• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of high ranking GOP'ers have taken a lot of money from Russia and they will never cooperate unless forced. I don't expect anything unless the dems take back the house and senate at midterms.
Mueller will make em sweat in the meantime. They better hope nobody finds out about any russian money, cause if there's any Mueller will know and after the midterms, if he's not in business, the democratic congress might have a new related job for him, hunting ex congressmen and senators who took russian cash, though it's covered under his current mandate. I figure congress is gonna have a commision on this and a new special prosecutor law too.

The evidence Mueller will put before the nation will leave the GOP no choice but to impeach Trump before the next election. No matter how compelling the case, the base will be pissed. Trump could shoot someone on 5th avenue and they would give him a pass, he said as much. The judgement of such people will be ignored, nobody will give a fuck about Trump's base after the midterms, pot users will have more power and influence over congress than they will.


Well-Known Member
When ya think about it for a minute, Charlie Manson would have made at least as good a president as Donald Trump, probably better, Charlie didn't lie nearly as much! Congress probably could've worked with Charlie, even the swastika he had carved into his forehead would have been a hit with the base. He could focus better and probably had more empathy too. I'm also pretty sure he never committed treason either. Yep, the late Charlie don't seem so bad in comparison...:lol:

Hey the asshole is president of the United States, ya gotta have fun with the absurdity of it all, it's a choice between laugh or go nuts sometimes. Why do you think late night comics are so popular lately and why they all went political. I'm serious about Charlie though...

That would make a good thread BTW: Would Charlie Manson have been a better president than Trump? One psycho is as good as another I suppose.
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Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
When ya think about it for a minute, Charlie Manson would have made at least as good a president as Donald Trump, probably better, Charlie didn't lie nearly as much! Congress probably could've worked with Charlie, even the swastika he had carved into his forehead would have been a hit with the base. He probably had more empathy too. Yep, the late Charlie don't seem so bad in comparison...:lol:
lol, at this point, what do we have to lose?

trump has lowered the bar so low, every one is qualified. all you gotta do is watch cable news 8 hours a day and you can be smarter than the generals too...

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member

The dangerous cult of Donald Trump

I am not the first person to point this out: There’s been a cultish quality to President Trump’s most ardent supporters. He seemed to acknowledge the phenomenon when he boasted that he could “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody” and not lose voters.

Throughout the campaign, and in personal appearances since then, Trump has harnessed the kind of emotional intensity from his base that is more typical of a religious revival meeting than a political rally, complete with ritualized communal chants ("Lock her up!").

As we approach the one-year anniversary of Trump's election victory, the zeal of some of his followers seems increasingly akin to a full-fledged cult.

I use the word "cult" in its pejorative sense, meaning a deeply insular social group bound together by extreme devotion to a charismatic leader. Such groups tend to exhibit a few common characteristics.

They are usually formed around an individual whom they've elevated to prophetic and near divine status.

During the campaign, Franklin Graham,Trump's most enthusiastic evangelical Christian supporter, dismissed his many moral failings by comparing him favorably to the flawed patriarchs and prophets of the Bible: Abraham, Moses and David.

Trump has been spectacularly successful at getting his supporters to believe his blandishments rather than their own eyes.

Robert Jeffress, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, told a talk radio audience that Trump was a better presidential candidate than someone who "embodies the teaching of Jesus" because Trump fit the biblical preference for a "strongman" in government.

Frank Amedia, an Ohio pastor who briefly had ties to the Trump campaign, explicitly cast the president as a prophet receiving divine revelations: "I believe he receives downloads that now he's beginning to understand come from God," he said in July.

The authority that a cult leader exercises comes from his self-ascribed role as the one true information source for his followers. Competing ideas and facts are not just wrong; they are demonic.

Trump, of course, characterizes most media outlets as "fake news." He calls journalists "liars" and "sick people" who are "trying to take away our history and our heritage." In a May HuffPo/YouGov poll, a whopping 60% of Trump supporters agreed with him that the media are "the enemy" of people like them.

The cult leader is generally believed to possess special knowledge. No matter how demonstrably false his pronouncements, they become, by definition, truth for his followers. Trump has been spectacularly successful at getting his supporters to believe his blandishments rather than their own eyes. Consider the fact that in another HuffPost/YouGov poll, conducted after allegations of sexual harassment and assault surfaced against producer Harvey Weinstein, only 8% of Trump supporters believed the claims of sexual assault made against him despite the evidence of the "Access Hollywood" tape.

One of the ways a cult leader maintains his unquestioned authority is by creating a siege mentality among his followers and presenting himself as the antidote. In Trump's view, the country is a wasteland of empty factories "scattered like tombstones" and crime-ridden cities that are more dangerous than war zones. "Our military is a disaster. Our healthcare is a horror show," he declared during the campaign. And as Trump has often said, "I alone can fix it."

This dark view of the U.S., in which honest, hardworking white Christians are under attack by hostile forces, has convinced Trump's followers that they are among the most oppressed people in the country. In a survey after the protests in Charlottesville, Va., 45% of Trump supporters said white people were the most discriminated against racial group in the U.S., and 51% said Christians were the most discriminated against religious group.

Nurturing a cult following has its dangers. Cult members tend to believe that they are taking part in a cosmic performance, that they are fighting in a battle between the forces of good and evil. And if "good" doesn't win — if cold, hard reality overtakes the cult leader's lies and fantasies — the whole enterprise may collapse, sometimes violently.

That some of Trump's supporters view the president in cosmic terms is clear. A month after the inauguration, Pat Robertson said those who oppose Trump are "revolting against what God's plan for America is." Paula White, the pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Florida and a Trump spiritual advisor, recently told her congregation that resisting Trump is tantamount to "fighting against the hand of God."

As to cold, hard reality, the Trump administration is beset with multiple campaign investigations, ethics lawsuits, members of his own party abandoning him, open talk of invoking the 25th Amendment and impeachment.

Trump's truest believers have sounded downright apocalyptic: "This is not a battle between Republicans and Democrats," Jeffress said in 2016. "It's a battle between … righteousness and unrighteousness, light and darkness." Amedia declared that God personally told him that Trump's presidency was paving the way for the Second Coming.

And then there is this warning from Trump confidant Roger Stone: Any attempt to remove the president from office, he said in August, would result in "a spasm of violence in this country, an insurrection like you've never seen."

If Trump's presidency deteriorates further, expect the religious fervor of many of his followers to reach a fever pitch. That poses a risk for the country. Because the only thing more dangerous than a cult leader is a cult leader facing martyrdom.


Well-Known Member

The dangerous cult of Donald Trump

If Trump's presidency deteriorates further, expect the religious fervor of many of his followers to reach a fever pitch. That poses a risk for the country. Because the only thing more dangerous than a cult leader is a cult leader facing martyrdom.
Cheeto Jesus is gonna be crucified this spring, maybe on easter! There will be plenty of martyrs when Mueller starts swinging the sword of justice around, their heads will roll. Like I said before, if yer stupid enough to die for Donald they are gonna give ya a special grave marker in the shape of a dunce cap inscribed with, "Here lies a fool". "Free Donald" won't be that popular a slogan, but who knows, they might have a million moron march. Majority rules and makes the rules too, right now the majority is only capable of stalling, distraction and delay, before the year is out a new majority will make changes and start proper investigations and commissions to examine things in detail. By then Donald will have been a bad memory for all concerned and would be pacing his supermax cell like an orange tiger, snarling and roaring. Or maybe sitting in a corner of a padded cell in a straight jacket with a dazed drugged look on his drooling face. Either would work for me...
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Well-Known Member
lol, at this point, what do we have to lose?

trump has lowered the bar so low, every one is qualified. all you gotta do is watch cable news 8 hours a day and you can be smarter than the generals too...
Trump proved a sociopath & idiot could be president, didn't just lower the bar, dug a grave and threw the bar in.


Well-Known Member
Shit, it looks like Trump might go down sooner than I thought, looks like Mueller is still a republican! This is good news for the GOP, the sooner the better for them, they don't want this shit to happen too close to the election. Impeachment might be swift and not very messy either. Perhaps a night of the "long knives" are coming for Donald as the GOP turns on him.

The trials for the treasonous stuff will come out this summer after Trump is out of office. Wait on the russian stuff, pardons will be difficult to give if nobody is charged before he goes.

Game of thrones here I come, break out the popcorn cause the biggest political reality TV show is about to begin. It's Mueller Time!

Hope this thread ends soon...

Will he resign, or go kicking and screaming.
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Well-Known Member
Get those impeachment dates down for posterity, I'm now gonna go with february 15 th
Trump is gonna be freaking out starting right now! Let the tweets begin...

Mueller ain't going into the cage with the tiger unless he's planning on putting him down.


Well-Known Member
this is going to be delicious. i have really cut back on drinking, but i feel some serious celebration drinking coming.
Imagine all these potheads here who want to protect the FBI and justice department from Trump and the GOP, even though those institutions persecuted them. Even FOX news wants to destroy the FBI, wonder what the shareholders think of that.

Potheads are patriots, Potheads support the FBI! The GOP does not.


Well-Known Member

Boy, all the TV talking heads are smiling this morning! Lots of bright looks and grins. The "fake news" is going nuts today.
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Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
Imagine all these potheads here who want to protect the FBI and justice department from Trump and the GOP, even though those institutions persecuted them. Even FOX news wants to destroy the FBI, wonder what the shareholders think of that.

Potheads are patriots, Potheads support the FBI! The GOP does not.
i've been saying this...

republicans aren't patriots. they want to change the constitution. they want remove the 14th amendment, they want amendments for abortion and same sex marriage. they don't respect the 1st, freedom of religion. they want christianity to rule. they want nativity scenes and the 10 commandments on public property.

in otherwords, they are really dicks and not pro-constitution at all


Well-Known Member
Donald is going down, it's painfully obvious, dunno if the GOP is planning on suicide, but so far they are headed in that direction. Trump is starting to flipout, I figure he's gonna fire Mueller before this is over and Mueller is ready for it, he's anticipated it and is 2 moves ahead. Trump is headed for a grand jury, first a bullshit interview, then formal grand jury testimony and a constitutional crises. Trump would rather bring down the entire country than face the consequences of his own actions, he will try to throw the country under the bus before he goes. Presidents are suppose to be soldiers too, commander and chief, think this one would put country before self?

Attack the FBI, what the fuck do these people think they are doing? How this is all gonna end is not hard to see at all, it's just a question of how many of these shits are going to jail, when and for how long. Mueller now owns Jeff Sessions and whatever he knows Mueller will know, he might even be wearing a wire. This is the most dangerous time for democracy in American history, bar none, many republicans have proven themselves unfit for office, it's not just Trump, he has help. All of them will be covered in shit at a minimum, they will be just like his former investors and bankers, fucked and left holding the bag. It will look good on em, fucking traitors:cuss:.

BTW. The attacks from russia continue with bots echoing the talking points of the GOP, they have help too...

Sometimes ya can't help but be disgusted by this bullshit
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Well-Known Member
Anyone can look at tRUmps past and see that he's a conman,criminal and horrible human being, it's obvious and he never really tried to hide what he was.
How true, in a just society he woulda been in jail long ago, now he's in the oval office and ya see the result. He's in so far over his head he'll never see the light of day again, the republican politicians supporting him should know better, so should some of those around him. This is not going to end well for him and more than a few others.

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
How true, in a just society he woulda been in jail long ago, now he's in the oval office and ya see the result. He's in so far over his head he'll never see the light of day again, the republican politicians supporting him should know better, so should some of those around him. This is not going to end well for him and more than a few others.
i hope it destroys his precious trump branding he's worked for. fucking prick !!!!


Well-Known Member
i hope it destroys his precious trump branding he's worked for. fucking prick !!!!
The trump brand has been toast for a while now, the rest of the gold letters will come down off the buildings after impeachment. Just not having a ton of russian money pour into his businesses will finish him, he's such a shitty businessman and spendthrift that he'll go under quick without constantly laundering russian money.

Trump toilet paper might be a hot item, each sheet will have an image of Donald with his tongue out, ready to lick the customer's arse, just like he did for Vlad in real life. Now that's a business idea give away.
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Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
The trump brand has been toast for a while now, the rest of the gold letters will come down off the buildings after impeachment. Just not having a ton of russian money pour into his businesses will finish him, he's such a shitty businessman and spendthrift that he'll go under quick without constantly laundering russian money.

Trump toilet paper might be a hot item, each sheet will have an image of Donald with his tongue out, ready to lick the customer's arse, just like he did for Vlad in real life. Now that's a business idea give away.

if he owes enough russians and defaults with them, he may meet his demise much earlier than he expected.


Well-Known Member
if he owes enough russians and defaults with them, he may meet his demise much earlier than he expected.
Him and Paul Manafort, Paul owes one oligarch 20 million, dunno how safe it will be where he's going. Donald will be in solitary confinement 23/7 in a secure facility and will die there. He might wish Vlad would do him before he's done, he'll go nuts real quick where he's going. They got padded cells and straight jackets there too, the complete package, a full service facility.

I imagine the Secret Service might keep an agent to monitor and guard him, take the food tray from the regular staff and shove it through the slot, etc.
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