The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

well, i got in an "argument" at the store this morning...saw a dumbass wearing a maga hat. i didn't say anything, but i had to look away and shake my head.....the guy had to ask me if i had a i told him about my slowly increasing volume, till i was shouting at him that he and everyone like him were the biggest fucking problem the country's ever had....the manager of the store came and tried to calm me down (i've known him for close to ten years)....i tried to calm down but the fucking maga moron had to start running his dicksucker again....and i chased him down the aisle with a can of soup i was going to use to reshape that fucking hat.....when i gave up the manager was behind me with my cart of shit..."go pay for this and go home...."
i keep telling motherfuckers they ought to be glad they're talking shit to me through the internet......

and the funny thing is the guy was twice my size....he kept looking at me like a saint bernard being harassed by mouse.....fucking tourists....fucking maga tourists.....
It is coming down to this. The MAGA cap represents so much violence and corruption that wearing one in public has become the equivalent of fighting words.
it has become the new white hood....
that's kind of what it feel's like...and on top of it, i'm a hillbilly....people expect me to fucking own one of the goddamn things for some reason....kind of like working for u.p.s. and people thinking your a fascist, because you're wearing a brown shirt.....
well, i got in an "argument" at the store this morning...saw a dumbass wearing a maga hat. i didn't say anything, but i had to look away and shake my head.....the guy had to ask me if i had a i told him about my slowly increasing volume, till i was shouting at him that he and everyone like him were the biggest fucking problem the country's ever had....the manager of the store came and tried to calm me down (i've known him for close to ten years)....i tried to calm down but the fucking maga moron had to start running his dicksucker again....and i chased him down the aisle with a can of soup i was going to use to reshape that fucking hat.....when i gave up the manager was behind me with my cart of shit..."go pay for this and go home...."
i keep telling motherfuckers they ought to be glad they're talking shit to me through the internet......

and the funny thing is the guy was twice my size....he kept looking at me like a saint bernard being harassed by mouse.....fucking tourists....fucking maga tourists.....
What kind of soup?
that's sad and disappointing, that a service man is automatically associated with trump....a worthless draft dodging piece of shit
I dont prejudge them and thank them for their service but from my personal experience it has been a lot of white veterans that end up saying stupid racist shit the more comfortable they feel talking to you. The black vets that I've seen aren't Trump supporters.
The Donald Trump Quote That Illustrates Everything Wrong With Donald Trump - SOME MORE NEWS
In today's episode, we analyze just a few words from Donald Trump (a president (of a country (with people in it))) to easily come to the conclusion that he's malicious, incompetent, a liar, and someone constantly thinking about getting away with crimes.
Now, this looks interesting...
Pro-Russian Twitter account used non-public material from Mueller's team in effort to discredit Russia probe

Washington (CNN)
A pro-Russian Twitter account used information from a criminal case that Robert Mueller's team brought against a Russian social media company as part of a disinformation campaign, according to a new filing from the Justice Department.

That publication of documents that had been shared with defense attorneys, but not made public in the ongoing case, was yet another disinformation campaign from Russia -- this time aimed at discrediting Mueller's investigation, federal prosecutors wrote in the filing Wednesday.
"Certain non-sensitive discovery materials in the defense's possession appear to have been altered and disseminated as part of a disinformation campaign aimed (apparently) at discrediting ongoing investigations into Russian interference in the U.S. political system," prosecutors wrote.
The documents -- though they did not contain sensitive information that could harm American national security -- should have never reached the public's view, the prosecutors said.
Yeah, the Trumpers say, let them thar liberals in Florida, Alabama, Texas and
Mississippi drown! That'll git them thar coastal elites, besides they don't believe in no stink'n climate change fake news.

New Rule: Climate Emergency | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
HOUSTON (Reuters) - New York’s attorney general sued Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) on Wednesday, alleging that the world’s largest oil company for years misled investors about the risks of climate change regulations on its business.

This was in October, and now not a peep online of the status that I can find.
Too many distractions.
From the CBC Canada 11 months ago, more on the shit the NRA is in.

Is Russia funding the NRA?
Is Russia funding the NRA? The FBI is looking into whether the Kremlin used the NRA to illegally funnel cash to Donald Trump's campaign. In the wake of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, the CBC’s Wendy Mesley speaks to former Florida congressman Alan Grayson about the NRA's influence over GOP politicians and Russia's alleged connections to the organization.
Looks like the NRA might be fucked, that asshole Wayne LaPierre must be shitting his pants right about now...
Investigators Are Zeroing in on Top NRA Leaders’ Russia Ties—and Challenging the Gun Group’s Story
The role of a former NRA president and the group’s 2015 Moscow trip are under scrutiny.

After remaining all but mum for the past two years about news reports detailing its ties to Russia, the National Rifle Association finally spoke up this week. The gun group tried to distance itself from a 2015 trip to Moscow by top NRA officials that was arranged by Maria Butina, who pleaded guilty last year to acting as a Russian agent and participating in a conspiracy against the United States. But congressional investigators are challenging the NRA on what they think is a bogus cover story and stepping up investigations of the group.

The 2015 Moscow trip has drawn attention in particular because it appears to have been a key development in an influence campaign orchestrated by Butina and her handler, Russian official Alexander Torshin, to try to cultivate ties with American conservatives and Republicans—eventually including Donald Trump—and nudge them toward pro-Russia policies. Amid the mounting pressure, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre finally broke his silence on the matter, asserting through attorneys this week that he had opposed the trip and acted to distance the gun group from it.

But Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, who is investigating the NRA as the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, has information contradicting the gun group’s claims that it had no “official” connection to the 2015 Moscow trip, sources told Mother Jones. Wyden is preparing a detailed report on the trip. And congressional investigators are homing in on David Keene, a former NRA president who was the trip’s primary organizer on the NRA side, according to people familiar with the matter. “This was driven in large by Keene,” said a person who reviewed NRA emails about the travel plans. Keene, a longtime conservative Republican figurehead and former opinion editor for the Washington Times, also sought an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the trip, according to reports this week, though one did not take place.

Keene received a subpoena from the Senate intelligence committee last year and was recently interviewed by the panel, which is pressing ahead with its own Russia investigation, according to a person familiar with the probes. Meanwhile, a spokesman for Pete Brownell, who was the NRA’s first vice president while on the Moscow junket and later became NRA president, says Brownell is cooperating with investigators.

Donald Trump Jr. will be indicted and used by special counsel Robert Mueller to ensnare his father President Donald Trump, a former prosecutor predicted.

During a segment on MSNBC’s AM Joy on Saturday, Paul Butler, a former Department of Justice public corruption prosecutor, and host Joy Reid discussed the latest developments in Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible collusion between Trump’s campaign team and Moscow officials.

“Does Mueller have to indict Trump in order to put the proper coda at the end of the long symphony?” Reid asked the ex-prosecutor.

“Mueller is not going to indict Trump, because he’s going to follow the DOJ employee handbook, but he has leverage over the president in terms of Donald Trump, Jr.,” Butler explained. “We’ve seen Mueller use people’s kids to get to folks in the past. He could do this with Donald Trump, Jr.”

He continued: “Trump, Jr. went into the Senate Intelligence Committee, took an oath to tell the truth, and lied his butt off.”

“You think he will get indicted?” Reid asked.

“If Roger Stone and Michael Cohen get indicted for lying to the Intelligence Committee and Donald, Jr. lied, then he gets indicted too,” Butler responded.

Earlier this week, Rep. Jackie Speier (CA), a Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee who grilled the president’s eldest son on his Russian contacts in December 2017, restated her concerns that Trump Jr. lied to the committee after suggesting in December that he lied on “at least two occasions.”

When asked by MSNBC Live host Katy Tur on Tuesday whether she suspected that anyone in Trump’s circle, in addition to the president’s former adviser Roger Stone, lied to the committee, she suggested Trump Jr. without directly naming him.

“I am concerned that other people lied to the committee and I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out through the Mueller investigation and report that he has identified others,” the Democratic representative said.

“Who potentially do you think could have lied?” Tur pressed.

“Well, I’m not going to go there with you right at the moment, but I think you could probably figure out. People within the Trump Organization who have testified before the committee,” Speier said, a description that pointed to Trump Jr.

After attending a Trump tower meeting in June 2016 where he was offered information about former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Trump Jr. told the committee he didn’t disclose the meeting to his father. However, Trump’s former attorney and personal “fixer” Michael Cohen, who pleaded guilty to making false statements to Congress last year, disagreed with Trump Jr.’s claims.

Donald Trump Jr. will be indicted and used by special counsel Robert Mueller to ensnare his father President Donald Trump, a former prosecutor predicted.

During a segment on MSNBC’s AM Joy on Saturday, Paul Butler, a former Department of Justice public corruption prosecutor, and host Joy Reid discussed the latest developments in Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible collusion between Trump’s campaign team and Moscow officials.

“Does Mueller have to indict Trump in order to put the proper coda at the end of the long symphony?” Reid asked the ex-prosecutor.

“Mueller is not going to indict Trump, because he’s going to follow the DOJ employee handbook, but he has leverage over the president in terms of Donald Trump, Jr.,” Butler explained. “We’ve seen Mueller use people’s kids to get to folks in the past. He could do this with Donald Trump, Jr.”

He continued: “Trump, Jr. went into the Senate Intelligence Committee, took an oath to tell the truth, and lied his butt off.”

“You think he will get indicted?” Reid asked.

“If Roger Stone and Michael Cohen get indicted for lying to the Intelligence Committee and Donald, Jr. lied, then he gets indicted too,” Butler responded.

Earlier this week, Rep. Jackie Speier (CA), a Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee who grilled the president’s eldest son on his Russian contacts in December 2017, restated her concerns that Trump Jr. lied to the committee after suggesting in December that he lied on “at least two occasions.”

When asked by MSNBC Live host Katy Tur on Tuesday whether she suspected that anyone in Trump’s circle, in addition to the president’s former adviser Roger Stone, lied to the committee, she suggested Trump Jr. without directly naming him.

“I am concerned that other people lied to the committee and I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out through the Mueller investigation and report that he has identified others,” the Democratic representative said.

“Who potentially do you think could have lied?” Tur pressed.

“Well, I’m not going to go there with you right at the moment, but I think you could probably figure out. People within the Trump Organization who have testified before the committee,” Speier said, a description that pointed to Trump Jr.

After attending a Trump tower meeting in June 2016 where he was offered information about former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Trump Jr. told the committee he didn’t disclose the meeting to his father. However, Trump’s former attorney and personal “fixer” Michael Cohen, who pleaded guilty to making false statements to Congress last year, disagreed with Trump Jr.’s claims.
of course trump's children lie...they've grown up with trump as a role model......they lie, steal, cheat, practice racism and misogyny,
have no personal values or ethics....because that's who raised can't expect children that were raised by a thieving, lying clown to have high moral standards.....
They wont touch Trump Jr.

That's a pipe dream as long as Trump is in office. I wouldn't be surprised though if they picked him up the moment Trump leaves the White House grounds for the last time in a two years.