The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member

Now you resort to shaming people with disabilities? You Democrats are some really sick people! Going around telling people they should be nice and understand that people with disabilities should not be shamed. only to turn around and do the very things they tell others they should not do. My gosh what a bunch of hypocrites, so sad. No wonder why 3/4 of the country with be VOTING FOR PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP AGAIN. This is why people are leaving your party in masses!

One last question. Did you take that picture from your child's bedroom door?


Well-Known Member
One last question. Did you take that picture from your child's bedroom door?
a non-autistic person would ask the question this way: Did you take that picture OF your child's bedroom door?
see the difference?
you are definitely on the spectrum:
diagnosed with or having the characteristics of an autistic spectrum disorder.
    displaying traits such as awkwardness in social situations, restricted interests, or repetitive patterns of behavior.


Well-Known Member
Rep. Speier had a nice demonstration of how to treat someone who is being rude and getting the better of it.


Well-Known Member
Now you resort to shaming people with disabilities? You Democrats are some really sick people! Going around telling people they should be nice and understand that people with disabilities should not be shamed. only to turn around and do the very things they tell others they should not do. My gosh what a bunch of hypocrites, so sad. No wonder why 3/4 of the country with be VOTING FOR PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP AGAIN. This is why people are leaving your party in masses!

One last question. Did you take that picture from your child's bedroom door?
Where do you get 3/4 of the country will vote Donald ? Trump is the one who makes fun of disabilities. and for the record you have the 3/4 wrong it's 1/4 trump. Do you do any research that doesn't include FOX and Friends ? There's 5 or more other news sources and one Fox. maybe you should be more aware of other sources and real news , Do some real Research and quit shaming People that don't deserve it.


Well-Known Member
Wealthy patriots and business people are canceling reservations, giving bad reviews and not booking at his hotels. The Trumpers will now follow up with death and bomb threats, few of them can afford to stay at his hotels anyway. Looks like Sondland is gonna get fucked in both ends and then there's criminal perjury and conspiracy charges, as well as, possibly lawsuits by Uncle Sam and other injured parties because of illegal activities. His own ego lead him around by the nose and sure fucked him, another one under Donald's bus.
People Are Absolutely Savaging Gordon Sondland’s Hotels on Yelp

Establishments owned by Provenance Hotels are getting spammed with bad reviews as the man who once owned them gets embroiled in impeachment drama.
Gordon Sondland keeps getting bad reviews.

The U.S. ambassador to the European Union has been caught in the crosshairs of Democrats investigating President Trump’s associates in the impeachment inquiry, as more evidence has come to light that he enabled a quid-pro-quo arrangement with Ukrainian officials. And now, as his political troubles have worsened, so too have those affecting his business.

Reviewers on Yelp are taking out their anger with Sondland by leaving one-star ratings for the hotels to which he is linked.

“If you’re looking for a hotel owned by a Trump supporter who gave the campaign a million dollars in exchange for an ambassadorship that he’s unqualified for so he can extort foreign leaders into attacking fellow Americans, look no further,” Zee L., a Yelp user from West Hollywood, California, wrote for his assessment of the Revolution Hotel in Boston. “BONUS: plush bath robes and white hoods available in each room.”

Sondland was the founder and former chairman of Provenance Hotels, which owns and manages 14 boutique hotels across the U.S.—including the Revolution. The hotels had been well-regarded up until recently, with customers raving about the ambiance, amenities, and accommodating staff. But over the past few weeks, one-star Yelp reviews disparaging him for his involvement in the Trump-Ukraine saga have appeared on most of the hotels’ Yelp pages.


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Weissman: Sondland's Lawyer 'Hopes His Client Is Telling The Truth This Time' | MSNBC
NBC News Legal Analyst Andrew Weissman says that Gordon Sondland's lawyer may have had a 'tough' conversation with Sondland and is 'hoping his client is telling the truth this time.'


Well-Known Member
Maloney: I Wanted ‘Accountability’ For Gordon Sondland | MSNBC
On his contentious moment with Gordon Sondland, Congressman Maloney says, “I wanted there to be a little accountability for Gordon Sondland, who I thought was a little smug through a lot of today’s hearings … We appreciate his candor but we should be clear what it took to get it out of him.”


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Gordon Sondland’s Explosive Impeachment Testimony Implicates Trump: A Closer Look
Seth takes a closer look at a key witness to the Ukraine scheme providing evidence that there was a quid pro quo, and that it was ordered by the president himself.


Well-Known Member
and his hotels are getting blasted on Yelp by Republicans. too funny.
There have been several protests in front of his hotels over his earlier whitewashing testimony. His recent testimony has thawed relations with his home city.

In this new version, Sondland said he believes Trump was clearly trying to hold up military aid to Ukraine in exchange for an investigation of Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. Sondland also said that he kept several top administration officials looped in on his own efforts to get the Ukranians to agree to investigate the energy company – Burisma – that once had Biden’s son as a board member.

U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer, a Portland Democrat who recently called for a boycott of Sondland’s hotel empire, issued a tweet proclaiming: “Gordon Sondland, welcome to the resistance.”