I dont vote usually. It's a joke. Ya know the saying, if you dont vote, you cant complain. I say, if you vote, you cant complain. To each his own. Until I understood that picking between canidates that are chosen for me is not freedom of choice. Its just a choice. You choose one or the other, but by no means does that signify freedom of my choice or yours. It was someone else who made the choices for you to choose from. The choices were made for you. What I want, is for each person to challenge everything. If its on the news, its probably there for a reason and I know that reason isnt in my, or your, best interest. Why would anyone in there right mind choose trump or hillary as the best options this country has? Within that lies the problem. I wish we would do away with this style of voting. Make it illegal for corporations to give money to politicians. We the people could never come up with the sort of money a corporation could give to their candidate. I suggest we stopping talking the bait and realize that none of these ass clowns use our tax money for what they say there going to do with it. This fuckin country always has a war to fight. The war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on hunger, the war on whatever. Yet they never win, the war keeps going. You awake yet? The real war is waged by our government on the middle class. We arent divided by color, were divided by bank accounts.