1,029 registered Texas voters by telephone April 12-17. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.6 percentage points.

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greg nr

Well-Known Member
too bad he couldn't make Michael Cohen AG, problem solved!
He could have. There are no requirements for the job, though the position requires Senate approval. But this Senate would have approved him. Heck, they approved a lawyer to a lifetime federal judge position who was rated "Unqualified" by the Bar Association.

While Cohen doesn't have any experience being a prosecutor, he is a lawyer in good standing who has passed the NY Bar. Plus, he will soon get a lot of experience as Prosecuted! ;)

Now? Fuhgettaboutit.

But seriously, the problem the brat has is that if sessions doesn't resign, he can't replace rosenstein with anyone hand picked. He has to keep firing people, in order of succession, until someone agrees to follow his orders to cripple muehler. Or wait until the Senate confirms someone he appoints. Which might be a hard thing to do.

Nixon found that guy in Robert Bork, and it pretty much ended Bork's career. All he could do after that was to work for a think tank and work the conservative speaker circuit. He was stopped cold and rejected for a SCOTUS seat.

Anyone in DoJ has to think to themselves awfully long about whether they want to be the next Robert Bork. They all know the brat is a one term monkey. Hopefully that is enough to convince them to do the ethical thing rather than follow the corrupt orders of a lunatic.

On the other hand, if they convince sessions to resign, he can merely appoint pruitt or any other cabinet head for up to 150 days without confirmation. That would be bad. Triple bad.

But at this point, he is figuring that rosenstein is a known entity and isn't budging. He might decide to roll the dice and fire him, and take his chances on the next in line. The House Judiciary will give him the cover he needs. That's why they are subpoena'ing rosenstein to provide the "comey letters", which he can't do. When he refuses, they will hold him in contempt and trump will fire him.

The same will happen with the southern district of NY US Attorney. The acting US Atty, Berhman, is only in an acting poition. His limited term expires in 2 weeks. Trump can nominate someone else, or he can let a judge appoint someone (he will get to make a recommendation). But if he appoints berhman, everything is staus quo, and that's a bad place for him to be.

If he gets to replace sessions and berhman with hand picked toadies, he can kill all federal prosecution silently and completely. No report will be issued saying anything other than exonerating him. Evidence will disappear. Pardons will rain.


Well-Known Member
If he gets to replace sessions and berhman with hand picked toadies, he can kill all federal prosecution silently and completely. No report will be issued saying anything other than exonerating him. Evidence will disappear. Pardons will rain.
Nothing is gonna happen in silence the uproar will be deafening and the GOP extinct except in Dixie. They are expecting trouble holding the senate in the midterms, that would lose them 5 of the 8 seats this time around and a Hell of a lot more in 2020. Have I mentioned civil disobedience? You'll have a very long hot summer in America 1968 here we come again. except the mayors and cops will be on the side of the protesters for the most part.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Nothing is gonna happen in silence the uproar will be deafening and the GOP extinct except in Dixie. They are expecting trouble holding the senate in the midterms, that would lose them 5 of the 8 seats this time around and a Hell of a lot more in 2020. Have I mentioned civil disobedience? You'll have a very long hot summer in America 1968 here we come again. except the mayors and cops will be on the side of the protesters for the most part.
I'm hoping you are correct, I'm just not there. It seems the only reason the brat hasn't fired half the doj is because rosenstein told him he isn't a target at the moment. Let's hope that's just legalese for the bullet hasn't left the chamber yet.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping you are correct, I'm just not there. It seems the only reason the brat hasn't fired half the doj is because rosenstein told him he isn't a target at the moment. Let's hope that's just legalese for the bullet hasn't left the chamber yet.
I think most folks sense that this shit is coming to a head soon, Donald will precipitate something outrageous as a reaction to new events. Something big is about to drop on Donald from a new direction. Some in the media say they can "sense" it, dunno what that means, but if you look at the pattern and pace of events, something should be revealed soon that will rock Donald back on his hind legs. Rosenstein/Mueller are definitely driving events and news cycles now and Donald is reacting for the most part. The Comey memos back fired and made Trump look worse than before and at some future date the "leaker" may be prosecuted. I'm pretty sure the obstruction and probably abuse of office "findings" have already been made and is waiting to go as soon as Donald makes his move.

Donald is gonna decapitate the DOJ and probably the FBI too, I wouldn't doubt he will toss all the regulations and guidelines governing the DOJ and replace it with nothing. Donald is gonna use up the GOP and wipe his ass with it before he's done. I would expect all his campaign contributions and much of the RNC's money will go to Donald or his legal defense team, come November they are gonna find themselves broke and fucked in the polls. House candidates who were hoping for some RNC cash will be disappointed, Donald is running the party's finances now! Just look at his top 3 RNC finance picks, Winn, Broidy and Cohen all are in shit!

With Donald leading the republicans into the midterms what could go wrong?

greg nr

Well-Known Member
This just in. US AG Jeff Sessions has threatened to resign if the brat fires Rod Rosenstein.

Now there is a reason NOT to fire rosenstein. not.

Reminder. If Sessions resigns, Trump can appoint an interim US AG, who would have FULL control of the muehler and sdny investigations. Full control.


Well-Known Member
This just in. US AG Jeff Sessions has threatened to resign if the brat fires Rod Rosenstein.

Now there is a reason NOT to fire rosenstein. not.

Reminder, if Sessions resigns, Trump can appoint an interim US AG, who would have FULL control of the muehler and sdny investigations. Full control.
Sessions has a lot of support among the GOP on the hill and base and would be a good trigger. I figure Sessions is thinking of his perjury trial and the deal he's gonna make to get out with his skin. Muller has him cold for perjury and the only way out is to help him and Rosenstein and protect the investigation. Mitch won't let anything happen to Jeff, if he can. After the midterms all bets are off, the house is gone with probably a large majority and the senate is a toss up. The senate at least might be saved if they can skillfully deal with Donald, but if he's in office and they are carrying his baggage.... The GOP midterm primaries are almost over and when they are, Mitch will be more free to act.

With the GOP primaries finished and Rosenstein fired with Sessions resigning over it and everybody with an appointment before the senate judiciary committee the next working day is likely how it will start. Grassley is from mormon country where Trump is unpopular and he isn't running again anyway.

Like I said before Mitch knows how this MUST end, this is about him controlling WHEN it ends, by keeping the heat on Mueller and Rosenstein he will speed up when he gets the findings. The uproar caused when Donald acts on the DOJ will give them some cover with the base. If Mitch doesn't do this he will twist in the wind until election day and lose his majority in the senate. Remember much of this shit will be coming out in trials this summer and fall, if they kill the investigation then they violate the rule of law at their peril and it will be even worse at the polls.


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Monologue: Apprentice: White House Edition | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including Donald Trump's new lawyer, Donald Trump's old lawyer, and Starbucks in hot water.